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Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Grinch who stole Saturday

We were trying to sleep and sleep a lot, but there was a Grinch in our room who put that to a stop. A cry and a yell for milk and care, he was up at 5:40, we were filled with despair. Tossing and turning and talking aloud the Grinch continued to make silly sounds. At 6:30 I was out with the Grinch.. I mean Gabriel and Javi. We watched some tv and I made them breakfast. 

We got ready and headed out to Masu to eat some sushi, after we hit up Redwood City for KMart to look for a gift, but they had nothing worth getting. We drove back to Tanforan and got the gift at Target. Ran into an old co-worker from Starbucks. I got Breezango and we went off to Javi's friends birthday party.
My mom, sister, nieces and nephews were there. I left Gabriel with them for a bit while I went to socialize with the parents at the party. After the party was over we went to the movies to watch the Grinch.
We liked the movie. It was cute and funny. After we went to pick up Gabriel at my sister's and came home.

Got home, washed some bottles. Fed Gabriel some cereal and a bottle. Took a shower and now going to take Javi to bed.
Watched SNL and going to bed. Football day tomorrow

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