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Friday, November 16, 2018

It's bad outside

The air quality is still really bad. Javi's school decided to close today. I got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, washed bottles and made my coffee. Headed out to work, no traffic and found parking. Now waiting to walk to work. Today I have to edit some materials and run out the clock on the day.
The morning went well, just sat at my desk the whole morning.

Went to Walgreens and got some lunch, after went to 1440 to hang ourlt with Karla and Amilcar. Now heading home. Happy it's the weekend.

Got home and for some odd reason my wife decided to take out whatever frustration she had with her day on me. It's unfortunate  but oh well. I took Javi to target to get the gift for the party tomorrow and came home. Tried putting Gabriel to sleep, when that didn't work I ate dinner and had the boys play. Right now I am trying again to put Gabriel down. After I have to get some laundry and shower so I can watch a little bit of tv before bed

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