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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Preview day

Got up, strange dreams again. My throat is a bit sore, but that will pass. Got dressed,  washed bottles, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, no traffic. Now parked and waiting to go into work. We have a run through of the training with management today. Going to practice all morning to be ready.
The morning went well, I reviewed and edited the power point,  talked to my supervisor and waited for lunch.

Had lunch, walked over to 1440 and got ready for the meeting with management. It went well and we got some good feedback. Now we will update and prepare for the training to begin. At 4:15 I started to walk to my car to head home 

Got home and started laundry. Went out to get food at Red Robin's. We had dinner, bathed both boys and put Gabriel to bed. We tried to make a gingerbread house and it was ok. Now watching women tv and going to bed

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