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Thursday, November 8, 2018

16 more hours

Got up before the alarm. Gabriel was kicking me in the neck and head. Went to get ready, washed a bottle, made coffee and headed to work. Traffic was smooth. Got parking in my normal area. Just 2 things scheduled today for me. One on one training and a unit meeting. Waiting to go in to work.
The morning went well, I checked some emails and reviewed some documents. The one on one training was rescheduled for Tuesday.

Went to Anderson's Bakery to get a sandwich and a Caramel Brulee latte. I ate lunch while watching the Office and came back to my desk to be ready for the teleconference unit meeting. I asked the group to check out the materials and give feedback, we are set for training on 11/26/2018-11/30/2018. In a little bit I am going to start walking over to the car. Have to go get the kids at my sister's place before going home.  

Got home, had dinner and got Gabriel ready for bed. I put him down, came out and we were watching a special on Mickey Mouse. After Javi went to bed, I finished washing clothes and now just finishing up an episode of the Office and going to bed.

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