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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Last Thursday of November

Got up, felt better. Got dressed and made coffee. Still not feeling 100% but the show must go on.
It was raining on the way in, I got to work pretty fast. The morning went well,  our 1st training was packed and I think we did well. There was some question as to which direction a worker should take, but we cleared it up and will be giving the new direction going forward.

I had the left over chicken katsu my wife didn't eat with some rice. Watched an episode of the Office. I was falling asleep so I went out to get a cup of coffee before the next training.
The 2nd training was good, no real hiccups with it. We have 2 more to go tomorrow.  I informed Karla about the changes that we were told and headed home.

My sister passed by to pick me up so I can take them to the airport. They are going to Disneyland. I did that, went to pick up dinner at Popeye's and came home. Had dinner, swept the kitchen and washed dishes. Now putting Gabriel to bed. Soon I will go out and play with Javi before his bed time.
When I came out my wife was reading some of the stories of a children's Bible I got him, he was liking the stories.  After Javi went to bed, I showered and finished up laundry. Now off to Never Neverland

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