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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day

Today is election day, I already voted. I hope others actually go out and vote so they can change things locally so they can hopefully change things nationally. I got up after Gabriel gave me sweet Chin music to my left eye. Got ready, washed and sanitized bottles,  made coffee, put clothes to dry and started my drive to work.
The drive was ok, not too much traffic, there was a dark cloud near Candlestick point, it smelled like smoke. But I got to a different parking area today since they are doing some work where I usually park. Busy day today.
Morning was good, there was a fire alarm so we had to go out. I did some more work before lunch.

Ate, walked over to 1440. Talked with Cynthia for a bit and after went to Costco with Amilcar. Had my meeting and now heading home.

Got some food, had dinner. Bathed the boys, about to shower and chill. I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch. Now up to go to bed. I will check in tomorrow

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