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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Another Hump day

I really would wish Gabriel would calm his tits at night. He cries too much and just can't get comfortable to go back to bed. We lose a lot of sleep trying to get him back down. Anyway, I got up, got dressed, washed bottles and made my coffee and drove to work. Found parking in my alternate spot. Now waiting to go to work.
Got in, checked email. Spoke with Olga and my supervisor about some items for training and headed to the weekly forum meeting.

Had lunch, grabbed an iced coffee, edited my power point with new information. Chilled and headed home. When I got home i took out the trash. Put some things away and when my wife got home we headed out to meet my family for dinner for Dave's birthday.

We ate at Sizzlers and came home, now putting Gabriel to bed. Going to make my lunch for tomorrow and go shower.  Rushed Javi's teeth and put him to bed. Watched some tv and now going to bed.

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