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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Back at it

It was a strange night. My wife snored for close to 4 hours. She would wake herself up and hit me and tell me to stop snoring. It was a bit irritating. Gabriel came into bed and I snored a bit, but not too much as I kept on waking up due to some strange dreams. Anyway, I got up. Got dressed,  washed a bottle, made coffee and drove to work.  The drive was ok, it's still bad out with the air quality. I have a training and meeting to go to. Hopefully I can stay awake.
My one on one didn't come by, so I started planning the flow of the upcoming training.

Had lunch and watched the Office. Met with Olga regarding the power point. After I updated my supervisor and walked over to 1440. The pre forum meeting was good. I sent the info to my supervisor. Now heading to my sister's to get the kids.

Got home, put some things away. Made dinner for Javi, had some spiked egg nog. Played around with both of them, changed them to their pjs and I took a shower. Tried putting Gabriel down to sleep, but he wasn't going down so I brought him out for a bit. When it was Javi's turn for bed I put both of them down. I watched some tv before falling asleep on the couch. Now going to bed.

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