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Friday, November 9, 2018

Finally Friday

Had a strange night. I kept waking up and falling back to sleep. Different dreams and around 5:20 Gabriel got up. Put him in bed and went to go get ready for work. I washed a bottle, made coffee and tried to dry some clothes but the dryer was not hooked up. Later we will have to go to the laundry mat to dry the clothes.
The drive to work was ok, there air quality is still bad due to the fires up north. Today I have training and lunch with Tim and Kathleen.
The morning went well, checked in with Sandra, I enjoy our morning chat sessions, she is a really good friend. I went to the HAAS training and it was good. A lot of good information that I may have to help people navigate.

Training was done, I talked to Karla for a bit. Went over to the food trucks with Tim and Kathleen. We had some food, discussed The Walking Dead and other things. After I stayed at 1440 and did some work. I had to do a last minute edit to my power point so that was an easy thing. After work I drove home.

Got home, watched the kids while my wife showered. I went to get dinner and came back home. We were supposed to all go out together but with the way the air quality is, we postponed it until tomorrow. Came back home, had dinner, my wife bathed both boys and I folded clothes. Just Gabriel down to sleep, soon going to get the last of the clothes and chill.

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