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Friday, November 30, 2018

Last Friday, last training day

Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry and made coffee before heading out to work. The drive was smooth, it is cold this morning. Windy, but not raining. Today is the last day of trainings for us. Hopefully they both go well.
Got a call from my dad saying that he couldn't get the money I sent. So I told him he was going to have to wait until I could go see what I can do. The morning training was packed and it went well. The crowd seemed to like the message that was given.  After I went to settle the money issue for my dad and came back.

Ate lunch, watched the Office and got ready for the next training.  It was the last one and we went out on top. It was good and people enjoyed it. After I came home and we went to serramonte for a bit.

Went to serramonte to have food and shop a bit. Everything went well. We got what we needed and headed back home. Finished up laundry and took a shower, about to go to bed.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Last Thursday of November

Got up, felt better. Got dressed and made coffee. Still not feeling 100% but the show must go on.
It was raining on the way in, I got to work pretty fast. The morning went well,  our 1st training was packed and I think we did well. There was some question as to which direction a worker should take, but we cleared it up and will be giving the new direction going forward.

I had the left over chicken katsu my wife didn't eat with some rice. Watched an episode of the Office. I was falling asleep so I went out to get a cup of coffee before the next training.
The 2nd training was good, no real hiccups with it. We have 2 more to go tomorrow.  I informed Karla about the changes that we were told and headed home.

My sister passed by to pick me up so I can take them to the airport. They are going to Disneyland. I did that, went to pick up dinner at Popeye's and came home. Had dinner, swept the kitchen and washed dishes. Now putting Gabriel to bed. Soon I will go out and play with Javi before his bed time.
When I came out my wife was reading some of the stories of a children's Bible I got him, he was liking the stories.  After Javi went to bed, I showered and finished up laundry. Now off to Never Neverland

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Last Wednesday of November

I felt I slept well. Got up, got ready for work. Washed a bottle and made coffee. Headed out and drove to work. It was raining when I first started driving, but now it's stopped. I am parked and waiting for my next alarm so I can start walking to work.
The morning went well, check emails, attended the forum meeting. Made copies. Ran over to Walgreens to send my dad some money.

Had lunch, set up the room for the training. The training was a bit challenging due to some EWs being asses to Humberto. But we got through it. After I headed to the car and came home to get my wife so we could go get the kids. Not feeling good.

We went to Target,  I stayed in the car with Gabriel. We got home, I laid out on the floor. Put Gabriel to sleep and laid down again. I fell asleep on the couch.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Slept ok, Gabriel was in the bed with us super early. I got up, put clothes to dry, washed a bottle, made a bottle and coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, no traffic. Now parked and waiting to walk to work. 2 trainings today.
Morning went well, got to work, did some accounting and answered emails. On break from the first training.
The training ended well, we stopped by to talk to my supervisor about some work issues and an email I received about the lap top I may get for work.

I went out to get an iced coffee and came back and prepared for the next training. I answered a question from Abel (1440 ew) and went to set up the room. This group was a bit strange. They were split and sometime angry, but I think me and Humberto handled it pretty well. After I walked to the car, it was raining. Going to get the kids.

Took me almost an hour to get to my sister's to pick up the boys. I got the money that I am supposed to send my Dad tomorrow. Folded laundry when I got home, had dinner and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He is not having it right now.
Gabriel finally fell asleep,  I went out to hang out with Javi a bit. Washed his teeth and put him to bed. Showered and chilled, watched Smackdown Live, ordered Javi some books and now going to bed.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Got up early before my alarm. Got ready, washed dishes, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, now parked. Today we start the trainings. I also have to go to the post office to get a money order to send out to Javi's extended care program for December.
Got in, review we some emails. Our first training went well, it was almost the full 2 hours. I think it paced well and there was a good break in between.

Had lunch and headed out to USPS to get the money order and send out the payment for Javi's extended care program. Now back at work getting ready for the 2 PM training.
Training was good, small group and it was engaging. They participated quite a bit so that was cool. After I drove to get the kids before going home.

Got the kids, headed home. I was on the phone with Samsung and Xfinity regarding the issue with my internet connection with the tv. They are coming on Saturday to check it out and upgrade my equipment. After I played with the kids, the WWE ornaments came in, so Javi put them up. After I put Gabriel to bed,  colored with Javi and took him off to bed. Washed dishes, showered and chilled before bed.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Day 4

Got up and came out with Gabriel.  Took out the trash and recycling. Watching Monsters University before the Niners game.

Niners lost. Showered, got Gabriel ready  and we went to the park. We had fun hit it was cold. After we went to the Dollar tree to get some last minute decorations for Christmas and came home.

I went to get some Burritos for dinner and came back home. We ate and the boys played. Bathed them both, put Gabriel to sleep. About to go watch The Walking Dead.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Day after

Got up, got a cramp in my leg. We cleaned up and chilled for a bit. Got ready to go to Costco.

Bought a few things and came back home. Switched out the old TV with the new one.  Rested and headed out to Serramonte to return the pjs at the Disney store and hit up target and came home.

When we came back home Javi and I started to put up some Christmas lights and the snow man. My brother passed by to pick up the old TV and I put Gabriel to bed. Showered and Javi went to sleep. Now watching TV and going to bed.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

Got up, slept better. Javi was still sleeping. Made coffee. Started my Christmas list and did laundry. About to shower and go shopping and pick up the Christmas decorations at the storage room.

Got to Serramonte and it was a zoo. People forget how to drive when it rains and act even dumber when they think there is a good deal. We got a few things and walked around the mall. After we went to eat lunch at chevy's. Then in dropped everyone off at home and went to get the decorations at the storage room.

We went to Target in Colma and came home and hung out. We put up some lights, tomorrow we will decorate some more. Now hanging out and about to hit the sheets

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Gabriel was up early because you know we didn't have to be up early. Came out and gave him cereal. He is now playing here, waiting for the Thanksgiving day parade and football.
Gabriel tool a nap, so we cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen.  We got ready and headed to my sister's house.

Got there, had to park far away. Walked over, chilled, ate a great Thanksgiving dinner and now about to go shopping.

We went to Best Buy and got the tv, after we went to Macy's just to see a dinning room set. Went to get the kids and came home. Just chilled the rest of the night.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Last day of this short work week

Woke up 5 minutes late. Went to get ready, washed a bottle, made coffee for me and my mom and drove to work. It looks like there was rain last night, so the roads are slick. Thay is when people forget how to drive. This morning I have to update a power point and we may do a run through. Hopefully our supervisor lets us go home early today.
The morning went well, I worked on an edit to the training materials and ran it past the team. They liked it, so we went with it.

Ate my leftovers from yesterday, made packets for the training and we were released at 3. I came home, traffic was bad. When I got in, I took out the trash and waited for my wife to get home.

We went to my sister's to get the kids. Only Gabriel came back with us. Javi stayed over to help 'cook' the food tomorrow. We watched some tv. I fell asleep on the couch, might go to the room depending if Gabriel is not in my spot

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


I used my new CPAP machine last night. It was not a good experience. I think the air is flowing to fast and the nose pillows made my nose hurt. I had to take it off for a bit before putting it back on. I woke up, got dressed.  I noticed that my eyes were bloodshot red in some areas, like if I hit myself and I had (still have) a headache.
I put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed to work. No traffic, found parking, only bad thing is that it is super cold.
Woke up a little from a nap I was taking in the car. Went to 1440, checked emails, updated some documents and went to Costco to get the juice, formula and cold cuts for later.

We had a nice lunch,  our supervisor came by and we asked him questions we had about the training. I updated the presentation per suggestions and after me, Karla, Humberto and Amilcar were talking a laughing about random things. I drove to get gas and go home.

We drove out to Kincaid's for dinner Gabriel threw up twice and it was a bit messy. After dinner we came home, I reinstalled the car seat in my mom's car, moved my mother in law's car closer to the house. Bathed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Showered and now watching Smackdown live

Monday, November 19, 2018


The night was not good. My wife was snoring so I couldn't sleep, when I finally did  go to sleep, I was snoring so she couldn't sleep. But the kids slept well. Got up, got dressed. Made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good and smooth. Now waiting to start walking to work.
The morning went well, did some edits to some documents and ate my lunch early.

Went to Costco with Amilcar and Olga, came to have lunch. Have a meeting at 2 over here to go over training. The meeting went well, I updated some things based on suggestions and sent an email with questions we needed answers for. After I went to the Dollar tree and to pick up the kids at my sister's.

Drove home, my new CPAP machine arrived so I set it up after dinner. Javi went to bed early as a punishment for writing on my sister's  couch in marker.  Gabriel took some time but he went to sleep as well. I came out to wash and sanitize bottles , my wife went to sleep early. I stayed up to watch RAW. I can't stop coughing, it's annoying. Hopefully this machine will help tonight

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Survivor Series Sunday

I felt like crap. Super cold and hot. I went to pick up the Ham I ordered and got some Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Came back home and tool a nap with Gabriel.

We had lunch at Sizzlers, dropped off the kids and went to watch Bohemian Rhapsody. The movie was good. After we got some things at target and headed out to go get the kids and came home.

Got home, washed dishes. Cleaned up a bit. Helped Javi shower and put Gabriel to bed. I am coughing a lot. It is not good. Watched Survivor Series and about to shower. Short week this week.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saturday morning

Got up around 6:30 to use the bathroom. Took Gabriel out with me to the living room,  Javi joined us. I made them breakfast. Right now me and Jave are watching Teen Titans Go! To the movies. Gabriel fell asleep but woke up coughing and threw up. I cleaned up and soon will be giving both of them food since my sister is taking them to hop n play before we go to the party later.

We went to pick up the boys at Tanforan. We took them to the birthday party for a school mate of Javi, Zoe. They had fun at the little gym, Gabriel had a blast eating. After we came home and chilled, I started to feel super bad. My bones are cold and chilled. I hope this passes.

It was a hassle to put Gabriel down. When I finally did I said good bye to my mother in law as she is headed to Nicaragua for a few months. Took a shower and bad tea. Need this to go away ASAP

Friday, November 16, 2018

It's bad outside

The air quality is still really bad. Javi's school decided to close today. I got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, washed bottles and made my coffee. Headed out to work, no traffic and found parking. Now waiting to walk to work. Today I have to edit some materials and run out the clock on the day.
The morning went well, just sat at my desk the whole morning.

Went to Walgreens and got some lunch, after went to 1440 to hang ourlt with Karla and Amilcar. Now heading home. Happy it's the weekend.

Got home and for some odd reason my wife decided to take out whatever frustration she had with her day on me. It's unfortunate  but oh well. I took Javi to target to get the gift for the party tomorrow and came home. Tried putting Gabriel to sleep, when that didn't work I ate dinner and had the boys play. Right now I am trying again to put Gabriel down. After I have to get some laundry and shower so I can watch a little bit of tv before bed

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Preview day

Got up, strange dreams again. My throat is a bit sore, but that will pass. Got dressed,  washed bottles, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, no traffic. Now parked and waiting to go into work. We have a run through of the training with management today. Going to practice all morning to be ready.
The morning went well, I reviewed and edited the power point,  talked to my supervisor and waited for lunch.

Had lunch, walked over to 1440 and got ready for the meeting with management. It went well and we got some good feedback. Now we will update and prepare for the training to begin. At 4:15 I started to walk to my car to head home 

Got home and started laundry. Went out to get food at Red Robin's. We had dinner, bathed both boys and put Gabriel to bed. We tried to make a gingerbread house and it was ok. Now watching women tv and going to bed

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Let's see what happens next

Got up, got dressed, washed bottles and headed out to work. Had a double star day at Starbucks so I stopped by and got coffee and a lemon loaf. The drive to work was good, found good parking. Today I have the forum meeting and will be over at 1440 to meet up to go over and practice the materials for tomorrow.
The morning went well, we had the forum, I presented a few topics and later finally had the one on one session with the EW.

I walked over to 1440 and had lunch with Amilcar. Later hung out with him and Olga before going back to my desk for the day. I went upstairs to practice with Monika and well, let's just say that it was practice. We had a few questions we asked our supervisor and support staff. Hopefully we get the answers before the presentation tomorrow afternoon.
Around 4:15 I headed home to take out the trash and wait for my wife to get home so we can go get the kids.

Picked up the kids at my sister's and went to get some Popeye's for dinner. Got home ate dinner, played with the kids a bit. I put Gabriel to bed and after it was Javi's turn. Watched a bit of the CMA awards. Now going to watch an episode of the Office and go to bed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Back at it

It was a strange night. My wife snored for close to 4 hours. She would wake herself up and hit me and tell me to stop snoring. It was a bit irritating. Gabriel came into bed and I snored a bit, but not too much as I kept on waking up due to some strange dreams. Anyway, I got up. Got dressed,  washed a bottle, made coffee and drove to work.  The drive was ok, it's still bad out with the air quality. I have a training and meeting to go to. Hopefully I can stay awake.
My one on one didn't come by, so I started planning the flow of the upcoming training.

Had lunch and watched the Office. Met with Olga regarding the power point. After I updated my supervisor and walked over to 1440. The pre forum meeting was good. I sent the info to my supervisor. Now heading to my sister's to get the kids.

Got home, put some things away. Made dinner for Javi, had some spiked egg nog. Played around with both of them, changed them to their pjs and I took a shower. Tried putting Gabriel down to sleep, but he wasn't going down so I brought him out for a bit. When it was Javi's turn for bed I put both of them down. I watched some tv before falling asleep on the couch. Now going to bed.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Day off

Today we had a day off to observe Veterans day. I got up around 6:30 and took Gabriel to the living room for a bit. Javi woke up and came out so we were hanging out until my wife woke up. It's cold out today. I think I may want to go grab some breakfast somewhere.
Went to get some McDonald's breakfast, haven't had it in a long time. Filled up the car with gas and went home.

Napped with Gabriel and had lunch, later went to Costco to get some things we needed. After headed home and put things away while waiting for the Niners game to start.

Game was ok, the Niners decided that a FG effort was good enough to win. So they lost when Eli Manning and the Giants went ahead with a TD. About to shower and maybe catch RAW.
My tummy hurts, hopefully I can sleep well. Tomorrow back to work

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veteran's Day

It's veteran's day today. A great day to thank those who have served and continue to serve our country. Got up and came out the living room. My wife and kids were already up. I took a shower and I am hanging out with the kids while my wife and mother in law go shopping.

Got ready and after Gabriel woke up from his nap, I got him ready and headed out to the park for a bit. I met my mom and sister with the kids there. They played for a while, my wife showed up and we hung out a bit more. I dropped them off at the house and went to Target to get some diapers and formula. When I got home I made dinner.

Hung out and played with the kids. Fed Gabriel a bottle and he played some more. I drew a Christmas tree from the nightmare before Christmas movie that Javi wanted. After I tried to watch some tv but Gabriel was tossing and turning and we had to try and put him down again. Going to see how that goes.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Grinch who stole Saturday

We were trying to sleep and sleep a lot, but there was a Grinch in our room who put that to a stop. A cry and a yell for milk and care, he was up at 5:40, we were filled with despair. Tossing and turning and talking aloud the Grinch continued to make silly sounds. At 6:30 I was out with the Grinch.. I mean Gabriel and Javi. We watched some tv and I made them breakfast. 

We got ready and headed out to Masu to eat some sushi, after we hit up Redwood City for KMart to look for a gift, but they had nothing worth getting. We drove back to Tanforan and got the gift at Target. Ran into an old co-worker from Starbucks. I got Breezango and we went off to Javi's friends birthday party.
My mom, sister, nieces and nephews were there. I left Gabriel with them for a bit while I went to socialize with the parents at the party. After the party was over we went to the movies to watch the Grinch.
We liked the movie. It was cute and funny. After we went to pick up Gabriel at my sister's and came home.

Got home, washed some bottles. Fed Gabriel some cereal and a bottle. Took a shower and now going to take Javi to bed.
Watched SNL and going to bed. Football day tomorrow

Friday, November 9, 2018

Finally Friday

Had a strange night. I kept waking up and falling back to sleep. Different dreams and around 5:20 Gabriel got up. Put him in bed and went to go get ready for work. I washed a bottle, made coffee and tried to dry some clothes but the dryer was not hooked up. Later we will have to go to the laundry mat to dry the clothes.
The drive to work was ok, there air quality is still bad due to the fires up north. Today I have training and lunch with Tim and Kathleen.
The morning went well, checked in with Sandra, I enjoy our morning chat sessions, she is a really good friend. I went to the HAAS training and it was good. A lot of good information that I may have to help people navigate.

Training was done, I talked to Karla for a bit. Went over to the food trucks with Tim and Kathleen. We had some food, discussed The Walking Dead and other things. After I stayed at 1440 and did some work. I had to do a last minute edit to my power point so that was an easy thing. After work I drove home.

Got home, watched the kids while my wife showered. I went to get dinner and came back home. We were supposed to all go out together but with the way the air quality is, we postponed it until tomorrow. Came back home, had dinner, my wife bathed both boys and I folded clothes. Just Gabriel down to sleep, soon going to get the last of the clothes and chill.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

16 more hours

Got up before the alarm. Gabriel was kicking me in the neck and head. Went to get ready, washed a bottle, made coffee and headed to work. Traffic was smooth. Got parking in my normal area. Just 2 things scheduled today for me. One on one training and a unit meeting. Waiting to go in to work.
The morning went well, I checked some emails and reviewed some documents. The one on one training was rescheduled for Tuesday.

Went to Anderson's Bakery to get a sandwich and a Caramel Brulee latte. I ate lunch while watching the Office and came back to my desk to be ready for the teleconference unit meeting. I asked the group to check out the materials and give feedback, we are set for training on 11/26/2018-11/30/2018. In a little bit I am going to start walking over to the car. Have to go get the kids at my sister's place before going home.  

Got home, had dinner and got Gabriel ready for bed. I put him down, came out and we were watching a special on Mickey Mouse. After Javi went to bed, I finished washing clothes and now just finishing up an episode of the Office and going to bed.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Another Hump day

I really would wish Gabriel would calm his tits at night. He cries too much and just can't get comfortable to go back to bed. We lose a lot of sleep trying to get him back down. Anyway, I got up, got dressed, washed bottles and made my coffee and drove to work. Found parking in my alternate spot. Now waiting to go to work.
Got in, checked email. Spoke with Olga and my supervisor about some items for training and headed to the weekly forum meeting.

Had lunch, grabbed an iced coffee, edited my power point with new information. Chilled and headed home. When I got home i took out the trash. Put some things away and when my wife got home we headed out to meet my family for dinner for Dave's birthday.

We ate at Sizzlers and came home, now putting Gabriel to bed. Going to make my lunch for tomorrow and go shower.  Rushed Javi's teeth and put him to bed. Watched some tv and now going to bed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day

Today is election day, I already voted. I hope others actually go out and vote so they can change things locally so they can hopefully change things nationally. I got up after Gabriel gave me sweet Chin music to my left eye. Got ready, washed and sanitized bottles,  made coffee, put clothes to dry and started my drive to work.
The drive was ok, not too much traffic, there was a dark cloud near Candlestick point, it smelled like smoke. But I got to a different parking area today since they are doing some work where I usually park. Busy day today.
Morning was good, there was a fire alarm so we had to go out. I did some more work before lunch.

Ate, walked over to 1440. Talked with Cynthia for a bit and after went to Costco with Amilcar. Had my meeting and now heading home.

Got some food, had dinner. Bathed the boys, about to shower and chill. I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch. Now up to go to bed. I will check in tomorrow

Monday, November 5, 2018

First Monday in November

Slept ok until Gabriel came in the bed. Then I think I started snoring. Good thing I have my appointment today with the sleep technician. I got up, got ready, washed and sanitized bottles, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was ok, not too much traffic. Got a parking spot and now waiting to walk to work.
The morning was good, got some things done. Met with my supervisor and sent an email to the team.

Had lunch. Left work at 1:30. I have an appointment at Kiaser for the sleep technician. Walked to the car and drove over. He ordered me a new machine and I have to wait 2-3 weeks. Now going home to chill before getting the kids.

Got the kids and came home. Had dinner, got things ready for tomorrow. Washed clothes and watching some Netflix before bed. Gabriel threw up again so we had to deal with that and put him back to sleep.

Today was my Dad's birthday. He passed away a few years ago from his battle with leukemia. He was and continues to he a great role model for me. I had a dream with him a few days ago, I gave him a hug and told him how much we love and miss him.
Happy Birthday Dad

Sunday, November 4, 2018


It was daylight saving time and we had to turn the clocks 1 hour back. We got up. I made breakfast and we cleaned up a bit and got rid of some clothes. Later we have a birthday party to go to.

I bathed both boys and tool a shower, got ready. Right now Gabriel is napping. Soon I will get the bag ready to go. We went to JJ's party. It was nice, after we hit up Target and came home to watch the Walking Dead.

Watched the Walking Dead and went to put Gabriel to sleep. After hung out for a bit and took Javi to bed. Watched some tv and headed off to sleep

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Got up, Gabriel had thrown up at night so I double checked the bed and other things for vomit. I got ready and went to City Toyota to drop off the car and got a Lyft back home.

Drove to Milpitas to the great mall. Walked around, no shopping for me. About to have lunch and go pick up the camry. Got the car, came home. Super gassy, trying to relax but it's hard with the kids running around and me not feeling well.

About to feed Gabriel and go shower. I had to put Gabriel to sleep again. I got the video game system I ordered in and I was showing Javi how to play Super Mario Bros. Tomorrow I will try to show him some more tricks. Watched Super Troopers 2 and about to go to bed.

Friday, November 2, 2018


Gabriel had a much better night, he woke up twice but went back to sleep by himself. Hopefully this is a start of a good trend. I got ready, put clothes to wash and dry. Made my coffee and headed out to work.  The drive was good, some traffic so I got off earlier. I have one presentation today and maybe I will watch some of the Crown Jewel event.
Did the presentation after having to find a room, that went ok. After I came upstairs and printed out some things, I am not feeling well. My bones ache and my stomach is all messed up.

Went to get a wrap and OJ to settle my body down. It worked a bit. It's so damn hot here, going to 1440 to cool off. Got to 1440 and talked to a few people and I was able to get some information and answer some emails. After I headed home. My bones hurt. My sister picked up Javi and we headed out to Serramonte with Gabriel.

I got some wonderful news today. A very good friend and his wife are expecting a child. We had to go shopping for a birthday gift for Sunday. A friends son is turning 1.
We got home and we chilled gave Gabriel a quick body wash as he had an accident at serramonte. I showed and now waiting for Javi to get back home so I can go to bed.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Not sure if I mentioned this but yesterday on Halloween, Stretch, Willie McCovey passed away. He was a true Giant and from all indications, a really good person. May he rest in peace. Last night Gabriel did ok, be did get weird towards 5 am. We need to break him of some habits. I had a dream with Dave last night, it involved Disneyland and it was nice to see him again.
Got up, got dressed,  washed and sanitized bottles. Got my coffee and headed to work. The drive was smooth and now parked and waiting for time to start walking to my desk.
The morning went well. We had our meeting and that was interesting.  We voiced our concerns and went on with the day.

I went to the Market to get food. Ate, watched some Office episodes a d got ready for my afternoon presentation.  That went by quick. After I drove home to get my wife and we went to get the kids.
We got the kids and headed to put gas in the truck and got food.

Got home, ate dinner. Bathed both boys. Took a shower, tried again to put Gabriel to bed. Eventually he did. The Niners won, they beat the Raiders in the last Battle of the Bay. Now going to bed