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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

She says I am the one...

Gabriel was still sleeping when I got up to get ready. I packed my lunch and made Gabriel a bottle before I started off my drive to work. The drive was good, no traffic, just a bit slow trying to get off the exit, but I was able to find good parking. This morning my head has been racing about what to do with the mess of toys in the playroom. Let's see how today goes.
Looks like I will be introduced to the MC folks during the forum here. So about to go check that out.
So it looks like the electrician made it to the house and fixed the issues with the lights. So during the meeting there was an idea proposed for a task unit, where EW's were selected to help out other EW's that are struggling with task. The idea sounded great today, just as it did when I was talking about it and suggested it last year. I guess it wasn't a good idea when I was talking about it, but today it was the cat's pajamas.  Oh well.
After the meeting went to Costco to get formula, I was going to get it Friday, but I decided to get them today. I also bought the Disneyland tickets for our upcoming trip in June.

Was watching a bit of Santa Clarita Diet and took a nice walk. Right now just hanging out outside enjoying the weather.  I have to head home fast today to meet the plumber.
So I get home, no plumber. Called him and he says he is on South Van Ness and would be here shortly. First off that is a lie, there is a sh*t load of traffic, so my wife stayed while I went to get the kids.
I got to my sisters and I installed the car seat and went in to get the kiddos. After a bit headed home.

Had to call the plumber again, it was almost 6:20 and he was still not here. When he finally showed up, he took a few pictures and left, did nothing. I gave Javi a bath and now about to feed Gabriel.
Little man went down, I took a shower and after played cards with Javi, when my wife was done showering she came over and won 2 hands which caused Javi to cry like a lunatic and woke up Gabriel. My wife had to go calm him down and get him to sleep. Going to finish watching a show and head to bed. 2 more days until the weekend.

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