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Thursday, May 3, 2018

I need you now

Woke up a few times. Gabriel had a bad night, he was moving around a lot and crying trying to get comfortable. I gave him a bottle and put him back down, some time later he was squirming again and trying to find the right spot for him.
I woke up, got dressed, made my coffee, made a bottle and started the drive to work. The drive was good, slight traffic, but not a long delay. Listening to Talk is Jericho with The Young Bucks while I wait to go in to work. Let's see what happens today.
Got in, checked in and went to the first unit meeting, after that I was sent back to my desk to review again.
Spent the morning hanging out, helping others, went on a coffee run and chilled until lunch.

Ate the leftovers from Chili's and took a walk and hung out outside for a bit. I saw a few people I hadn't seen in a bit. After I went back in to work and reviewed some more. Quitting time came and I headed out to come home and get my wife and Gabriel. We went to pick up Javi and got some food and headed back home.

We got home,  ate and hung out. It was bath night for the boys.  My wife bathed Gabriel and I bathed Javi. After I put him to bed and we watched some tv. Pretty standard night,  I love those.  On to the next.

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