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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Say Hey!

Woke up and tried to feed Gabriel. He only had about 2 ounces. I brought him out to the living room and he ended up pooping. When I went to change him he had gotten it all over his back and it got on the bed. I changed him and brought him out. I called DirecTV while I made him some cereal, I asked his Abuela to feed him as I had to talk to the agent on the phone that did nothing to help. I called after and the lady that picked up was more helpful. So we should be getting new boxes on Saturday.
We watched SNL and are about to get ready to go out to the park. WWE Backlash is on tonight.

We went to Chevy's because they wanted to eat there. Eventhough I have been mentioning several times that I wanted to eat burritos, they still chose Chevy's so later on I cannot eat a burrito. After three we came to drop off my mother in law with Gabriel and took Javi out to the park.
It was windy, we played for a bit and after we hit up Target for some snacks for Gabriel and a case of beer for me.
Now we are home, I am waiting for Backlash to start.

Backlash started and I was hanging out with Javi and Gabriel in the playroom. I watched the show off and on since life happens. Both boys showered and we played some more. I put Gabriel to sleep and after I took a shower brushed Javi's teeth and sent him to bed. After that I kind of dozed off on the couch. Going to bed now, tomorrow is my 37th birthday. It should be a fun day.

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