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Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial day

First I would like to say that not only today, but everyday we should be thankful for those who sacrificed their lives and for those who continue to fight for our freedom. On days like this I thank my Dad for his service.
This morning Gabriel woke up around 6:50, I gave him his bottle and brought him out to the living room and he's been playing. Still very tired.
Hung out for most of the morning.

They got ready and went to have lunch. I stayed back to rest and possibly go watch Solo. Not sure though, really want to see it with my wife but I don't think that will happen today. It's funny, but it doesn't surprise me that she thinks that I am angry right now for no reason, but she doesn't see that I am disappointed in the fact that my concerns about driving with people without a seat belt was disregarded,  anything I say is taken as negative and that her nephew continues to talk down to our son. I guess in her eyes I have no valid reason but it is what it is. She always gets that way when her family or friends are here.
They came home and went to the park. I stayed back with Gabriel and played with him and fed him and after some time was able to put him down for a nap.

I was watching RAW and my wife said she needed to go to Target, so we did. We took Andres since Javi didn't want to go, so he stayed behind. We got a lot of groceries and baby food. After we can home, had chili dogs and rested until we went to bed. Tomorrow a new work week begins

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