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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sending out an S.O.S.

Woke up, Gabriel was at an angle, moved the pillows to block him from moving. Went to get ready and washed some bottles. Made coffee and headed out to work. The drive in was smooth, no traffic. Found parking in my usual area. Now waiting for time to start walking in. Today I need to get gas and possibly go to the Dollar Tree to get a gift bag.
Had coffee and a cookie, went down to my desk and waited for the afternoon conference call.

Had lunch with Tim, he wanted to talk about some things that were bothering him about work. He is a really good EW, it is a shame how people do him dirty. But I advised him to just keep pulling through and his work will show what he is capable of.
At 2 I had the conference call and presented the MC portion. After that it was pretty much smooth sailing.
Apparently there is a potential civil war about to break out in Nicaragua and my dad does not want to come back here and didn't get extra food just in case.
Hopefully everything will settle down soon.

Went to get some popeye's chicken and came home. Fed Gabriel and put him to bed, took a shower and now hanging out.
Watched some tv and played Candy Crush. Opened a few of the wrestlers that I have been lagging on to make space. Now going to bed, Giants dropped one in OT. It's Friday tomorrow and I'm ready to be done with this week. Good night everyone

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