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Saturday, May 5, 2018

It's the freakin' weekend baby about to have me some fun

Got up a few times due to Gabriel. Made coffee, cleaned the bed and changed Gabriel. Now we are in the room playing. Going to get ready in a bit for lunch.
Got ready and started the drive to Masu for all you can eat sushi.

We got to the restaurant,  there were 12 of us. We had a good meal and a good time. I got some cool gifts, a gift card for Amazon, a Giants shirt and patch and a Macho Man robe. After we went to Toys R us in Redwood City and passed by Starbucks for a treat and came home.
When we got here I played a game with Javi and now trying to give Gabriel some milk, even though he does not want it.

Did nothing. We were supposed to go to the movies, but as usual since it was to go to a movie that I wanted to go to no real effort was made. Really sucks to on my birthday weekend that people ask me what I want to do and I say what I want to do and I don't get to do it. But oh well. Let's see if my request to have someone help my kids pack up the gifts that they got for me happens.
About to watch some TV and go to sleep later. Pretty bummed out to be honest, but like I said, since it's me, no one really cares. Let's see what tomorrow brings

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