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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Almost there

Gabriel woke up around 1:30, I changed him, my wife fed him and put him down, he was moving a lot and slapping my arm. I woke up at 5:45 and started to get ready for work. Same as usual, washed bottles and made coffee and took off for work. The drive was cool, today is still cold and still windy. They say it will change by this weekend.
Today I have 2 meetings. Those should be interesting
The morning meeting went well. It was the 4 program analysts and the rest of the program specialist. We introduced ourselves and told everyone what we feel we are good at and why we like doing what we do. After the meeting I checked some emails and ran over to 1440 to drop off a signed framed picture to put in Tim's cubicle as a surprise welcome back gag gift. After that came back over here to do some things.

Had lunch, was doing some accounting and also paid the invoice for Javi's 2 week Spanish camp. Going to see if his Grandmas are able to teach him some Spanish this summer. I was able to talk to him for a bit, he is sad because it's his last day at TK. He really enjoyed the class.
Had my weekly unit meeting and now just waiting for time to pass to go home. Have to go put the trash and recycling bins away.

Went to put gas in the car and headed home, put the bins away. We then loaded up the car and went to get gas and go to serramonte. We ate dinner and did some quick shopping and came back home. My sister in law and nephews are packing up as they leave tonight. I put Gabriel to sleep, I'll let Javi stay up a bit so he can play with his cousins before they leave.
Gabriel woke up around 10 and I had to fight to put him back down. But I did, about to get some rest. Off early tomorrow and off to Disneyland.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hump day

Gabriel did not have a good night. He woke up a little after 12 and then around 4:50. I think he has gas issues. I got up, got ready, washed bottles and headed out. It is cold and windy today. Hopefully today will be a good day. I was reviewing a power point on SUAS and I asked my supervisor if I should attend any of the forum meetings and he told me to go to the MC one, so back to my old building I went. It was nice to see everyone. The meeting was a bit drab. I may have to report on it tomorrow, next week for sure.

I came back from the meeting and ate lunch, watched a show and checked in with my supervisor to give him updates on the meeting. About to take off and go get the kids. Took the nice walk to my car, still windy, not as cold as yesterday. The drive to my sister's was ok, a little traffic but fine. I installed the car seat in my mom's car, hung out for a bit, got some food and headed home.

Got home, took everything in and parked the car. Ate dinner and played with Javi and the baby. Took a shower, got my things ready for tomorrow. Put Gabriel down to sleep and later have to make my sandwich for lunch tomorrow. Finished watching the first part of Arrested Development and going to bed. I have 2 meetings tomorrow, week is almost done and Disney bound.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Beginning of a short week

Got up, I felt like I slept ok and had some energy,  but after getting dressed, putting clothes to dry, making Gabriel a bottle and driving to work I feel super tired. Sitting here listening to a podcast, waiting for time to start walking to work. Hopefully today will be good.
Got in, it was a nice walk, it's hot outside today. I think I have to go to Trader Joe's on the way to the car to get some rice.
Checked in with my 1440 crew via Skype messenger, they are doing well. I think next week I will go over to vist. Have lunch or something.

I didn't get selected to do a project, but I may be part of an income training so that should be cool. I ate my sandwich and watched 3 episodes of Arrested Development and hung out, about to read more of the CalFresh handbook and after here go get the rice and go home.

Hit up Trader Joe's and headed home. There was a little bit of traffic so my wife and I got in at the same time. I lit away the groceries and my wife made dinner, I packed it up for lunch tomorrow. I had some cheese sticks and buffalo chicken. I took a shower and now I am trying to put Gabriel down to sleep. He keeps moving, so this may take some time.
Gabriel finally went to sleep at 8. I came out to watch some tv and pretty soon going to bed. Have work again tomorrow.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial day

First I would like to say that not only today, but everyday we should be thankful for those who sacrificed their lives and for those who continue to fight for our freedom. On days like this I thank my Dad for his service.
This morning Gabriel woke up around 6:50, I gave him his bottle and brought him out to the living room and he's been playing. Still very tired.
Hung out for most of the morning.

They got ready and went to have lunch. I stayed back to rest and possibly go watch Solo. Not sure though, really want to see it with my wife but I don't think that will happen today. It's funny, but it doesn't surprise me that she thinks that I am angry right now for no reason, but she doesn't see that I am disappointed in the fact that my concerns about driving with people without a seat belt was disregarded,  anything I say is taken as negative and that her nephew continues to talk down to our son. I guess in her eyes I have no valid reason but it is what it is. She always gets that way when her family or friends are here.
They came home and went to the park. I stayed back with Gabriel and played with him and fed him and after some time was able to put him down for a nap.

I was watching RAW and my wife said she needed to go to Target, so we did. We took Andres since Javi didn't want to go, so he stayed behind. We got a lot of groceries and baby food. After we can home, had chili dogs and rested until we went to bed. Tomorrow a new work week begins

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Going down to train town

Woke up and chilled with Gabriel in the bed. Changed him and Javi into their Warriors jerseys and got ready to head to Sonoma to train town. It's about an hour and 20 minute drive.
The drive was ok, felt long because someone was asking every few minutes how much longer we had.
We got to Train town and rode the train, we stopped off at the petting zoo and came back over. Played a game of air hockey with Javi and now waiting to go have lunch.

We ended up going to Napa to find a place to eat. I am so tired, I need a pick me up to help me on the drive home. So tired and it will be a long drive.
Holy hell that drive was crazy! Gabriel was not having it, he was screaming and crying, probably because he was tired of just being in a car seat or stroller. But we made it home and he was able to play and napped a bit.

Went to Walgreens to get sunblock for us and the kids. Now I will try and put Gabriel to sleep while the kids play Loteria. I was able to get him down quickly and went out to wash bottles and take a shower. After we hung out in the living room. About to go to bed, going to Great America tomorrow. Hopefully it's hot and we have a great time.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Finally Friday

Got up this morning and I did not want to get out of bed. I really didn't want to go to work today, just tired. But I went to get ready, washed and prepared a bottle for Gabriel. Put a load of clothes to dry and started my drive to work.
The drive was good, slight traffic near the exit. Found parking and now I am waiting to start my journey to work.
Got in and started to check emails and updated and submitted my timesheet. Now going to continue researching and submitting my findings later to my supervisor. Hopefully Kaiser has the paperwork ready for me.

I ate lunch and hung out in the building again. Watched some Netflix. They connected my phone, so that was cool. I got confirmation that the paperwork is ready for pick up so I will be doing that.

Picked up the paperwork and headed home, let's see what the rest of the night holds for me. Well, I stayed home with Gabriel while everyone else went out. He was acting a bit crazy wo ir was best to have him rest up. We played for a while and I just gave him a bottle and put him down. Hopefully he sleeps, he is moving around right now.
I took a shower and continued watching Netflix, about to snack on something and maybe go to bed.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Day oneish

Slept ok, interrupted sleep. Got up, got dressed, washed a bottle and made one for Gabriel before I left. Today I report to 1235 Mission to my new post. Sure it's been about a month since I got promoted, but they finally moved me. Right now I am not very happy with the move,  I know that it's because I am being taken out of a place that I liked being in, a place I considered my work home and now I am being forced to go back to a place that sent me away. I know it will feel better about it, it may not happen soon, but I know it will happen.
Going to go in and set up my desk top and continue my research. It's Thursday, so at least the week is almost done and the long weekend is here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Moving day

Woke up, didn't really have a good night. Since today is moving day and I have to present, my mind was racing and didn't let me fully rest. I got dressed and started the drive to work. The weather this morning was a bit wet, it is slightly drizzling and cold. I got to my usual parking area and found good parking. Today will be a good day.
Got in, packed up the last of my things and headed over to my new building for the forum meeting presentation. It went better this time, they finally put a desk for me and took my things over, however no computer. So I got sent back to my old building to do some work.

Got in and was able to do some research on what my supervisor wanted me to find. Went to the baby shower to get some food and wish them well. Now walking and soon will be back at work to do more research.
Well, this is it. Last day here, it is an emotional time. It's been a month since I should have been gone, but it's still not easy , I really enjoyed my time here and I really enjoyed the people. It was fun, but we move on.

Nighttime :
I went to pick up the kids at my sister's house  and chilled for a bit. After came home to take out the trash and get ready to go to the church for the Godparents talk. That was fun. Now we are back home.
Fed Gabriel and put him down for bed, took a shower and watched some tv. I swear today has been super emotional for me, was watching the last 15 minutes of Toy Story 3 and was tearing up.
Oh well. Going to bed

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

So exhausted

Woke up and I did not want to go to work. So tired. I want and need to sleep. Have a pot luck to go to this morning. Let's see how that goes.
The morning went well, some of my colleagues surprised me with bagels and Mexican bread, it was a very thoughtful gesture. I had to eat and run as I had a welcome potluck over at 1235 Mission for a new supervisor. It was fun and when it was over I went back to 1440.
Abel gave me a chorizo breakfast sandwich which was delicious.

I had lunch with Rebekah and Cynthia at the Thai place again. So much food today. I got my assignment for tomorrow, going over the MC forum minutes with the CF group. That should be fun, it's also moving day tomorrow. So everything must go. Now off to Kaiser to get some paperwork filled out.

Dropped off the paper at Kaiser, it silk take 2-5 days to get back. Got home played with Gabriel for a bit until my wife came home, after I was able to take the recycling out. We drove to get Chinese food for dinner. Going to watch some tv and try to sleep early. Tomorrow I have to present again. Hopefully it is a good night.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Another week

Got up and got ready. Washed the bottle Gabriel used and got my things ready and headed to work. The drive was good. Found parking in my usual place. This week is moving week, have a few more days here at this building before going over to my new desk. Hopefully today will be a good day.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

It be that way sometimes

Woke up around 7:30, got out of the room around 8. Gave Gabriel some cereal, made Javi and him an egg to share. Made some breakfast,  a HEC-ofa muffin (Ham, Egg and Chesse on a an English Muffin) and cup of coffee. It was delicious. After just chilled, watched some of the 2nd season of 13 Reasons Why and rested before showering.

Still doing nothing, but about to leave for lunch. I don't feel like driving, especially that they want to have 8 people in a 7 seater, so hopefully they get the point that it is dangerous to do that.
We headed out to Redwood City and ate at the Spaghetti Factory. The food was good. After we hit up K-mart and headed home.

My wife, sister in law and I went to see Deadpool 2. It was a fun movie. After the movie we went to Burger King to get the kids some food. When we got home all 4 were up, I made Gabriel a bottle, fed him and put him down for bed. My wife put Javi to sleep. I took a shower, watched a bit of tv and now off to bed to get ready for the work week.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Holy exhaustion Batman

It's 2:45 am and I am just getting home from picking up my sister in law and my nephews. The baggage was on another flight and one didn't come. The plane landed at 12:22 am. So yeah. About go change and knock out.
Slept ok, woke up around 8 I think, took a shower had coffee and we headed out real quick to Target for some items and a birthday gift.
After we came home, I made chillaquiles for breakfast. Washed dishes and fed Gabriel. Waiting to see if he naps.
Nope, no luck on the first try.
My wife, sister in law and the kids went to a birthday party. My mother in law put Gabriel to sleep and I napped.

We went to Sizzlers for lunch and came back home. After we went to visit Arnel for his birthday and hung out for a bit. After we came home and took a last minute trip to toys R us.

We got back from Toys R us with some toys, clothes and a bill for $146. But hey, we got really good deals. When we got home the kids played and I gave Gabriel a bottle but he did not want to sleep, so he came out again and played. Later I gave him another 4 ounces and he finally went to sleep.
About to decompress and maybe watch some tv.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Just the way you are...

Gabriel had a bad night, took a bit to get him back down to sleep. I woke up and started getting ready, put clothes to dry and washed the bottles and sanitized them. After I packed my lunch and headed off for my daily drive to work. The drive was good, no traffic. Parked in my regular spot. Lots to do today in general, not sure about my work day. But anyway it's Rusev Day!
Ok so, to the desk, slight review, my emerge is submitted and now I wait to go home.
They changed the potluck to Tuesday.
I had lunch and just hung out.

Being lazy just say outside for the rest of lunch. It's cold. Going to see how I waste time this afternoon to pass the time. I was able to watch Black Panther and I still feel the same. It's a good movie but the hype around it killed it for me. Too much build up. But anyway after I got out of work I went to the Dollar Tree to get the bag and the card for Arnel.

Stayed with the boys while my wife and mother in law went to Costco to get things for my sister in law and nephews that are due to arrive tonight. I got the movies in that I ordered, I was able to go ahead and get the digital copy on my accounts. My mom and sister came over to visit the kids and a little before they left I put Gabriel to bed. Now going to shower, later I am on pick up duty.
Plane lands at 12:22 am, so this is where I leave you. Until tomorrow

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sending out an S.O.S.

Woke up, Gabriel was at an angle, moved the pillows to block him from moving. Went to get ready and washed some bottles. Made coffee and headed out to work. The drive in was smooth, no traffic. Found parking in my usual area. Now waiting for time to start walking in. Today I need to get gas and possibly go to the Dollar Tree to get a gift bag.
Had coffee and a cookie, went down to my desk and waited for the afternoon conference call.

Had lunch with Tim, he wanted to talk about some things that were bothering him about work. He is a really good EW, it is a shame how people do him dirty. But I advised him to just keep pulling through and his work will show what he is capable of.
At 2 I had the conference call and presented the MC portion. After that it was pretty much smooth sailing.
Apparently there is a potential civil war about to break out in Nicaragua and my dad does not want to come back here and didn't get extra food just in case.
Hopefully everything will settle down soon.

Went to get some popeye's chicken and came home. Fed Gabriel and put him to bed, took a shower and now hanging out.
Watched some tv and played Candy Crush. Opened a few of the wrestlers that I have been lagging on to make space. Now going to bed, Giants dropped one in OT. It's Friday tomorrow and I'm ready to be done with this week. Good night everyone

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

She says I am the one...

Gabriel was still sleeping when I got up to get ready. I packed my lunch and made Gabriel a bottle before I started off my drive to work. The drive was good, no traffic, just a bit slow trying to get off the exit, but I was able to find good parking. This morning my head has been racing about what to do with the mess of toys in the playroom. Let's see how today goes.
Looks like I will be introduced to the MC folks during the forum here. So about to go check that out.
So it looks like the electrician made it to the house and fixed the issues with the lights. So during the meeting there was an idea proposed for a task unit, where EW's were selected to help out other EW's that are struggling with task. The idea sounded great today, just as it did when I was talking about it and suggested it last year. I guess it wasn't a good idea when I was talking about it, but today it was the cat's pajamas.  Oh well.
After the meeting went to Costco to get formula, I was going to get it Friday, but I decided to get them today. I also bought the Disneyland tickets for our upcoming trip in June.

Was watching a bit of Santa Clarita Diet and took a nice walk. Right now just hanging out outside enjoying the weather.  I have to head home fast today to meet the plumber.
So I get home, no plumber. Called him and he says he is on South Van Ness and would be here shortly. First off that is a lie, there is a sh*t load of traffic, so my wife stayed while I went to get the kids.
I got to my sisters and I installed the car seat and went in to get the kiddos. After a bit headed home.

Had to call the plumber again, it was almost 6:20 and he was still not here. When he finally showed up, he took a few pictures and left, did nothing. I gave Javi a bath and now about to feed Gabriel.
Little man went down, I took a shower and after played cards with Javi, when my wife was done showering she came over and won 2 hands which caused Javi to cry like a lunatic and woke up Gabriel. My wife had to go calm him down and get him to sleep. Going to finish watching a show and head to bed. 2 more days until the weekend.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Gabriel was being a little fussy donkey this morning. I think he was having tummy issues. It was hard but he went to sleep again but was still fussy. I got up to get ready and put clothes to dry and wash bottles.
I started off to drive to work but I made a quick stop at Starbucks (double star day) and get a coffee. I ran into one of my former regulars at Gateway (#5312) Carlos. We caught up for a few minutes, looks like everything is going well. That is a great thing.
After that I drove to work, no traffic and found parking in the usual area I go to. Going to review some things at work to prepare for a potential presentation.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Rock the boat

Gabriel went crazy a little after 5. Moving around he hit his head on the headboard, my wife gave him a bottle and he went back down. I got up started to get ready, I was able to register both of them for swim classes. I washed the bottles and headed to work. Traffic was light, hot here quick. Now parked and waiting for my time to start walking to work. Hopefully this week is fun.
Got in and had coffee with Amilcar, checked in with some people and helped out some on cases.
Still no assignment this week, waiting to see if I will be doing the medical information at the forum meeting on Wednesday. Had lunch early today and finished an episode of a Netflix documentary.

Took a walk, didn't want to but I had. Been getting a bit lazy with it, need to get better with getting up and walking. After this going to head back in and see what is in store for me.
Work day ended, walked to my car and headed to get the kids at my sisters and went home.

Bath night for the boys. Laundry night for me. Watched RAW and some Netflix and now going to bed. Pretty standard chill night. I love those. See you all tomorrow

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day special

Gabriel slept almost all night. We got up and we went to the living room. It was a standard morning. After I put Gabriel down for a nap, my wife took one and I did as well. Later we are going for lunch and maybe to the park.

I installed the new car seat in my car and we went to Red Lobster for lunch. After that we came home to drop off my mother in law and headed out to the park for a little bit. It was windy but the park was fun. Now heading home.

I bought Monster's University for Javi to watch. Now I am about to put Gabriel down.
He went down fast, I got out and took a shower, brushed Javi's teeth and now I am going to do my banking and watch some tv and head to bed. New week starts tomorrow.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Time for a change

Woke up because Gabriel wanted to party early. Took him out of the room and to the living room. Played a bit,  fed him some cereal and now we are playing some more. Javi is watching puppy dog pals while Gabriel crawls around the room. We are waiting for the Direct Tv technician to arrive to change out the receivers.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Finally Friday

Got up, got dressed, washed bottles, put clothes to drive and realized that I may have lost the key to the storage. So I may have to change plans for today due to my carelessness.  Very irritated by that. But anyway, it happens. Now I am in my car waiting to get in to work, to knock out these last 8 hours of the week.
The morning went well. Checked in with a few people and came down to my desk. I helped some folks out with some cases and reviewed other items. Went to get coffee with Amilcar and now waiting for lunch time.

Had the other half of the burrito that my wife left. Ate a hot dog and created some Mother's day cards for this weekend. Still trying to figure out what the route home will be. Have a few things I have to take care of. Going to see what I do to keep myself busy for the rest of the day. 
Kept busy and took off to go to my car, headed off to the storage room to get the car seats after I went to get Javi to go pick up the mother's day cards i ordered.
After that we headed home. 

We went to target to get formula and had some in and out burger. We got home ate and now putting Gabriel to bed. He finally went down and has been out for a while. We watched the big bang theory and I saw a special on Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, it was very good, they are a great couple. Now it's off to bed, big things happening tomorrow. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thursday thoughts

Woke up, got dressed, washed bottles, made coffee and headed out the door. The drive in to work was good, smooth, getting off the exit was a bit of a slow down due to a tow truck, but got to my parking area at a good time. Later today I have a unit meeting at 1235. Hopefully today will be a productive day.
Reviewed the forum minutes from the MC building and some release notes. Helped out a few people with cases and hung out researching.

Rudy took me out for lunch and we had a good time. After that came back in and started getting my things ready to go to my unit meeting. Looks like we will be discussing next steps in training and any new items. They updated my profile to CF.
I went to the meeting, we discussed a few items that were important for us to know and had a nice discussion regarding the team. When I got back to work I got an email that my official move date is 5/23 (or 5/24 I don't remember) and that I will have a new worker number.
After that I got my things and headed to my car to drive home. We have an open house at Javi's school.

Waited for my wife to get home and we went to Javi's school for the open house. Javi showed us his really cool artwork and journal. He had a picture for me that he drew on my birthday, so that was really cool. After we went to get burritos and came home. Trying to put Gabriel to sleep but he is not having it.
Finally was able to get him down and now going to watch some tv and go to bed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I can feel it coming in the air tonight

Got up about 10 minutes before the alarm went off. Got ready, made a bottle for Gabriel before leaving and drove to work. It was a wet morning near my house, but as I got closer to work it was dry. It's still cold. Going in to check an email and then heading out to 1235 to present the medical information today. Hopefully it goes well this time.
So I get to 1235 and check in with my supervisor. I go to the room and I see Olga and have a quick chat. I was introduced and the meeting began. After some time it was my time to go, I feel I did ok, could have been much better. First time jitters in front of a room of folks that I really don't know. But I think it was ok and I know there will be improvements. I have a few ideas that I ran by my supervisor and he agreed it was a good idea.

Went out to get lunch with Tim and Kathleen,  had some duck, it was delicious.  Kathleen got me a card with a lotto ticket, I won $20!!! Now just sitting here relaxing waiting for time to go home. Have to put gas in the car today or tomorrow. Later going to get the kids at my sister's house.

Got home, took out the trash. Waited for my wife and headed to get the kids. My mom made tacos and we had dinner. After we came home. I built a walking assistant toy for Gabriel and helped Javi find his sharing object for school tomorrow. Washed and sanitized bottles and soon will pack up his bag for daycare. Going to watch some tv and go to bed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday special

Gabriel was fussy again last night. Had to give him an extra bottle and he finally went to sleep. I got up at 5:45 and started my daily routine. Got dressed, washed bottles, put clothes to wash and dry, made my coffee and headed out for work.
The drive in was good, slight traffic but no delay. Found parking in my usual area and now waiting to go in to work. Going to review the materials again today and see what my supervisor would like me to work on.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Today marks another year of life that I have been gifted by the good lord. Always thankful for all the awesome things I am blessed with.
The first thing I did as a 37 year old? You guess it, it was the same thing as the last thing I did as a 36 year old, I was feeding Gabriel. After that we went to sleep. He woke up again around 4:35 and my wife fed him and put him down.
I got up at 5:45 and got ready, washed and sanitized bottles and started the drive to Starbucks for my birthday rewards drink and then to work.
Traffic was good, a little near the penultimate exit, but I got good parking and now I wait to go in and see what will be my assignment this week.
Reviewing items at work, checked in with my people and now just waiting for lunch. Amilcar is taking me out today, Tim gave me a nice card and Sandra got me a gift card to Peet's.

Went out to V Cafe and had a nice cheesesteak, took a walk and grabbed a mango lemonade and now back at work. A little sad because my wife said that Javi got sent to the principal's office because he bit a boy. Going to have a talk with him when I get home. Rebekah and Cynthia have me q card, Tim did as well, Sandra got me a gift card.
Got home,  changed Gabriel and had the talk with Javi. It went well, hopefully he learns from this. We headed out to Benihana as our reservation was at 6.

The worst visit ever. The waitresses was slow, horrible and disappeared. The cook was not helping either, he made salt with a little bit of corn for the kids, I tried it and almost threw up. We asked to speak to a manager and the cook ignored our request. So I got up to talk to the hostess and they went to call the manager and they also tipped off them waitresses about what was going on. The meal wasn't that good today, not happy with the experience. Even the pictures they give were not to good.
After we came home and I changed Gabriel and we had some cake for my birthday. After they sang Happy Birthday to me and I went to drop my mom off at home.
When I returned I took a shower and came out to finish washing clothes and preparing the bottles.
About to go to sleep, it's been a fun day at least.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Say Hey!

Woke up and tried to feed Gabriel. He only had about 2 ounces. I brought him out to the living room and he ended up pooping. When I went to change him he had gotten it all over his back and it got on the bed. I changed him and brought him out. I called DirecTV while I made him some cereal, I asked his Abuela to feed him as I had to talk to the agent on the phone that did nothing to help. I called after and the lady that picked up was more helpful. So we should be getting new boxes on Saturday.
We watched SNL and are about to get ready to go out to the park. WWE Backlash is on tonight.

We went to Chevy's because they wanted to eat there. Eventhough I have been mentioning several times that I wanted to eat burritos, they still chose Chevy's so later on I cannot eat a burrito. After three we came to drop off my mother in law with Gabriel and took Javi out to the park.
It was windy, we played for a bit and after we hit up Target for some snacks for Gabriel and a case of beer for me.
Now we are home, I am waiting for Backlash to start.

Backlash started and I was hanging out with Javi and Gabriel in the playroom. I watched the show off and on since life happens. Both boys showered and we played some more. I put Gabriel to sleep and after I took a shower brushed Javi's teeth and sent him to bed. After that I kind of dozed off on the couch. Going to bed now, tomorrow is my 37th birthday. It should be a fun day.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

It's the freakin' weekend baby about to have me some fun

Got up a few times due to Gabriel. Made coffee, cleaned the bed and changed Gabriel. Now we are in the room playing. Going to get ready in a bit for lunch.
Got ready and started the drive to Masu for all you can eat sushi.

We got to the restaurant,  there were 12 of us. We had a good meal and a good time. I got some cool gifts, a gift card for Amazon, a Giants shirt and patch and a Macho Man robe. After we went to Toys R us in Redwood City and passed by Starbucks for a treat and came home.
When we got here I played a game with Javi and now trying to give Gabriel some milk, even though he does not want it.

Did nothing. We were supposed to go to the movies, but as usual since it was to go to a movie that I wanted to go to no real effort was made. Really sucks to on my birthday weekend that people ask me what I want to do and I say what I want to do and I don't get to do it. But oh well. Let's see if my request to have someone help my kids pack up the gifts that they got for me happens.
About to watch some TV and go to sleep later. Pretty bummed out to be honest, but like I said, since it's me, no one really cares. Let's see what tomorrow brings

Friday, May 4, 2018

Happy CiƱco de Cuatro

Gabriel woke up around 5 and did not want to go back to sleep. I gave him a bottle and he had about 4 ounces, I tried to put him back to sleep before I had to start getting ready for work  but he wasn't having it. I gave him another ounce of milk and laid him on the bed to see if he slept. I went to get ready for work, put clothes to dry, washed bottles and got the nacatamales ready for delivery.
I started off to drive to work, no traffic today. It's cold outside, later I have to go to Costco to get formula and coffee pods as they are on sale. I think today Ciñco de Cuatro will be a good day... and May the 4th be with you.
Spent the morning reviewing and helping people. My supervisor told me not to go to the unit meetings.

Ate some pupusas that Maria brought for me. After I went to Costco to get the pods and formula. After that I just chilled here watching Arrested Development and listening to some podcasts. After here I may go to the storage room to get the car seats.
So, it's quitting time, I get my stuff and head to my car and head to the storage room but I didn't have the right key, so it was a wasted trip. Headed home and picked up my wife and kids and headed to  Babies R us to get some water and other items and they are still having their going out of business sale.

Came home, put things away. Ate my nacatamale and had a few cold ones to close out the week. Right now I am feeding and putting Gabriel down for bed, hopefully this goes well this time around and he relaxes in the crib to sleep. He was sleeping for a bit, but woke up. Going to bed early.  Goodnight everyone

Thursday, May 3, 2018

I need you now

Woke up a few times. Gabriel had a bad night, he was moving around a lot and crying trying to get comfortable. I gave him a bottle and put him back down, some time later he was squirming again and trying to find the right spot for him.
I woke up, got dressed, made my coffee, made a bottle and started the drive to work. The drive was good, slight traffic, but not a long delay. Listening to Talk is Jericho with The Young Bucks while I wait to go in to work. Let's see what happens today.
Got in, checked in and went to the first unit meeting, after that I was sent back to my desk to review again.
Spent the morning hanging out, helping others, went on a coffee run and chilled until lunch.

Ate the leftovers from Chili's and took a walk and hung out outside for a bit. I saw a few people I hadn't seen in a bit. After I went back in to work and reviewed some more. Quitting time came and I headed out to come home and get my wife and Gabriel. We went to pick up Javi and got some food and headed back home.

We got home,  ate and hung out. It was bath night for the boys.  My wife bathed Gabriel and I bathed Javi. After I put him to bed and we watched some tv. Pretty standard night,  I love those.  On to the next.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Head to toe

Gabriel was moving around a lot around 4:30 am but eventually went back to sleep. I got up at 5:45 and started to get ready. When I was done I made a bottle for him and delivered it to the room. The drive in to work was good. Today I present Medi-Cal items at the CalFresh forum, so that should fun. I hope everything goes well.
I went over to present and there was a strange smell in the building. They evacuated and canceled the meeting. I was sent back to my desk.

Hung out, reviewed some more things. Later we are going to Chili's for dinner for my brother's birthday.

Had a good meal at chili's and went home, relaxed and got the kids ready for bed. Took a shower and got some sleep.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Wake up it's the first of the month

I woke up 15 minutes late. Rushed to get ready, washed the bottles and sanitized them. Grabbed my things and headed out. Stopped quick at Starbucks to get a coffee and a gift card. The drive in was good, now parked and waiting to go in. Going to review and practice my items for tomorrow and wait for further instructions.
Just hanging out today still reviewing my notes for tomorrow. Ola came by and said she was taking me to lunch.

Went to have Vietnamese food,  a pork sandwich was what I ordered. We ate had a good conversation and now I am going to hang out for the last few minutes before I go in to review things again.
Ordered a mother's day gift for my wife. Also got one for the kids to give her. About an hour left in my day here at work. Tomorrow is the forum meeting and I will be ready to present. After here going home, maybe eat burritos tonight or cook the pasta thing we bought.

Hung out with the kids. Ate dinner and watched some wrestling. Put some clothes away and helped get Javi dressed. Changed Gabriel, fed him and put him to sleep. Showered and watched some more tv. About to go to bed. It's showtime tomorrow.