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Saturday, November 28, 2020

lockdown day 257

Woke up, showered, made the boys breakfast. Got ready, had some coffee and pop tarts and headed off to drop off the boys to my mom. Did that and came home to finish loading the trucks and we went to the new house. We removed the painters tape and painted our room. While my wife did some touch up, I unpacked quite a few things.
(Morning: coffee, pop tart)

My brother showed up with the grill.and we put it in the back. The table and chairs came in and we built the chairs. My mom and sister came by with the boys. My brother and sister got into an argument that I wasn't 100% sure of what was going on. My sister, mom and niece left and we built the table and cleaned up. My wife and kids went home before me, I stayed doing one last load of laundry and moving in the bar.
(Afternoon: water, fries, chicken nuggets, mcdoubles)

I drove to my sister's to get rid of some trash and boxes. Talked to everyone for a bit and went to Walgreens to get some items for the boys. Now home, bathed Gabriel and now going to shower myself. We might go back tomorrow to paint my Mother in laws room. I wrapped up some Christmas gifts and my mom's birthday gift. Hanging out and just watching tv, trying to rest my body. About yo go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, cupcake, cookies)
(Nighttime: beer, water)

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