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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

lockdown day 233


Woke up, went to shower and got ready for work. After I came out to change Gabriel and we took him to preschool. When we returned I made my coffee and had a boost. Helped Javi get ready for his independent study day and started work. Had a quick meeting in the morning to discuss the phone call recordings and went to the forum meeting. After that I started collecting the recordings. 

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)


Javi finished his school work, we took him with us to pick up Gabriel and we went to drop him off to my Mom, who is at my sister's place. Came home and had lunch and now getting more recordings before the end of the day. After work I took out the trash and we went to Target before getting the boys.

(Afternoon: Chicken Pot Pie, Cheese it's, oatmeal cookie, water)


We finished up at Target and went to get the kids. We hung out a bit and came home. My wife made pizza and I tool a shower. I bathed Gabriel and my wife helped Javi shower. Going to put him to sleep soon. He finally went to sleep, I came out to watch tv and about to go to bed now.

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, cheese its, water)

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