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Sunday, November 22, 2020

lockdown day 250

Woke up, showered made breakfast and headed over to the storage room. Grabbed the Christmas items and drove back home. I told my wife to take the camry and I would just load the truck up with other items I had. That worked out very well. We got up there, I put away the items they took yesterday and put the fridge up and other things away.
(Morning: eggs, bacon, toast, coffee)

Worked quite a bit, sent my wife and the boys over yo Target to get some items. While they were gone I changed the shower heads and talked to Arnel. When they came back they ate lunch and I tried to start the lawn mower. I was able to do that and mow most of the lawn in the back yard. There is a space that has rocks and I can't so that space since the machine will mess up. Ate lunch, set up the office room and we installed the curtains. The house is really coming along. They came by to install the washer and dryer and I hung up a few things and painted some of a wall to test it out.
(Afternoon: 2 mcdoubles, caramel frappe, water)

Drove back home, picked up Gabriel.  Went to throw out some trash. Hit up the dollar tree and got some wings from Wing Stop. Got home ate dinner, about to shower. When I was done I was doing some research on items we needed for the new house. Put the boys to bed and watched a movie. Now finishing up a game of Madden and listening to How Did This Get Made? About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, wings, rice Krispy treat, cupcake)

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