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Friday, November 20, 2020

lockdown day 249


Woke up and went to put clothes to wash. Showered and got ready for work. Got Gabriel ready to take him to school, came back home to set up Javi. Made my coffee and boost and logged in. Helped a few people and was eventually asked to do a training on Monday for 2 EW's. Packed up the truck so my wife and mother in law can take it to the new house. At around 12 we are leaving to get my Mom and Gabriel. 

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


Went to pick up my Mom, picked up Gabriel and went to get lunch. Dropped my Mom off and came home to eat. Had lunch and took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. Came home and finished working. Been researching some of the material that I have to train. About to go get Javi and get the fridge. Picked up Javi and we drove to my aunts place to get the fridge, after we went to Target to get some items.

(Afternoon: Carnitas sandwich, monster, water)


After target we picked up some sushi for my wife. I had some food my aunt sent me. Had a beer, cleaned up with goo gone, which I retrospect I should have waited until tomorrow but anyway. I showerd, changed the boys and put them to bed. Watched the Mandalorian and now watching Smackdown. After going to bed.

(Nighttime: white rice, chicken,  beer, water, cookiea)

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