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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

lockdown day 238


Woke up, made Gabriel a bottle and went to shower. I got dressed and ready for work, came out and dressed Gabriel and we took him over to preschool. It is really cold outside today. Make me want to go back in to bed and not work. Got back home, had a boost, had my coffee and checked in to work. Helped a few people that I had on my list and now just waiting for questions. My items that I ordered from Costco came in and I put them away. Going to use them soon. Had some cupcakes.

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee, cupcakes)


I went to get Gabriel and we ran into my nephew's near a 7-11, gave them some items to take to my brother. I took Gabriel and dropped him off to my Mom who is still at my sister's place. Came home and had lunch. Took Javi to the Boys and Girls club for a bit. We went to Chase and to Bank of America to get a Cashier's check. Came home to log back in to work and now answering questions. After work I went to get Javi and went over to my sister's. 

(Afternoon: Water, white rice, carne molida, Monster)


Hung out for a bit and came home. Made dinner and soon going to shower. Finished up and changed Gabriel,  looked through some old clothes that I am having my brother and nephews look over to see if they want them. Put Gabriel and Javi to sleep and went to finish watching RAW and played Madden before going to bed.

(Nighttime: egg and cheese sandwich, pot stickers, cheese sticks,  water)

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