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Friday, November 20, 2020

lockdown day 248

Got up, showered and got ready. Changed Gabriel and took him to preschool. Came back home and set up Javi, had my coffee and boost and checked in to work. Busy morning doing research for an upcoming training.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Went to pick up Gabriel and the teacher said he was considered fully potty trained. So next month to pay $50 less. Took him over to my mom and came home to attend  a webinar meeting. Chatted with Karla and Amilcar over some work issues. At 5 I went to pick up Javi.
(Afternoon: white rice, bistec, water, guava juice)

Dropped Javi off to my mom, my wife and I went to Home Depot and got some items we needed for the new house. Found most of the curtains, still need 2. Will try to install them this weekend. Went back to my sister's and had dinner. Came home, bathed Gabriel,  Javi showered, I showered after and tried to out them to bed. Watched the Fresh Prince reunion special and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cookies, ribs, gallo pinto, tortilla, water, beer)

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