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Monday, November 30, 2020

lockdown day 258

Woke up, showered and chilled. Went to get gas for the camry and moved the truck to the front. My wife and mother in law went out to buy some paint. I stayed with the boys packing more things. I was able to take more clothes,  my shoes and other items. When they came back they had lunch.
(Morning: ham and egg sandwich,  coffee, water)

We drove to the house and put things away. I watched the Niners game on my phone while we cleaned up and painted the last room. I had to fix the door because it would not close. After we were done I figured out how to turn on the water heater. When we were done we drove home and on the way we got some food.
(Afternoon: water, monster)

We picked up Chinese food and ate dinner here at home. So tired and sore. About to change Gabriel and I have to shower to get this paint off of me. After the brushed the boys teeth and put them to bed while I was talking to my mom. Still sore and tired. About to watch something on tv. Watched the WWE Network documentary on Liv Morgan and it was really cool. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: fried rice,  lemon chicken,  beef chow fun, water, beer)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

lockdown day 257

Woke up, showered, made the boys breakfast. Got ready, had some coffee and pop tarts and headed off to drop off the boys to my mom. Did that and came home to finish loading the trucks and we went to the new house. We removed the painters tape and painted our room. While my wife did some touch up, I unpacked quite a few things.
(Morning: coffee, pop tart)

My brother showed up with the grill.and we put it in the back. The table and chairs came in and we built the chairs. My mom and sister came by with the boys. My brother and sister got into an argument that I wasn't 100% sure of what was going on. My sister, mom and niece left and we built the table and cleaned up. My wife and kids went home before me, I stayed doing one last load of laundry and moving in the bar.
(Afternoon: water, fries, chicken nuggets, mcdoubles)

I drove to my sister's to get rid of some trash and boxes. Talked to everyone for a bit and went to Walgreens to get some items for the boys. Now home, bathed Gabriel and now going to shower myself. We might go back tomorrow to paint my Mother in laws room. I wrapped up some Christmas gifts and my mom's birthday gift. Hanging out and just watching tv, trying to rest my body. About yo go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, cupcake, cookies)
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Friday, November 27, 2020

lockdown day 256

Got up, showered and hung out with the boys for some time. Had some coffee and went to go get my Mom to go pick up some of her things at my Aunts house. After drove to my sister's. 
(Morning: coffee)

Packed things in my sister's truck, dropped off my nephew at my brothers place and came home to fold clothes and eat. Made me a ham and a turkey sandwich and we are watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Rested for a bit and my mom and sister came by and helped me put some items in the truck. Hung out for a bit before we went to Target. 
(Afternoon: ham sandwich. Turkey sandwich. Water)

We went to Target and got some items we needed. Some Christmas gifts as well. Camd home and had Popeye's chicken for dinner and I loaded truck for tomorrow. Changed the boys and I took a shower. Now putting them to bed. Came out to the living room and watched the Mandalorian and finished up the last episode of Saved By The Bell and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken, cole slaw, biscuits,  water, beer)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

lockdown day 255

Woke up and went back to bed. Went to shower and had French toast with Coffee. Packed up some more things to take on Saturday. 
(Morning: coffee, French toast)

Packed the car to go to my sister's for Thanksgiving dinner. Hung out before we ate and the food was very good. Have a slight headache. Chilled and we talked about our Christmas plans. Selected our secret Santa names and after some time we went home.
(Afternoon: ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, bread, water, cranberry sauce)

Got home, Gabriel fell asleep in the car. He and Javi have stuffy noses amd somehow it's all my fault. I went to Walgreens to get some medicine for them and came home. Changed them and put them to bed. Watched some tv and now going to sleep myself. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, spinach dip, bread, cookies)

Happy Thanksgiving!

lockdown day 254

Woke up and showered. Made pancakes for the boys. Loaded the truck and we went to the new house. We got there and unloaded and went to get the room ready for painting. When we were done taping the room we saw it was early enough to paint one of them. So we painted the boys room. It looks good so far, we have to let it dry, take the tape off and see how it really looks. We will do that one Saturday. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

We went over to get Cheesesteaks for lunch. Went to costco to get some items for the house and drove home. Bathed the boys, got their things ready, played Madden and went to ny sister's to hang out and drop them off.
(Afternoon: gatorade, Motown Philly Cheesesteak)

We were hanging out and talking and decided to go to Costco. Got some items and came home to watch the Saved By The Bell show, it wasn't good. Maybe going to give it a few more episodes. After I fell asleep on the couch,  woke up and went to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, nachos, cheesey bread, water)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

lockdown day 253

Got up, put clothes to wash.  Took a shower and got dressed. After got Gabriel ready for preschool and we took him. Got back home and set up Javi for school. I made coffee and had a boost and checked in to work. Answered some questions and at 10 I went to meet an EW for a training I was doing for her. Folded clothes,  put more to wash. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I went to get Gabriel. Came home and had lunch, dropped Javi off at the boys and girls club, ran over to the post office and returned the money order and got cash. Came home and about to finish the day off. Helped a few more people out and my boss let us log off early. Chilled and went to go get Javi and came home. 
(Afternoon: burger, water, pumpkin pie, monster)

I was resting and decided to check if I could finally find some Broken Skull IPA and I did. I ordered some for pick up at BevMo! We went to pick it up and got dinner and came home. We ate and I put the beers to chill, showered and now putting Gabriel back to bed so I can finally try the Broken Skull IPA.
The IPA was good, went down with a kick, I like it. Not sure I like the price,  but I like the beer. After I put Javi to bed and watched tv. Now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: super nachos, carnitas taco. Chips, water, beer)

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

lockdown day 252

Got up, showered and got dressed. After got Gabriel ready we dropped him off at school and came back home. Had Javi get ready for his day for school. I made coffee and had a boost. Checked in to work and talked to a few people. Did the training I had to do and chilled.
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

Went to go get Gabriel,  came back home and picked up Javi. Dropled them off to my Mom at my sister's and came home. Had lunch and now relaxing before going in to work. Sleepy, waiting for some items to come in from Amazon. After we are going to get rolls for Gabriel's party tomorrow and get the boys.
(Afternoon: chicken,  white rice, guava juice, water, lemon loaf slice)

We went to Target to get some rolls for Gabriel's party. Went to get the boys and I changed the shower head for my sister and measured the closet for my mom so she could get curtains. Had some dinner and came home. Separated the clothes,  showered, changed Gabriel and did some accounting. Put the boys to bed and now watching RAW. Fell asleep on the couch , now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: chicken, brussel sprouts,  pumpkin pie, lemon loaf, water)

Monday, November 23, 2020

lockdown day 251

I got up, I am so sore. My body is aching and it hurts all over. Had coffee, laid down again and went to shower. We went out to home depot to get some more items for the house. Our next project will be painting the rooms and putting up more curtains. 
(Morning: coffee)

We had Panda Express for lunch. My Mom and Sister came over and I changed the brake lights on my Mom's car. I stayed with the boys while my wife went out to order something for the new place. When she got back I started to clean out the closet and put clothes away. I packed around 8 boxes and I am tired. We went to Target real quick and came home. 
(Afternoon: panda express,  gatorade, water)

Got home finished watching Survivor Series and bathed Gabriel. Had some food and played a quick game of Loteria before putting the boys to bed. Now hanging out watching tv. Played Madden and went to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza,  water, cookie)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

lockdown day 250

Woke up, showered made breakfast and headed over to the storage room. Grabbed the Christmas items and drove back home. I told my wife to take the camry and I would just load the truck up with other items I had. That worked out very well. We got up there, I put away the items they took yesterday and put the fridge up and other things away.
(Morning: eggs, bacon, toast, coffee)

Worked quite a bit, sent my wife and the boys over yo Target to get some items. While they were gone I changed the shower heads and talked to Arnel. When they came back they ate lunch and I tried to start the lawn mower. I was able to do that and mow most of the lawn in the back yard. There is a space that has rocks and I can't so that space since the machine will mess up. Ate lunch, set up the office room and we installed the curtains. The house is really coming along. They came by to install the washer and dryer and I hung up a few things and painted some of a wall to test it out.
(Afternoon: 2 mcdoubles, caramel frappe, water)

Drove back home, picked up Gabriel.  Went to throw out some trash. Hit up the dollar tree and got some wings from Wing Stop. Got home ate dinner, about to shower. When I was done I was doing some research on items we needed for the new house. Put the boys to bed and watched a movie. Now finishing up a game of Madden and listening to How Did This Get Made? About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, wings, rice Krispy treat, cupcake)

Friday, November 20, 2020

lockdown day 249


Woke up and went to put clothes to wash. Showered and got ready for work. Got Gabriel ready to take him to school, came back home to set up Javi. Made my coffee and boost and logged in. Helped a few people and was eventually asked to do a training on Monday for 2 EW's. Packed up the truck so my wife and mother in law can take it to the new house. At around 12 we are leaving to get my Mom and Gabriel. 

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


Went to pick up my Mom, picked up Gabriel and went to get lunch. Dropped my Mom off and came home to eat. Had lunch and took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. Came home and finished working. Been researching some of the material that I have to train. About to go get Javi and get the fridge. Picked up Javi and we drove to my aunts place to get the fridge, after we went to Target to get some items.

(Afternoon: Carnitas sandwich, monster, water)


After target we picked up some sushi for my wife. I had some food my aunt sent me. Had a beer, cleaned up with goo gone, which I retrospect I should have waited until tomorrow but anyway. I showerd, changed the boys and put them to bed. Watched the Mandalorian and now watching Smackdown. After going to bed.

(Nighttime: white rice, chicken,  beer, water, cookiea)

lockdown day 248

Got up, showered and got ready. Changed Gabriel and took him to preschool. Came back home and set up Javi, had my coffee and boost and checked in to work. Busy morning doing research for an upcoming training.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Went to pick up Gabriel and the teacher said he was considered fully potty trained. So next month to pay $50 less. Took him over to my mom and came home to attend  a webinar meeting. Chatted with Karla and Amilcar over some work issues. At 5 I went to pick up Javi.
(Afternoon: white rice, bistec, water, guava juice)

Dropped Javi off to my mom, my wife and I went to Home Depot and got some items we needed for the new house. Found most of the curtains, still need 2. Will try to install them this weekend. Went back to my sister's and had dinner. Came home, bathed Gabriel,  Javi showered, I showered after and tried to out them to bed. Watched the Fresh Prince reunion special and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cookies, ribs, gallo pinto, tortilla, water, beer)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

lockdown day 247


Woke up and went to take a shower. Got ready for work and got Gabriel ready for preschool. We dropped him off and came home. Set up Javi for his independent study day, made coffee, had my boost and started work. Checked emails and answered some questions. Found some materials I needed for training. Attended the forum meeting and now waiting until it's time to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, boost)


We drove to get Gabriel and I passed by McDonald's getting the boys Happy Meals and some food for myself. Dropped Gabriel off to my Mom and came home to have lunch with Javi. He is almost done and he will be going to the boys and girls club soon. I have a web presentation to attend at 2 PM. Later today I hope I can pack some more. I have a lot done already. Just need to keep pushing through. After work I went to get Javi and wr went to my sister's to get Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: Big Mac, Filet o Fish, chicken nuggets, water)


Hung out for a bit and came home with the boys. Had dinner and showered. Changed Gabriel and put them to bed. Now watching The Witches. Movies done, it was eh. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, Pizza, water)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

lockdown day 246

Woke up, put clothes to wash, showered and got ready for work. Took Gabriel to preschool and came back home. Set up Javi for school, made my coffee and got my boost and checked in to work. There were a few questions that I was asked today and I was able to get to them all. I have to start a research project about some task work. 
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

Picked up Gabriel, came home and had some chicken gnocchi soup for lunch. At 2 I was off and we headed to the new house to check the work the electrician and plumber did. They did a great job. Installed the lighting and the microwave. We measured the windows again and cleaned up before we came home.
(Afternoon: chicken gnocchi soup,  water, guava juice)

Got home and chilled for a bit, went to pick up some pizza and some items at Walgreens. Came home to have dinner, changed Gabriel and I am about to shower before I put him to bed. Watched TV for a bit and went to bed.
(Nighttime: p'zone, pizza, chicken nuggets, bread sticks, water)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

lockdown day 245


I woke up and went to make Gabriel a bottle, took a shower and got ready for work. Changed Gabriel and we took him to school. Came back home and set up Javi for class. I made coffee and had a boost and started working. It's been a slow morning but I had a few questions asked that I was able to answer. I sent out the letter that states that we intend to move out as of 12/31/2020. I also canceled our Directv and moved our Xfinity services to the new house for December.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Boost)


Took Javi with me to pick up Gabriel and took them to my Mom who is at my sister's place. Came home and chilled, we had some Taco Bell for lunch and I ordered the Washer and Dryer. It will be delivered and installed on Saturday. Packed a few things and talked to more people, now waiting to log off. After work we went to Target and to my sister's after to get the boys.

(Afternoon: Chalupa, taco, bean and cheese burrito, chips and cheese, gatorade, water, guava juice)


Got to my sister's. Checked out some cabins for a potential snow trip next week. Had dinner and came home. Bathed the boys, started cleaning out the linen closet and got some bags ready for donation and some for trash. I took a shower and out Gabriel to sleep and came out to watch RAW. Fell asleep on the couch. Now in bed.  

(Nighttime: shrimp pasta, tortilla and cheese. Water)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

lockdown day 244

Got up, started packing up some of my DVD's and MIB wrestling figures. Went to shower, got the boys ready, loaded the truck and went to Lowe's to buy a light fixture, ring doorbell and an over the oven microwave. After we went to pick up my sister and mom to go to see the new house. 
(Morning: boost, water)

My Mom and sister liked the house. I put away the boxes and we took some pictures and went to have lunch and to target. Drove to drop off my mom and sister and now we are home. Watched the rest of the Niners game and went to hang out with the boys as my wife and mother in law went out to look at couches.
(Afternoon: burrito,  water, iced caramel brulee latte)

Chilled, rested and did the volcano with the boys. It was cool, not a big explosion as we thought, but still cool. Changed Gabriel,  I went to shower and put him to bed. Watched some tv and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, egg nog,  cookie)

lockdown day 243

Got up, showered and got ready. Got the boys ready and took them to my Mom for the day. Came back home and we drove to the new house to meet the plumber. They started working and we did some measurements and we headed out to look at furniture. 
(Morning: boost, water)

We ordered the bed sets and some other items. We went to have lunch and hit up Walmart. Went back to the house to talk to the electrician and set up time for him to do the job. After they were done we came home. I dropped off my wife and mother in law at home and I went to target and to get the boys.
(Afternoon: 2 double doubles, strawberry milkshake,  monster, water)

Got to my sister's. Hung out for some time. Talked to my mom and watched the kids play. Came home, changed the boys and took a shower. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching Javi play Mario Odyssey. Watched a movie and went to bed.
(Nighttime: mini donuts,  guava juice, water)

Friday, November 13, 2020

lockdown day 242


Got up, made a bottle, put clothes to wash and went to shower. Today is Friday the 13th. Looks like we close today. Later going to pick up some boxes at my brothers job and buy some toilets and lights to take to the new house tomorrow to see if the plumber and electrician can install them. Got Gabriel ready for school and went to go drop him off. He really likes going to play with his little friends. Came back home, made coffee and had some muffins. Checked in to work and now waiting to answer emails for the CalFresh program.

(Morning: Coffee, muffins, water)


Went to get Gabriel and dropped him off to my Mom. Came home, my wife took Javi to the Boys and Girls club,  I got off at 2 and went to my brother's job and picked up some boxes. Came home to drop them off and headed over to Home Depot to get some lights and toilets. After we came home to rest a bit.

(Afternoon: strawberry shake, chicken sandwiches,  water)


We ordered burritos and picked them up. Picked up Javi and went to my sister's to have dinner and get Gabriel. We hung out and the boys played and we finally came home. Showered, changed Gabriel and now trying to put him to sleep. I thought he was asleep  ut he tricked me. My wife put the boys in bed, Gabriel came out crying, I had him go back and sleep like a big boy and he did. We watched the Mandalorian and I played madden. Off to bed. Going to the new house tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: water, beer, burrito)

lockdown day 241

Had a real bad night. My stomach was not friendly to me. Spent about 30 minutes on the bathroom around 4 am. Was finally able to sleep close to 5 am. Got up around 6:50 to go shower and get ready for work. Got Gabriel ready for preschool. The drop off was good, it was cold and my stomach issues started up again. Just got back, used the bathroom and now making coffee. Skipping the boost today as I have muffins.
(Morning: coffee, muffin, water)

I went to get Gabriel and and came home. Took Javi to the Boys and Girls club and went to go pick up my mom to take her to Kaiser. We got through the appointment and passed by getting Gabriel so I could take them to my sister's. Came back home and worked one more hour. Had a quick bite to eat and about to go get the boys.
Went to get Javi and to my sister's place to pick up Javi. About to leave soon.
(Afternoon: water, guava juice, cold cuts)

Here and going to eat, move the cars and go home. We drove home and I bathed Gabriel,  ny wife helped Javi shower. I am feeling better now about telling my family that we are moving. The conversation was a bit stressful for me as I am leaving. But still close. After I showered I put Gabriel to bed, we watched tv. Played madden and now bed time.
(Nighttime: pork chop, rice, water, beer, cupcake)

Thursday, November 12, 2020

lockdown day 240

Got up, made coffee and rested a bit. We finished cleaning out the kitchen cabinets and drawers. 8 more bags of garbage we filled. I took it to go throw out. Came back home and showered. Waited for everyone to get ready and we went to costco. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Did our costco run and came home to put things away. Had lunch and rested a bit. We went to the park so the kids could play.  Before coming home we hit the Dollar Tree and got a few items. Now here at home resting. 
(Afternoon: hot dog. Slice of pizza, lemonade, water)

Watched NXT and changed the boys. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Now watching tv. Played 2 games of Madden and now caught up to this week in the NFL. Going to bed now. 
(Nighttime: cold cuts, gatorade,  water, egg nog, muffins, milk)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

lockdown day 239

Woke up, made a bottle, put clothes to wash and took a shower. After I got dressed I got Gabriel ready for school and we took him. We came home and I made my coffee, had a boost and set up Javi for work. Checked in to work and helped a few people until lunch time.
(Morning: water, coffee, boost)

Picked up Gabriel,  took him to my Mom and came home to have lunch. Aftee we signed some paper work. After Javi was done with school I took him over as well. Came back home and finished work. Now we are off to get the boys.
(Afternoon: water, lemonade, bacon burger,  loaded mashed potatoes, césar salad,  chips, queso and artichoke dip)

We got some Starbucks and headed over. I went with my sister to pick up my niece's car she left at work. She injured her ankle so she couldn't drive it home. After we came home and the boys ate, I showered and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Watched about an hour of the Princess Bride before he went to sleep. Went out to watch tv and play Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Caramel brulee latte, water, beer, cupcake, cheese toast, cheese string, Palmers, water)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

lockdown day 238


Woke up, made Gabriel a bottle and went to shower. I got dressed and ready for work, came out and dressed Gabriel and we took him over to preschool. It is really cold outside today. Make me want to go back in to bed and not work. Got back home, had a boost, had my coffee and checked in to work. Helped a few people that I had on my list and now just waiting for questions. My items that I ordered from Costco came in and I put them away. Going to use them soon. Had some cupcakes.

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee, cupcakes)


I went to get Gabriel and we ran into my nephew's near a 7-11, gave them some items to take to my brother. I took Gabriel and dropped him off to my Mom who is still at my sister's place. Came home and had lunch. Took Javi to the Boys and Girls club for a bit. We went to Chase and to Bank of America to get a Cashier's check. Came home to log back in to work and now answering questions. After work I went to get Javi and went over to my sister's. 

(Afternoon: Water, white rice, carne molida, Monster)


Hung out for a bit and came home. Made dinner and soon going to shower. Finished up and changed Gabriel,  looked through some old clothes that I am having my brother and nephews look over to see if they want them. Put Gabriel and Javi to sleep and went to finish watching RAW and played Madden before going to bed.

(Nighttime: egg and cheese sandwich, pot stickers, cheese sticks,  water)

Monday, November 9, 2020

lockdown day 237

Woke up and went to have coffee and watch a documentary on Paul Bearer on the WWE Network,  made the boys pancakes and started cleaning up. Went to shower and played Madden before starting to clean again. 
(Morning : coffee, water)

Went to throw out trash and tp get lunch. Watched some of the football game and got Gabriel ready to go to target and to my sister's place for a bit.
(Afternoon: water, chicken sandwich, whopper)

Got home and dropped Gabriel off. My wife and I went to Trader Joe's to get some items. Got home had some wine spinach dip and bread. Bathed Gabriel,  showered and now watching tv. Went to put Gabriel to sleep and came out to watch more tv, I was going to play Madden but I fell asleep on the couch. 
(Nighttime: Spinach dip, bread, wine, water, corn chips)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

lockdown day 236

Got up, watched some tv with Gabriel. Cleaned the bed and went to shower. Had coffee and cleaned up a bit. Played madden and we are on our way to Chuck E Cheese.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Got to Chuck E Cheese and we played for a bit and after we had lunch at Red Robin's. My sister took the boys and we went to target and home depot. Now we are at my sister's getting the boys.
(Afternoon: monster burger, fries, onion rings, artichoke dip, water, iced caramel brulee coffee)

We got home, I cleaned out the coffee machine and cleared out some toys in the play room. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Watched SNL and played Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, string cheese, peanut butter)

Saturday, November 7, 2020

lockdown day 235

Got up, put clothes to wash,  went to shower and got ready for work. After my shower I got Gabriel ready and we headed over to drop him off at preschool. The drop off was good. After we came home, set up Javi for class, I switched out the clothes, put more to wash. Made coffee and checked in to work. The morning has been good so far. A supervisor reached out to see if I could help her with a case, I was also assigned to help 3 people check their soft phone application. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Attended my unit meeting and there was a good conversation that we had about things that were going on at the moment. Hopefully something changes. But I don't think it will. Had lunch and soon going back in to work to run out the clock. Tried to help someone with their phone, but the never responded. After we went to target before dropping off the boys. 
(Afternoon: water, monster, bistec, cookies)

I bought Madden 21 and my wife bought a Kitchen Aid mixer. We dropped off the boys and went to have dinner at Kincaid's. It was a very nice dinner. After we picked up the boys and came home to watch the Mandalorian. Now installing the game. May play of it doesn't take too long.
(Nighttime: beer, water, coffee, creme brulee, prime rib, mashed potatoes, asparagus)

Thursday, November 5, 2020

lockdown day 234

Got up and took a shower. Got ready for work and when I was done I got Gabriel ready and took him to preschool. Came back home and helped Javi set up his class materials for the day. I made coffee and had a boost, logged in to work and got more calls for the training.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had 2 cookies and went to get Gabriel. Took him to my mom at my sister's house. Moved her car and came home to finish lunch and help Javi with his experiment. We made the ice cream and I took him over to the Boys and Girls club. Back home working and running out the clock, Niners play to night against the Packers in Santa Clara. 
After work I picked up Javi and passed by getting my wife. We were going over to my sister's tongrt Gabriel and celebrate my Dad's birthday. 
(Afternoon: fruit punch, water, chicken, rice,  2 oatmeal cookies)

Got there and turned on the game, my brother and his family showed up after. Had some pizza and came home. Finished watching the game, Niners lost. About to shower. After the shower I came out to hang out and then put the boys to bed. Now watching tv before bed. 
(Nighttime: water, pizza,  tortilla and cheese, cerveza)

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

lockdown day 233


Woke up, went to shower and got ready for work. After I came out to change Gabriel and we took him to preschool. When we returned I made my coffee and had a boost. Helped Javi get ready for his independent study day and started work. Had a quick meeting in the morning to discuss the phone call recordings and went to the forum meeting. After that I started collecting the recordings. 

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)


Javi finished his school work, we took him with us to pick up Gabriel and we went to drop him off to my Mom, who is at my sister's place. Came home and had lunch and now getting more recordings before the end of the day. After work I took out the trash and we went to Target before getting the boys.

(Afternoon: Chicken Pot Pie, Cheese it's, oatmeal cookie, water)


We finished up at Target and went to get the kids. We hung out a bit and came home. My wife made pizza and I tool a shower. I bathed Gabriel and my wife helped Javi shower. Going to put him to sleep soon. He finally went to sleep, I came out to watch tv and about to go to bed now.

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, cheese its, water)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

lockdown day 232

Woke up and went to put clothes to wash. Took a shower and got dressed. Dressed Gabriel and we took him to preschool. Came back home, set up Javi for school, made my coffee and had a boost. No work for me today, doctors orders. Been watching Law and Order SVU and folding clothes. Going out soon to get gas and pick up Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water, oatmeal cookie)

Went to get Gabriel and came home. Javi had his Afternoon meeting and fid that. Gabriel had his doctor's appointment and we did that as well. After we took Javi to the Boys and Girls club and came back home. I played Madden  and we went tk in and out before getting Javi. 
(Afternoon: sopa de res, water, vanilla chai, Mango iced tea)

We got the food, picked up Javi and came home to eat. Now watching the election results. Went outside changed Gabriel and got him ready for bed. I showered and put him to sleep. Came out to watch a movie named The Lie, well, it was a movie. Anyway. The results are still not in. It's not looking good for Biden. It looks like Trump will have 4 more year to destroy America and incite more racism around the US. Lord help us all. Going to bed. 

(Nighttime: 2 double doubles, strawberry milkshake,  water)

Monday, November 2, 2020

lockdown day 231

Got up, checked on Javi, he was feeling a bit better. He will be going to class. I went to shower, I was feeling good, not great. I got dressed and after got Gabriel ready for preschool. We dropped him off, came home. Made coffee and had a boost. Checked in to work as we are training today but my supervisor requested that I go home and will cover for me as I am not feeling well. I feel bad because I feel like I let my teammate down. But I got to rest.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I went to pick up Gabriel and brought him home. We had lunch and I went to drop them off to my mom. Moved her car and came home again. Been resting up and relaxing. Napped hard and woke up and we went to get the boys at my sister's place.
(Afternoon: sopa de res, water, rice, cheese, cookies cheese its)

Got there and hung out for a bit. Came home and Javibdid homework. Changed Gabriel and went to shower. Put him to bed and now watching tv. Played Madden and about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: egg nog, water, oatmeal cookie)

Sunday, November 1, 2020

lockdown day 230

It's November 1st, still under orders from the state of limited openings. Woke up, made coffee, cleaned outside and watched football. Showered and went to go get some lunch.
(Morning: coffee)

Got the food, moved the car and had lunch. My head has been hurting since yesterday.  Took some motrin and need to get some rest. Watched the Niners game, a game that they could have won if the offense came out swinging.  But they didn't and they lost. Long hard road ahead of them. I still think they can make it. Not sure what we are doing next. Javi is feeling sick as well, Gabriel is being a bossy baby. We.went to target to get a few things and came home. 
(Afternoon: burrito, chips, water)

We got home, I pit away the groceries and checked on the car. The boys had spaghetti and meatballs. I washed the dishes and left over Popeye's chicken and half a burrito with egg nog. Now waiting for Gabriel to poop so I can go use the bathroom and shower. Finished getting ready for the end of the night, put both boys to bed and came out to watch a movie. It was not good. About to go to sleep.

(Nighttime: egg nog, water, chicken, burrito, cookies)