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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

lockdown day 99

Got up, took a shower and got Gabriel ready for school. We drove over and dropped him off and he did well. On the way back we took in the sun and when we got home I checked in. I talked to a few people and I started laundry. Been folding clothes while having my coffee and boost. Attended a webinar on immigration. About to go pick up Gabriel.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)

We picked up Gabriel and came home, we had lunch, I worked a bit and not running out the clock. Helped out a few people and now just waiting. Aftef work i took out the recycling and we went to the bank and park. Javi rode his bike around and we played a game. 
(Afternoon: Water, Sopa de res, pastry, iced coffee)

Got home, bathed the boys, had pizza for dinner and now going to shower. Going ro put Gabriel to bed soon. Got out of the room and played Going to Boston with Javi, after we played Mario party 8 and hung out. Nlw watching tv and playing madden before bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

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