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Thursday, June 4, 2020

lockdown day 80

Got up, went to shower. Checked in to work. Made the boys eggs and chilled for a bit. Had my boost and coffee for the day and took the boys outside 2 times to play. It is hot. There is a protest going on right now down the street, which is why we kept Gabriel home today, didn't want the stress of street closures and other things to muddy today for his pick up. I talked to a few people and helped some as well. My surgery got confirmed for tomorrow. Got some information regarding that. Now we wait for questions and my unit meeting.
(Morning: Coffee, boost, water)

We went for a walk and came back. The protest had started and so far everything was good. We ate lunch and now just waiting to get back in to work. Just a few hours and I am done for a week. Helped a few more people, sent out a out of office email and now we are going to the park.
(Afternoon: water, ground beef patties. Gallo pinto, cheese, plantain chips)

We got ready to go to Orange Park and hung out for some time. Javi rode his bike, Gabriel was on his scooter, we played tag and other games and went to put gas in the truck and picked up a pizza from Round Table.
We got home and ate, Javi was complaining as always with food. Gabriel gobbled it down and now they will go bathe. After that the boys played, I showered and put Gabriel to bed. When I came out we watched some of Fuller House and now watching tv and playing Madden, bed next
(Nighttime: pizza, water, pie)

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