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Monday, June 8, 2020

lockdown day 83

Got uo, went to shower. Cleaned the bed and we headed out to the beach. We got there and it was full so we went to a secondary spot. It was really windy, we stayed for a bit so the boys could play in the sand. They had lots of fun.
(Morning: boost,  water)

We got home, had a snack and went out to get lunch. We ate and my wife bathed the boys, I am resting icing my crotch about to watch NXT In Your House. Been watching the show, finally got Gabriel to nap,  going to wake him up soon. Have a headache still, hope it goes away soon.
(Afternoon: burrito,  chicken and rice, cranberry juice, water)

Finished watching In your house and the Ric Flair special. We ate dinner and I played a game Javi made up. Still icing my crotch and resting. Watched some hulu and played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken gnocchi soup,  water, left over burrito)

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