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Friday, June 26, 2020

lockdown day 102

Got up, showered and went to put clothes to wash. Got Gabriel ready to go to school and we drove him over. He did well at the drop off and we came back home. Today is out 11 year wedding anniversary. Later we are going out to dinner. Got back home, checked in at work and started to chat with a few people. Continued doing laundry, right now waiting for questions from people. Going out for a walk soon and going to start seeing what we have for lunch.
(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)

We drove over to McDonald's to get some lunch for everyone. After we drove over to get Gabriel at school and came back home. Had lunch and now going back in to work. Still not sure what is going on with the kids later today, to see if they spend the night over at my sister's place.
Finished up work and took the kids to my sister's.  
(Afternoon: Chicken Sandwich, McDouble, Chicken Nuggets, Water, energy drink) 

Dropped them off and drove home. Looks like the masks I ordered for Javi were too small. Hopefully the ones I ordered for me fit him.
Resting up while waiting for my wife to come home and we can go have dinner. We got ready and went to Kincaid's and had a great dinner. After we came back home, i showered and now watching Netflix.
(Nighttime: prime rib, asparagus, mashed potatoes, beer, water. Coffee, creme brulee)

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