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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

lockdown day 84

Got up, changed. We went to drop Gabriel off and came back home. I chilled for a.bit before showering. Yesterday Javi made himself a game and today I helped him make a board out of an old Amazon box and we made his game. We played for a bit and now resting. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We finished watching Fuller House and my mom picked up Javi. We had lunch and went to Target. We got some good things and came home. Chilled in bed and watchex Scrubs. At 5 we went to the storage room and got the Wii and some walkers for my mom.
(Afternoon: chop suey, water, caramel frappuccino)

We got to my sister's and got the boys, we went to grab McDonald's and came home. After dinner I came to ice down my crotch and watch RAW. Gabriel came here with me and I may have to take a tylenol. I put Gabriel to bed and went to do some accounting. Watched tv, played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: big Mac, chicken nuggets, fries, water)

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