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Monday, June 22, 2020

lockdown day 97

Got up, had coffee, watched the Undertaker last ride finale. Changed the sun visor in the car. Cut pineapple and now going to shower. It's Father's day today and Javi made me a card and my wife got me a nice watch. 
(Morning: coffee)

Had Benihana's for lunch. It was delicious. After laid out in bed with Gabriel and watched Frasier. After some time we went out to Target and to get ice cream at Baskin Robin's.  We are home again, Gabriel fell asleep and I am here with him.
(Afternoon: benihana,  water)

Got up, had some ice cream, we started watching the move The Way Back and I had 2 beers and peanuts. Going to shower and put Gabriel to bed. He finally went down and I came out to watch a show with my wife, played madden and had some red vines. Bow off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, peanuts, ice cream)

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