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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

lockdown day 77

Got up, got Gabriel's bag ready for preschool. Today it's open again. We feel a bit nervous about it for sure because he's our baby boy, but at the same time he has been out of preschool for 2 and a half months and needs to go back to learn and play with other kids. 
I showered and changed him, he was not happy. When I showed him his Spiderman lunch bag he calmed down. On the ride he would keep saying 'friends' over and over. He was fine when we left him. I think he remembered the place and was OK.
After we came home, I finished up the case review, talked to a few people.
My sister called me and she put me on the line with Disney about the AP we have. They did have us down for the extension.
Now I wait for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We got ready to go pick up Gabriel. He was eating lunch with the other kids and he was happy to see us. We came home and my wife bathed the boys and we also had lunch. We had the left over Sopa de Res and the kids had the left over Popeye's chicken. We went outside so the boys could ride their bikes. Right now trying to run out the clock and be off at 5. We left to go to Target but it was closed due to the looting and protesting. We ended up at Safeway and got some groceries 
(Afternoon: Sopa de Res, Water, Iced Coffee, Chicken)

We got home warmed up some deep-dish pizza, made some piña coladas and did laundry. We had dinner, i watched RAW and eventually put Gabriel to bed. I wanted to play Uno with Javi, but he was being a bray so I didn't play he needs to learn that he cannot be that way. Anyway about to play madden.
(Nighttime: pizza, piña colada, water, cherry pie)

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