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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

lockdown day 92

Got up, showered, got Gabriel ready for preschool. Dropped him off and came back home. Checked in to work and had coffee and a boost while answering emails. Looks like I have a few training's to attend today,  one on implicit bias and the other on cyber security. Did those training's and finished folding some clothes before going to pick up Javi and get some food.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

We picked up Javi and got our lunch and came home. We had a good meal and after I finished the laundry and now back in to work to see what the rest of the day hold for me. Really tired, maybe I should go to sleep earlier, but I doubt that will happen.
(Afternoon: water, burrito, chips, energy drink)

We went out for Javi to ride his bike. Came back in, my wife made cupcakes and the boys had dinner. I changed Gabriel and inwent to shower. Put Gabriel to bed and now having some peanuts. Watched some tv and played Madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: peanuts, cupcakes, water)

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