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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

lockdown day 79

Got up, showered and got Gabriel ready. We went to drop him off, he was good today again. Came back home, made coffee started working and listened to the forum meeting. Now passing the time until we go get Gabriel. We ended up going to Targey real quick to get some items, it was a nice Target run. After we got Gabriel. 
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Got to Gabriel's preschool and picked him up. He was eating lunch. We drove home and chilled before getting slme Taco Bell for lunch. It's been a long time since I got Taco Bell. So let's see how this goes. Lunch was good and now waiting to get back in to work. Logged back in and helped out an EW with a question regarding HH composition for CalFresh. It's hot, Gabriel is napping and Javi is watching TV. My shoulder is still hurting, not sure why.
(Afternoon: steak/chicken chalupa, taco, bean burrito,  pink lemonade, gatorade, monster)

After work I took out the garbage and Javi rode his bike. Hung out for a bit and played go fish with Javi. Later Javi. Gabriel and me played Mouse Trap. My wife made a peanut butter banana pie. I went to shower and put Gabriel to bed. I tried the pie after and it was very good. After Javi went to bed I watched tv, played Madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pie, pastry,  milk, water)

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