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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

lockdown day 91

Got up, went to take a shower. Got ready, checked in and we went to drop Gabriel off at preschool. He did great, he still enjoys it. Came back home and checked in with some people and answered some questions. Moved the cars, my mom picked up Javi and got my intro ready for my next recording for the training that I will be doing in the PM.
(Morning: Coffee, Water, Boost)

Ran out real quick with my wife to get her some mini tacos at Jack in the box. Back home now. Will work until about 1 and take my lunch. Got back in to work, did 2 recordings and drank an energy drink 
(Afternoon: Tacos, Arroz a la Valenciana, water,  energy drink)

We went to go get the boys, hung out for a bit. Drove home and on the way passed by 7-11 to grt hamburger bread. Got home and my wife made burgers for dinner. Watching RAW and bathed the boys. Now finishing up the show. After, going to wash dishes and put Gabriel to bed. Came out and drew a few pigs for Javi and we watched some tv before my wife went to bed. I played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Cheeseburger, cookies, water, Pastry)

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