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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

lockdown day 106

Got up, showered, put clothes to wash and took Gabriel to preschool. He did really well again. We came home and i checked in to work. Was answering questions and reciewing things all morning. I snuck in a game of Mario Party 8 and worked some more.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

We went to pick up Gabriel and got some Popeye's. Now resting up before I check back into work. Checked back in and requested to leave work a little early so we could go get Javi and Gabriel hair cuts. We did that and went to the park to play catch and hit some baseballs.
(Afternoon: Popeye's chicken,  biscuits, cole slaw, water, 1/2 monster)

Got home, helped Javi shower and bathed Gabriel.  Checked on my sister who had surgery and she was doing well. Eating dinner now and watching tv. Gabriel fell asleep and we put him in bed, played Tennis, Bowling and Mario Party 8 with Javi and now watching tv.
(Nighttime: corn dogs, pot stickers, water)

lockdown day 105

Woke up, went to use the bathroom and showered. Got Gabriel ready for school and we took him down. He did very well again. We came home and Javi was still sleeping, I checked in to work and started reviewing emails and other things. Been talking with some people today, catching up and helping them with cases. Reviewed a document for my supervisor. Played catch with Javi for a bit, moved the cars and waited for my Mom to come get Javi.
(Morning: Coffee, water, boost)

My Mom came by with Myrna to pick up Javi, we had lunch and now waiting to get back in to work. I had some ice cream and checked back in to work and just waiting for questions to be asked. Finished up work, took out the trash and drove over to get the boys. We hung for a bit and went to go get some in and out burger. Gabriel fell asleep in the car.
(Afternoon: Pasta, garlic bread, cookie, water, energy drink)

We got home and had dinner. Gabriel was cranky but that's nothing new. Been watching RAW and soon going to change the boys for bed. I showered and played Mario Party with the boys, put Gabriel to bed and after played Going to Boston with Javi. Watched tv and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: double double, vanilla milk shake. Water)

Monday, June 29, 2020

lockdown day 104

Got up, had coffee, chilled for a bit, the boys went outside and started a commotion so I brought them back in. I went to shower and we were off to Serramonte. We did some shopping at Target and went into the mall.
(Morning: coffee)

We walked in and the mall was still closed. It opened at 12. We were in line for Panda Express but they had no food. So I got the boys some Hawaiian BBQ. My wife got Chicken Nann and is getting cofee while we wait in the car.
Drove home, moved the cars, they might actually clean the streets tomorrow. Now watching Fraiser and hanging out in the living room. Took a nap and woke up and had to clean a mess Gabriel made. We got ready to go outside. 
(Afternoon: leftover Hawaiian BBQ,  water)

We took Javi to ride his bike, he took a bit of a fall but was ok. We played a bit of baseball in the front yard and some tag. Came in had dinner and hanging out with the boys while they eat. About to wash dishes and get Gabriel ready for bed. I took a shower, put Gabriel to bed, came out to wash dishes and watched some tv. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Chevice, mini calzones, beer, water)

Sunday, June 28, 2020

lockdown day 103

Woke up late. Showred and had breakfast. We went to Costco after.
(Morning: nacatamales, coffee, water)

Picked up the boys, hung out for a bit. Came home. My waife bathed the boys while I put the items away. Watching My Spy and not sure what's next. Played Mario Party with Javi and went to get something to eat.
(Afternoon: cheese danish water, cookie, ice Cream)

After playing Mario Party I ate some Chevice, sake bombs and cerveza. Have a nice buzz going on. Put Gabriel to bed and finished up watching a movie on Netflix. Off to bed nlw
(Nighttime: crevice, chips, beer, sake bombs)

Friday, June 26, 2020

lockdown day 102

Got up, showered and went to put clothes to wash. Got Gabriel ready to go to school and we drove him over. He did well at the drop off and we came back home. Today is out 11 year wedding anniversary. Later we are going out to dinner. Got back home, checked in at work and started to chat with a few people. Continued doing laundry, right now waiting for questions from people. Going out for a walk soon and going to start seeing what we have for lunch.
(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)

We drove over to McDonald's to get some lunch for everyone. After we drove over to get Gabriel at school and came back home. Had lunch and now going back in to work. Still not sure what is going on with the kids later today, to see if they spend the night over at my sister's place.
Finished up work and took the kids to my sister's.  
(Afternoon: Chicken Sandwich, McDouble, Chicken Nuggets, Water, energy drink) 

Dropped them off and drove home. Looks like the masks I ordered for Javi were too small. Hopefully the ones I ordered for me fit him.
Resting up while waiting for my wife to come home and we can go have dinner. We got ready and went to Kincaid's and had a great dinner. After we came back home, i showered and now watching Netflix.
(Nighttime: prime rib, asparagus, mashed potatoes, beer, water. Coffee, creme brulee)

lockdown day 101

Got up, changed Gabriel, went to take a shower and got ready. We drove him to preschool and he did really well again. Came back home, checked in to work and talked to a few people. Having Javi do some work in his work book and pretty soon going to go for a walk. When we came back the cards I ordered were delivered and I ordered lunch for us while my wife made food for the boys.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

My Mom came by and picked up Javi. I bought her a Sushi Burrito and sent some spaghetti and meatballs for the boys. Had lunch and now hanging out until i go in to my meeting. The meeting was like about 5 minutes. We were told again that we may just continue working from home for the foreseeable future. Watched the Junior documentary and helped some people out. Almost done for the day.  
Collected the garbage and headed out to toss it and to get the boys. Hung out at my sister's for a bit and came home.
(Afternoon: sushi burrito, water, energy drink, skittles, Jelly beans, blow pop)

Chilled for a bit, bathed the boys,  showered amd made dinner for myself. A peanut butter sandwich and pancakes with milk. After hung out in the living room for some time and went to put Gabriel to bed. Came out to play Going to Boston with Javi and now going to watch tv and play madden before bed.
(Nighttime: pancakes, peanut butter sandwiches,  milk, water)

Thursday, June 25, 2020

lockdown day 100

Got up, it's day 100 of the shelter in place. I went to shower, got Gabriel ready and we went to go drop him off at preschool. He did very well. We came back home, I had coffee and a boost and started working. Attended the forum meeting and helped someone out with a case. Javi did some work and I got things ready for my mom to go get Gabriel. Javi was acting very rude and I had to put limitations on him for the rest of the day.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

My Mom came by with Santi and Myrna to pick up Javi. Right now I am working until I go to lunch. Had lunch and chilled. Helped out a few more people and got things ready to go get the boys.
(Afternoon: sopa de res, water, energy drink)

Got to my sister's and chilled for a bit. After we went to Target and did some shopping before going home. We had dinner and watched some of the movie Last Christmas before I put Gabriel to bed. Got outz showered and pkayed Mario Party 8 with my wife and Javi. Javi was being a brat, i ended up winning. Now in the room again with the boys since Gabriel woke up. He went back down and i went to watch the ESPN 30 for 30 Long Gone Summer. It was about McGwire and Sosa in 1998 with the home run chase. It was good until it wasn't. The played my favorite player again, making it seem that Barry Bonds is the bad guy, the only one accused or to use steriods, tried to fabricate this story that McGwire and Sosa were punished by people, um nl they were not. Well maybe Sammy, but McGwire,  nope. He was and still is celebrated. 
Whichever way you want to put it, Bonds. McGwire and Sosa should be in the Hall of Fame. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: pot stickers, water. Peanut butter sandwich)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

lockdown day 99

Got up, took a shower and got Gabriel ready for school. We drove over and dropped him off and he did well. On the way back we took in the sun and when we got home I checked in. I talked to a few people and I started laundry. Been folding clothes while having my coffee and boost. Attended a webinar on immigration. About to go pick up Gabriel.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)

We picked up Gabriel and came home, we had lunch, I worked a bit and not running out the clock. Helped out a few people and now just waiting. Aftef work i took out the recycling and we went to the bank and park. Javi rode his bike around and we played a game. 
(Afternoon: Water, Sopa de res, pastry, iced coffee)

Got home, bathed the boys, had pizza for dinner and now going to shower. Going ro put Gabriel to bed soon. Got out of the room and played Going to Boston with Javi, after we played Mario party 8 and hung out. Nlw watching tv and playing madden before bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

lockdown day 98

Got up, showered, go Gabriel ready amd we took him to preschool. He did great again. Came back home had my coffee and a boost and checked in to work. Now waiting for questions. Played a few games with Javi, listened to him read and my mom came to get him.
(Morning: water,  boost, coffee)

Had lunch and continued working. Sleepy, my wife left to her office for a few hours, my mother in law left as well. I am home alone. Watched some episodes of Fraiser and soon going to head out to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: carne molida, rice, water, energy drink, coffee cake)

We went to get the boys and hung out for a bit. Came back home, had some tacos from Jack in the box. Played Mario Party 8 with Javi, played bowling as well. Now putting Gabriel to bed. He went tonsleep, we watched the end of season 1 of the floor is lava.  Took Javi to bed, we signed him up for the boys and girls club for July. We watched tv, i played Madden and now going to sleep 
(Nighttime: tacos, water, bread, pastry)

Monday, June 22, 2020

lockdown day 97

Got up, had coffee, watched the Undertaker last ride finale. Changed the sun visor in the car. Cut pineapple and now going to shower. It's Father's day today and Javi made me a card and my wife got me a nice watch. 
(Morning: coffee)

Had Benihana's for lunch. It was delicious. After laid out in bed with Gabriel and watched Frasier. After some time we went out to Target and to get ice cream at Baskin Robin's.  We are home again, Gabriel fell asleep and I am here with him.
(Afternoon: benihana,  water)

Got up, had some ice cream, we started watching the move The Way Back and I had 2 beers and peanuts. Going to shower and put Gabriel to bed. He finally went down and I came out to watch a show with my wife, played madden and had some red vines. Bow off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, peanuts, ice cream)

Sunday, June 21, 2020

lockdown day 96

Got up, made coffee and about to take a shower. We are going out somewhere. Not sure where,  but going somewhere. We ended up going to get gas and headed out to Santa Cruz to the beach.  The drive wa ok, some sight traffic but we got there and found a good spot to hang out at.
(Morning: coffee)

I went to get us some lunch and tool a little nap on the beach. The boys had fun and played in the water and sand, after we got the treats before leaving. Icee and ice cream. The drive home was a little long as we took the 1 and saw the scenic route. We ordered food to pick up before getting home. 
(Afternoon: water, corn dog, fries, garlic fries, ice crem, shared monster)

We got home, had dinner and talked to Arnel for a bit. Now bathing the boys, after this it will be mine turn to shower. Showered and now trying to grt Gabriel to sleep. He finally went to bed. Watched tv and played Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: poke burrito, sake bombs)

Friday, June 19, 2020

lockdown day 95

Got up, showered and went to go drop Gabriel off at preschool. He did well again. Came back home had coffee amd checked in to work. Answered some emails and waited for questions. Washed another car, took a walk and did laundry. No waiting to go get Gabriel 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Went with Javi to go get Gabriel at scho. Came home and had lunch. Now waiting for the last of the clothes to wash. Did some work, folded some clothes and hung out with the boys for a bit. About to get back in to work and run out the clock. Of course the last half of the day was filled with a few appeals cases to deal with. Got them done and now off.
(Afternoon: bacon burger, pink lemonade, mashed potatoes, césar salad)

Been watching a show called the floor is lava, making food for the boys. Ended up making Jalapeno poppers and cheese sticks for us. I also made a bean and cheese quesadilla. Chips and bean dip. After some time i changed Gabriel and tried to put him to sleep in his bed. It took close to an hour and a half but he went down and went to sleep. After came out and watched tv and played Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: bean and cheese quesadillas, cheese sticks, Jalapeno poppers, sake bomb, beer)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

lockdown day 94

Got up, showered and got dressed. Got Gabriel ready and we went to drop him off at school. He did well, it's a hot one out there today. We came back home and I checked in to work. I answered some emails and talked to a few people. Found out that the 2nd recording I did of the training will be the one that will be used for publishing for the training. Helped Javi do some work and might go out for a walk. After we came back from the walk me and Javi washed my car. Waiting for my Mom to get here and get Javi and we have to go get some things.
(Morning: Water, Boost, Coffee)

My mom picked up Javi and we went to Trader Joe's and got a few things, after we headed over to Darby Dan's so they can get their lunch. I am going to have the left over burrito that was there. About to chill and then go in to work. Answered some emails and helped some people out with cases, about to go out to get the boys. We passed by 7-11 to get Javi and Gabriel a slurpee and went to get them.
(Afternoon: Burrito, Doritos, Fruit Punch, Water, Energy drink)

We got there and the boys were happy with their treat. We came home, played Loteria and I had Sake Bombs!!!!! About to bathe the boys and shower after. Went to have a few more Sake Bombs and now putting Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and played Madden and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: slurpee, sake bomb, cheese Danish, quesadillas)

lockdown day 93

Got up, showered and got dressed. Changed Gabriel and we went over to drop him off. Came back home, checked in to work. Got on on the forum and listened in. Some good information was given and hopefully people use it. Went outside to have Javi ride his bike, we played catch and soccer. Came back in to work, waiting for my mom to come get Javi and see if we have lunch before he leaves.
(Morning: Boost, water, coffee)

Had lunch, my wife made shrimp Alfredo with Spaghetti noodles. Going to lunch and soon after will check back in. I sent over the recordings of the training that I did so I can see if I need to do another attempt.  My mom picked up Javi and went to rest for a bit. Working again, going to see if anyone needs help before we go to get the boys.
(Afternoon: Corn nuts, water, Shrimp Alfredo with Spaghetti, Gatorade, energy drink)

We went to go get the boys. We hung out for a bit and after went to Target. We grabbed a few things,  came home, washed the truck and I changed the boys. I showered and nlw putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep, I went out to watch tv and played Madden.  Now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: rice, beans, meat patties, water)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

lockdown day 92

Got up, showered, got Gabriel ready for preschool. Dropped him off and came back home. Checked in to work and had coffee and a boost while answering emails. Looks like I have a few training's to attend today,  one on implicit bias and the other on cyber security. Did those training's and finished folding some clothes before going to pick up Javi and get some food.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

We picked up Javi and got our lunch and came home. We had a good meal and after I finished the laundry and now back in to work to see what the rest of the day hold for me. Really tired, maybe I should go to sleep earlier, but I doubt that will happen.
(Afternoon: water, burrito, chips, energy drink)

We went out for Javi to ride his bike. Came back in, my wife made cupcakes and the boys had dinner. I changed Gabriel and inwent to shower. Put Gabriel to bed and now having some peanuts. Watched some tv and played Madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: peanuts, cupcakes, water)

lockdown day 91

Got up, went to take a shower. Got ready, checked in and we went to drop Gabriel off at preschool. He did great, he still enjoys it. Came back home and checked in with some people and answered some questions. Moved the cars, my mom picked up Javi and got my intro ready for my next recording for the training that I will be doing in the PM.
(Morning: Coffee, Water, Boost)

Ran out real quick with my wife to get her some mini tacos at Jack in the box. Back home now. Will work until about 1 and take my lunch. Got back in to work, did 2 recordings and drank an energy drink 
(Afternoon: Tacos, Arroz a la Valenciana, water,  energy drink)

We went to go get the boys, hung out for a bit. Drove home and on the way passed by 7-11 to grt hamburger bread. Got home and my wife made burgers for dinner. Watching RAW and bathed the boys. Now finishing up the show. After, going to wash dishes and put Gabriel to bed. Came out and drew a few pigs for Javi and we watched some tv before my wife went to bed. I played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Cheeseburger, cookies, water, Pastry)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

lockdown day 90

Got up, watched the Undertaker documentary part 4. Went to shower. Had coffee and we went to Target.
(Morning: coffee)

We came back from Target. Lunch is pending. I am having a passion fruit drink. We watched Scoob and waited for lunch. When the movie was over Javi and I ate. It was good. Going to rest up a bit before playing monopoly and watching Backlash.
(Afternoon: passion fruit drink, cookies, water, bread, arroz a lavalenciana, gatorade)

Played Mario Party 8 with Javi, made him some fries, made Gabriel some mac and cheese. I ate the food my aunt sent for me and made some nachos for myself. Enjoyed a few beers while wrapping up Backlash. Now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to bed and I came out and showered. We played Monopoly and Javi won the game. He was really happy. He went to bed, i came over to watch some tv with my wife. Watchung the news before bed. 
(Nighttime: pork, potatoes, carrots, nachos, beer, water)

lockdown day 89

Got up, still a little sore in my groin and abdomen area. Made breakfast and coffee, now taking a few minutes before I go clean the bed. We went to the park and Javi rode his bike, i chilled after 2 times walking around the park. My abdomen was sore. After we went home 
(Morning: coffee, bacon, egg, cheese sandwiches)

We stopped by Jack in the box for some tacos and went home to eat. We also went to the Dollar tree. We had lunch, I played Madden and got ready to go over to my sister's house for Alexia's birthday party. We are here now and waiting. Just hanging out.
(Afternoon: 3 tacos, mini tacos,  water)

We had a good time at the party. We had some food, some drinks and the kids played games. After we came home, bathed the boys and now I am watching Scrubs.
(Nighttime: wine, ribs, wings, bread, jelly beans, chips)

Friday, June 12, 2020

lockdown day 88

Woke up, showered, got dressed. Got Gabriel ready for preschool. We all went to drop him off and came back home. Watched Scrubs while waiting for questions from people. We went to Target before going to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

We arrived at Gabriel's school and had to wait as he was having lunch. We are home now, about to have bean soup. Had lunch and washed dishes, when I am done with my lunch time it will be time to run out the clock. Got back in to work, feeling a little pain in my abdomen and I hope it goes away soon. Running out the clock and watching Scrubs.  
After work we had popcorn and watched Artemis Fowl on Disney +.
I fell asleep but Javi liked it.
(Afternoon: bean soup, white rice, cheese, energy drink, water, Gatorade, Cheetos puffs, popcorn)

After the movie we ordered Poke bowl and waited for the food to come. We had dinner and I played Uno and go fish with Javi. I changed Gabriel amd put him to bed. Now hanging out before bed. Watching TV and soon going to bed
(Nighttime: poke burrito,  water)

Thursday, June 11, 2020

lockdown day 87

Woke up and went to shower. I got Gabriel ready for preschool. Checked in to work and reviewed emails. We went to drop off Gabriel and he did really well again. Came back home, had a boost and coffee. They came by and changed the PG&E meter, did some work and played a quick game of Mario party with Javi. Now waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: Coffee, Water, boost)

My mom came over with Myrna and Gabriel to pick up Javi. I finished one star battle to get closer to unlocking the last character in Mario Party 8. Had lunch and uncontrollably ate a whole pack of Fig Newtons. Now getting back in to work and going to the unit meeting soon.
Attending the meeting and recorded a training. Fixed the draining hose on the washer, hopefully it works, I have to try it later. Before getting to my sister's we stopped by Starbucks. 
(Afternoon: Rice, Mashed potatoes, Steak, bell pepper, fig newtons, water, energy drink)

Got to my sister's place and we are hanging out. We went home and i had left over pizza. Tested out the drain hose and it worked. Played madden and now putting Gabriel and Javi to bed. They both went to bed, I came out to the living room to watch tv and eventually played Madden again. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime : pizza, pineapple matcha, water)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

lockdown day 86

Got up, cleaned the bed, got Gabriel ready and went tl drop him off at preschool. He did well and we came home. Showered, made Javi shower and now just resting up. My last day of rest before work tomorrow. Tool a quick nap and got Javi ready for my mom.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We had lunch and my mom picked up Javi. My wife is going to the office and I will be resting. Napped for a bit, chilled and we went to Costco to grab a few things and some foodm
(Afternoon: water, carne molida, white rice, cheeze it's, ritz crackers)

Got to my sister's place and we ate some pizza, the boys had hot dogs, we tslked about the potential Disneyland trip and after came home. Gabriel bathed and now I am putting him to bed. He finally went down and I came out, Javi was watching Full House..after some time I played Madden and now off to bed. Work tomorrow 
(Nighttime: pizza, water, coffe)

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

lockdown day 85

Got up, had a strange dream, strange night. Anyway, went to use the bathroom,  grabbed some clothes and went to drop off Gabriel.  He did really well and we came back home. Having a boost and coffee. Might connect the wii later. Went to shower and finished my coffee, connected the wii and now resting up.
(Morning: coffee,  boost, water)

We headed out to pick up Gabriel and came home. I had left over chicken gnocchi soup and peanut butter sandwiches with milk. Now icing my crotch again and resting up. We wemt out so the boys could ride their bikes and came back.
(Afternoon: chicken gnocchi soup,  milk, peanut butter sandwiches, water)

I went to rest and iced my crotch again. Gabriel came by and fell asleep. I got up and went to eat and we ended up playing Mario Brothers on the Wii and also Mario Part 8. Played madden and now in bed waiting for Gabriel to go to sleep.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks,  won tons, water)

lockdown day 84

Got up, changed. We went to drop Gabriel off and came back home. I chilled for a.bit before showering. Yesterday Javi made himself a game and today I helped him make a board out of an old Amazon box and we made his game. We played for a bit and now resting. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We finished watching Fuller House and my mom picked up Javi. We had lunch and went to Target. We got some good things and came home. Chilled in bed and watchex Scrubs. At 5 we went to the storage room and got the Wii and some walkers for my mom.
(Afternoon: chop suey, water, caramel frappuccino)

We got to my sister's and got the boys, we went to grab McDonald's and came home. After dinner I came to ice down my crotch and watch RAW. Gabriel came here with me and I may have to take a tylenol. I put Gabriel to bed and went to do some accounting. Watched tv, played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: big Mac, chicken nuggets, fries, water)

Monday, June 8, 2020

lockdown day 83

Got uo, went to shower. Cleaned the bed and we headed out to the beach. We got there and it was full so we went to a secondary spot. It was really windy, we stayed for a bit so the boys could play in the sand. They had lots of fun.
(Morning: boost,  water)

We got home, had a snack and went out to get lunch. We ate and my wife bathed the boys, I am resting icing my crotch about to watch NXT In Your House. Been watching the show, finally got Gabriel to nap,  going to wake him up soon. Have a headache still, hope it goes away soon.
(Afternoon: burrito,  chicken and rice, cranberry juice, water)

Finished watching In your house and the Ric Flair special. We ate dinner and I played a game Javi made up. Still icing my crotch and resting. Watched some hulu and played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken gnocchi soup,  water, left over burrito)

Sunday, June 7, 2020

lockdown day 82

Got up, icednmy crotch,  been laying here resting. Took a shower close to noon.
(Morning: nada)

Showered and dried off. Got dressed and my wife took the boys to get McDonald's. After lunch I laid on the couch and fell asleep for anfew hours. Now watching YouTube videos with Gabriel. They went out tonget donuts from Krispy Kreme and we had some.
(Afternoon: cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, donuts, iced coffee)

We needed to get milk so we wemt out quick to 7-11. Still haven't debut my masks but tomorrow I will. I got some taquitos, cheetos puffs and corn nuts. We also finally were able to get Slurpees. We came home and watched some episodes of Fuller House and just put Gabriel to bed. After he fell asleep I came out, we watched tv and I played madden and now off to bed 
(Nighttime: water, slurpee, tacquitos, cheeto puffs, corn nuts)

Friday, June 5, 2020

lockdown day 81

Got up, got ready to go take Gabriel to preschool. Made Javi some pancakes before we left. Gabriel did well at drop off. We came back home, i showered and got readg to go to Kaiser.
The surgery went well, some pain during the procedure but I'm feeling ok now. Back at home going to rest up.
(Morning: coffee, pasty, water)

My wife went to pick up Gabriel. I'm watching 13 Reasons why, had some spaghetti and meatballs for lunch and a pack of cheese its. I have a headache and it won't go away. I think I need something sweet. Rested up a bit, had a cherry pie. My cards and masks came in. 
(Afternoon: cheese its, spaghetti and meatballs,  cherry pie, water)

Been resting watchung this ridiculous season 4 of 13 Reasons why. Been icing my crotch area and trying not to strain. We ate some sushi and I came back to rest. Oh lord this stupid ass show and it's really my fault because I continue to watch it. About an hour left before I can put myself out of misery. 
Came out to the living room while my wife put Gabriel to bed. Played 2 games of Madden and now going to sleep
(Nighttime: sushi, pastry, water)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

lockdown day 80

Got up, went to shower. Checked in to work. Made the boys eggs and chilled for a bit. Had my boost and coffee for the day and took the boys outside 2 times to play. It is hot. There is a protest going on right now down the street, which is why we kept Gabriel home today, didn't want the stress of street closures and other things to muddy today for his pick up. I talked to a few people and helped some as well. My surgery got confirmed for tomorrow. Got some information regarding that. Now we wait for questions and my unit meeting.
(Morning: Coffee, boost, water)

We went for a walk and came back. The protest had started and so far everything was good. We ate lunch and now just waiting to get back in to work. Just a few hours and I am done for a week. Helped a few more people, sent out a out of office email and now we are going to the park.
(Afternoon: water, ground beef patties. Gallo pinto, cheese, plantain chips)

We got ready to go to Orange Park and hung out for some time. Javi rode his bike, Gabriel was on his scooter, we played tag and other games and went to put gas in the truck and picked up a pizza from Round Table.
We got home and ate, Javi was complaining as always with food. Gabriel gobbled it down and now they will go bathe. After that the boys played, I showered and put Gabriel to bed. When I came out we watched some of Fuller House and now watching tv and playing Madden, bed next
(Nighttime: pizza, water, pie)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

lockdown day 79

Got up, showered and got Gabriel ready. We went to drop him off, he was good today again. Came back home, made coffee started working and listened to the forum meeting. Now passing the time until we go get Gabriel. We ended up going to Targey real quick to get some items, it was a nice Target run. After we got Gabriel. 
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Got to Gabriel's preschool and picked him up. He was eating lunch. We drove home and chilled before getting slme Taco Bell for lunch. It's been a long time since I got Taco Bell. So let's see how this goes. Lunch was good and now waiting to get back in to work. Logged back in and helped out an EW with a question regarding HH composition for CalFresh. It's hot, Gabriel is napping and Javi is watching TV. My shoulder is still hurting, not sure why.
(Afternoon: steak/chicken chalupa, taco, bean burrito,  pink lemonade, gatorade, monster)

After work I took out the garbage and Javi rode his bike. Hung out for a bit and played go fish with Javi. Later Javi. Gabriel and me played Mouse Trap. My wife made a peanut butter banana pie. I went to shower and put Gabriel to bed. I tried the pie after and it was very good. After Javi went to bed I watched tv, played Madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pie, pastry,  milk, water)

lockdown day 78

Got up, went to put clothes to dry, made Gabriel a bottle and took a shower. We got ready to take Gabriel to preschool, he was not happy to leave here, but again when he saw the Spiderman lunch box he was OK to start the trip over. The drive was quick, he walked in and said bye, he was good today, he adjusted well again. We came back home and I folded some clothes, put other clothes to dry. Tried to help Javi do some work from a workbook we have but he is being a little jerk. Again, another day that I have had to get on him about his laziness and how he is unwilling to do the work to make himself better at reading, comprehending and at math. It honestly seems that he does not care about anything I tell him or the way I feel. This is another day where I tell him that I don't want to have a bad or fractured relationship with him, I want to play fun games with him, I want to help him get smarter but he doesn't care about that. All morning it was a fight, he says he cares, his actions tell me otherwise. It hurts me because he is a really smart kid, ahead of his classmates, but he is making bad decisions and throwing that lead away. When my wife came out, his tune changed and now he wants to be all about doing the work. So it is what it is.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

 I went to pick up Gabriel with Javi,  it was a quick drive. We came back and when I went to sit to eat I noticed the Javi had his papers laid out on the table, leaving no room to eat. I asked him to move it and he didn't want to so I said I would eat later, which apparently caused everyone to be upset with me. 
I really am tired of it, Javi has been acting up and out, he is disrespectful and just lazy. Almost every day I have to have a talk with him and there is no one in the house that wants to back me up. My wife takes his side always and tells him that I act this way because it's the way i am, basically dismissing the way he behaves and making him think that he has no part in this. 
I've always had her back when she is disciplining the boys,  but sadly she doesn't do the same. 
I haven't had lunch, still very irritated. We went outside for a bit and now I am here waiting for my sister to come get the boys.
So we ended up having a talk about that and i told her how I felt and sadly I don't think it will change anything. Heading out to get the boys.
(Afternoon: water, pastry)

We went to Walgreens and it was closed. We went to my sister's to get the boys. We ate a tostada and hung out for a bit and came home. My wife bathed Gabriel and I showered. Finally had dinner and about to hang out with the boys until i have to put Gabriel to bed. Came out and drew a picture for Javi we played Uno and after finished Dead to me. Just finished playing madden and going to bed.
(Nighttime: tostada, chicken flautas, beer, water)

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

lockdown day 77

Got up, got Gabriel's bag ready for preschool. Today it's open again. We feel a bit nervous about it for sure because he's our baby boy, but at the same time he has been out of preschool for 2 and a half months and needs to go back to learn and play with other kids. 
I showered and changed him, he was not happy. When I showed him his Spiderman lunch bag he calmed down. On the ride he would keep saying 'friends' over and over. He was fine when we left him. I think he remembered the place and was OK.
After we came home, I finished up the case review, talked to a few people.
My sister called me and she put me on the line with Disney about the AP we have. They did have us down for the extension.
Now I wait for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We got ready to go pick up Gabriel. He was eating lunch with the other kids and he was happy to see us. We came home and my wife bathed the boys and we also had lunch. We had the left over Sopa de Res and the kids had the left over Popeye's chicken. We went outside so the boys could ride their bikes. Right now trying to run out the clock and be off at 5. We left to go to Target but it was closed due to the looting and protesting. We ended up at Safeway and got some groceries 
(Afternoon: Sopa de Res, Water, Iced Coffee, Chicken)

We got home warmed up some deep-dish pizza, made some piña coladas and did laundry. We had dinner, i watched RAW and eventually put Gabriel to bed. I wanted to play Uno with Javi, but he was being a bray so I didn't play he needs to learn that he cannot be that way. Anyway about to play madden.
(Nighttime: pizza, piña colada, water, cherry pie)

Monday, June 1, 2020

lockdown day 76

Got up, went back to lay down. Watched the news, the United States is falling apart and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. There is so much divide between everyone that it is ridiculous. The mentality of us or them is what is breaking the argument and the point of the protest. The looting is proving again to take control of the narrative and moving us further from the real discussion. But I'm sure that those who don't agree with my statement will correct me and tell me how to feel. Anyway, off to shower. 
(Morning: nada)

We had Caldo de Res and I washed the dishes.  Now in the room watching Scrubs. We went outnfor a quick drive and came.back home. Watching more episodes of Scubs.
(Afternoon: Caldo de res, popcorn, banana chips, water)

We had dinner, left over sandwich, fries and later a pina colada. I got Gabriel ready for bed, took a shower and now trying to get him to sleep. He is going to day care tomorrow. They are opening back up. After he fell asleep, I came out and drew a picture for Javi, finished watching the second Pirates of the Caribbean and chilled. Played madden and now going to sleep 
(Nighttime: roast beef sandwich,  home made fries, pina colada, water)