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Monday, March 2, 2020

training day

Woke up, made Gabriel a bottle, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth. Found parking and took a nap before going in. Starting at 1440 for training today.
The first training went ok, someone had an attitude but it is what it is.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Went to Costco to grab a slice and a smoothie. Ate lunch and hung out with Kathleen for a bit. Now back in training. Hope we finish by 4.
We were done and I headed over to get the boys at my sister's. Helped my mom with some things before coming home.
(Afternoon: sandwich,  pizza, smoothie, water)

Got home, took out the trash and recycling. Played with the kids and watched some tv. Put Gabriel to bed,  did some accounting and fell asleep on the couch.
(Nighttime: jalapeno peppers, cheese sticks,  beer, water)

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