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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

lockdown day 1

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry,  made coffee and headed out. Not too many cars out today. It's the first day of the stay at home ordnance. Let's see how this goes. We have a training and I don't know what else. Hopefully they make the right call and let us work from home. Anyway, going to nap until go time. Got to work to find out that everyone was able to work from home except for me. I don't have a lap top yet, I sent an email to voice my concerns about that. 
I did one of the trainings from my desk at 1440 and after went to Costco with Amilcar. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch, got back to my desk. Waiting on an assignment to do something. Went out for coffee and now sitting here. Uncertain about what will go on tomorrow. About to head out of here soon. Left work and headed quickly to Target, got some things and some coffee for my wife and cookies for the boys. Got home and played outside for a bit before coming in to eat some sopa de frijoles and read to Gabriel a bit. I told my mom to stay in and not worry about picking up the boys while we are on lock down.
(Afternoon: bisteak, white rice, coffee, water,  sopa de frijoles)

Played with the boys, read Gabriel a few books. Right now we are watching YouTube videos of Disneyland rides. I vacuumed the livingroom and the room, changed Gabriel and showered. Put him to bed after and now watching tv before bed. 
(Nighttime: cookies)

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