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Monday, March 23, 2020

lockdown day 7

Got up, took out the trash, made the boys pancakes and started communicating with my supervisor to see if there was any update on the laptop situation. There is none really. It's still a waiting game. I hope they call me today so I can go pick it up.
I showered and got ready in case I have to go get it. We went out for a walk and came back home. I went real quick to Safeway to grab some things.
(Morning: boost, coffee and water)

Had some left over soup and chilled. Very sleepy, watched some wwe network and waiting to hear from work. Nothing yet. I sent a message out to Cullo regarding an oil change and brake change, him and Alexia came over to pick up the car
(Afternoon: sopa de res,  water, Gatorade)

After they left, I bathed the boys, took a shower, had dinner and now watching some Tiger King before trying to put Gabriel to bed. He did not want to for to sleep. My wife went in the room with Javi and I came out to watch RAW before bed.
(Dinner: nachos, peanut butter sandwich)

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