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Monday, March 16, 2020

training day 1

Got up, got ready,  made Gabriel a bottle, made coffee and headed out. It's raining out, there was light traffic but more cars than normal. Parking was easy, it's been a bit of a ghost town around here. 
Today is the first day of the new way we will be doing our work for the next few weeks. This COVID-19 situation is changing the way that we live. The boys have no school for 3 weeks, our buildings are closed to the public as well. It's going to be interesting, I hope that things get better soon. 
Got in and confirmed that we are still doing trainings. The schedule did change. There was an email regarding potential telecommuting and I sent it out to see if they give it to us.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

The first training was good, finished a little over the time, but we got through everything. Had lunch and chilled. The mayor of SF declared a stay at home recommendation for everyone, other counties including San Mateo are in on it as well. Now doing the 2and training. I was able to see my friend Mimi and she broke the news she was expecting,  I am so happy for her.
Did the training and walked to the car. Drove home and got my wife to go pick up the boys.
(Afternoon: sandwich,  monster, corn chips)

After spending some time at my sister's,  we came home and ordered a pizza since Gabriel was asking for one. I started laundry and we played until the food got here. Not feeling too good about what is going on in the world, but we have to stay strong. I put Gabriel to bed and showered. Came out to log into HBOGO and Gabriel woke up. My wife is putting him to bed and I am waiting for her to get out so we can watch Curb your Enthusiasm. 
Watched 2 episodes and finished up RAW. About to go to bed
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

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