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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

hump day... teacher conference

Gabriel woke me up at 5 so I can give him his milk. Did that, changed his diaper and went to get ready. Not taking anything to work today since I am leaving early to go to Javi's parent/teacher conference. The drive was smooth and now parked. Going to nap until it's time to start walking. 
Got up went to 1440 to start the day, hung out for a bit before leaving to the joint forum. After here going back to 1440 until I go home.
(Morning: boost, oatmeal cookies)

Took off of work and walked to the car. Drove to serramonte and went to Target to get some items we needed at house. After I drove home to hang out until Javi's parent/teacher conference. 
Went to the conference and it sent as expected, Javi is doing great, just needs to slow down. After we went home and I rested for a bit. Soon going to get the boys. 
We got to my sister's and hung out a bit, the boys played a little longer and we went to go eat.
(Afternoon: water, monster, lemon chicken and fried rice leftovers, iced coffee)

We ate at Chevy's and came home. Bathed the boys, showered and put Gabriel to bed. Took Javi to bed when I got out and now watching tv. I was falling asleep on the couch,  so I went to bed. 
(Nighttime: half a burrito, chips and salsa, water)

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