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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

lockdown day 15

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to wash and dry. Made my coffee, made Gabriel a bottle and headed off to work. I'm taking a chance here with parking because I am at a 1 hour zone, but SFMTA has suspended the time limits so we will see. Hopefully I am not here too long today.
I will say this, it does feel good to be back on a routine.
Got to my desk and checked in. I was able to review my emails, thre were 95 of them. I installed an app on my phone that is connected to my VPN for work.
I waited for IT and they showed up, they couldn't get my desktop to work so I had to wait to get one at 1650 Mission around 12. They passed by and brought us food, it was chicken enchiladas, with rice and beans.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water, chicken enchiladas, rice and beans)

I went to go pick up the desktop and headed quickly to Target for a quick run. Got some essential items and came home to set up my new work station. There are some issues, but the main thing is that I get to work from home now. It looks like all the way up to 5/3/20. Now I am home, more comfortalbe and thankful that I can do this and help out.
I did quite a bit of work and sent out some emails to get people to pick up their equipment and logged off.
(Afternoon: Water, gatorade)

Watched some TV, showered, had dinner and did a night dance party that we dubbed a quarantine rave. Gave the boys glow sticks and they went to town with some tunes. After we watched tv, going to finish up this show and go to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken,  beans, beer, water)

Monday, March 30, 2020

lockdown day 14

Got up, still nothing from work. Checked in and went out to make pancakes for the boys. I had coffee and 2 croissants. I had Javi do some homework and we took a break to take a walk. It was a nice one, Javi wasn't too thrilled about it, but we needed to get out. We ordered some Red Robin's for lunch.
(Morning : croissants, coffee, water)

The food got here, I showered and ate. Prepared the meatloaf for tomorrow. It looks really good. I got ancallnfrok Jeimil regarding my equipment. I should be getting it tomorrow. He told me go to my desk at 1235 and I will be contacted between 9-12. I hope they get there quick and that it's lap top.
(Afternoon: pig out burger, fries, water, red bull)

Been hanging out, bathed the boys, watching RAW and going to see what I snack on for dinner. Getting my things ready for tomorrow. The order I placed through Safeway came, but it was mostly canceled. The Paper towels and toilet paper were out of stock, so they only sent a few things in the order. Oh well. We have enough. Time to shower. I had 2 croissants and a boost for dinner. Watched tv and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: croissants, boost, water)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

lockdown day 13

Got up,  made the boys some eggs. Washed dishes, made me a coffee and now watching cartoons with them. My wife is still sleeping.
We went to the bank and to Safeway and came home. Played a bit and chilled. Played go fish with Javi, rumbled and tumbled with Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee)

Watching tv and roughhousing with the kids. They had lunch and I am waiting to see what we are having. Looks like tacos de carne and some salad. It was really good. Tasty. After we went for a walk and the boys played outside for a bit. More science experiments and I went to shower. 
(Afternoon: tacos de carne, salad, water)

Debating on what to have for dinner. Decided to have strawberries,  banana, ice cream and dry cereal for dinner. Watched the walking dead and now putting Gabriel to sleep. Almost done with that and off to watch tv after. 
Hung out with my wife and Javi, watched some YouTube videos and sent Javi to bed. Hopefully tomorrow there is word on my equipment for work so I can go pick it up and get to work. Off to bed now. 
(Nighttime: strawberries, banana,  ice cream, dry cereal) 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

lockdown day 12

Got up, had a boost and coffee. Watching more Tiger King documentary.  Made the boys an early lunch. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had some bean soup while watching Tiger King. Went to Target real quick and came back home. Finished the show and bathed the boys, about to shower and chill for the rest of the night.
(Afternoon: bean soup, rice, cheese)

Did some science projects with the boys, had nachos and started watching Rise of Skywalker.  Put Gabriel to bed, played Yahtzee with Javi and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, nachos, dry cereal frosted flakes)

lockdown day 11

Got up, finished watching Sinner and had a boost with coffee. Vacuumed the living room and now watching some Disney plus. We went for a walk and came back home.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had sopa de queso and some water. Played with the kids and fell asleep for a bit. We played with Javi's science kit and I ordered some pizza. 
(Afternoon: sopa de queso,  water)

Had pizza, wings and cheesey bread. A couple of beers. Played Cars with Javi while talking to Amilcar and now starting to watch the Simpsons. Changed Gabriel and put him to bed, talked to my mom and now out here in the living room with my wife watching tv.
(Nighttime: pizza, wings, beer, cheesy bread)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

lockdown day 10

Got up, talked with Amilcar for a bit. After got ready and we took the boys out for a walk. We went to Krispy Kreme to get donuts and came back home to chill. 
(Morning: boost, donuts)

Made hamburgers and fries, well I had like 4 of them, by the time I was done cooking and eating they were gone. Fell asleep for a bit. Tried logging in Javi to his Google classroom and I have a unit meeting and a town hall meeting later.
Teied to log into the unit meeting and it did not work. Now chilling until the town hall meeting. 
Got on the town hall and there was some ok information, nothing groundbreaking. Now we still wait for our laptops. Hopefully before 4/7.
(Afternoon: hamburgers,  fries, water)

Had corn chips and beer. Watched tv, about to shower and put Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep and I came out of the room. Watched tv for a bit and now about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, corn chips, water)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

lockdown day 9

Gabriel kept waking me up to show me stickers. I finally got up and went to see that Javi was able to pull out his loose tooth. So later he will leave it for the tooth fairy. About to grab a boost and see where today leads. We should have been in Disneyland today, but this stupid coronavirus ruined that. So irritated with that. Anyway, we went for an quick walk and played. My surgery got rescheduled for May 8th.
Still nothing from work, hopefully soon
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and made a quick Target run. Found some good items and came back home. Right now having Javi do his workbook and Gabriel is playing. After some time Gabriel took a nap and I watched some wrestling. 
(Afternoon: chicken, rice, mashed potatoes)

We played a fishing game and had some cinnamon rolls. I also had some coffee. Bathed the boys and showered. Now watching Lego Masters. After the show I had him brush his teeth and go to bed. He placed his tooth under his pillow. After I played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: boost, water, cinnamon roll)

lockdown day 8

Got up, put clothes to dry. Played with the kids. Changed them and fed them. Folded clothes. Work has not called me, still waiting. I got ancall from Amilcar and he told me his Dad passed away this morning in Nicaragua.  Not related to the coronavirus, i truly feel for him. I have gone through losing and twice. But it's not about me here. It really sucks that he can't go over there to be there to bury him and pay his last respects. But it's the current circumstances. I wish I could help him get there.
Every passing day outside seems to be getting worse. I really would like to work and help out. But they haven't given me the proper tools for that. Anyway taking the boys outside to play with chalk.
(Morning: boost. Water)

My wife came back home and I am about to shower. Lunch time soon. We ate Hawaiian BBQ and after I finished folding clothes. Right now laying in bed with Gabriel. He went to the living room, I followed a bit after we played and got ready to go outside for a bit. Cullo came over to drop off the Camry and stayed a bit. It stared to rain and he went home, we went in the house.
A little later I went to fill up the car with gas and parked the car in front of the house.
(Afternoon: BBQ mix plate, zingers, water)

Been here just trying to pass the time. Watched the Dark Side of the Ring show and had some ice cream. I have a headache and not feeling too well. Nothing like the symptoms of the coronavirus, just a headache. Everything else feels fine. Might be a hunger headache,  haven't eaten dinner yet. I put Gabriel to bed and went to shower. I ate some toast and peanut butter. Watched some TV and now going to bed. 
(Nighttime : ice cream peanutbutter,  toast, water, Ritz crackers)

Monday, March 23, 2020

lockdown day 7

Got up, took out the trash, made the boys pancakes and started communicating with my supervisor to see if there was any update on the laptop situation. There is none really. It's still a waiting game. I hope they call me today so I can go pick it up.
I showered and got ready in case I have to go get it. We went out for a walk and came back home. I went real quick to Safeway to grab some things.
(Morning: boost, coffee and water)

Had some left over soup and chilled. Very sleepy, watched some wwe network and waiting to hear from work. Nothing yet. I sent a message out to Cullo regarding an oil change and brake change, him and Alexia came over to pick up the car
(Afternoon: sopa de res,  water, Gatorade)

After they left, I bathed the boys, took a shower, had dinner and now watching some Tiger King before trying to put Gabriel to bed. He did not want to for to sleep. My wife went in the room with Javi and I came out to watch RAW before bed.
(Dinner: nachos, peanut butter sandwich)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

lockdown day 6

Got up a little late, Gabriel was being a butt this morning. Made coffee and had lemon loaf. My stomach is acting up. Let's see what today brings. We went out quickly to Safeway and got some things. Played water balloons and now about to shower. 
(Morning: coffee, lemon loaf)

I was watching Dark Side of the Ring, the Chris Benoit episode, we went outside to play for a bit and had lunch. Sopa de Res. It was delicious,  after Gabriel went to bed, I watched TV, Javi read. We are about to play cards in a bit.
(Afternoon: sopa de res,  Gatorade, water)

Went out to get the boys some burgers and came home and ate hard boiled eggs and some Ritz crackers. We watched some tv before I put Gabriel to sleep. Watched the walking dead and Curb your Enthusiasm and now off to bed. I hope they call me from work tomorrow telling me to go pick up my laptop. 
(Nighttime: beer, hard boiled eggs, ritz crackers,  water)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

lockdown day 5

Got up, made breakfast for the boys. Made coffee and had lemon loaf. Now watching some news. I started to clean out the closet and made some hard cuts in shirts I no longer wear. We ran out to Walgreens to get some items and medication for my mother in law. But came home since they were taking long. Have to go back later.
Finished cleaning the closet and resting a bit.
(Morning: coffee, lemon loaf)

About to go out to get the medication and some food maybe. Shower after. Came back home, had lunch and rested. Showered and now again hanging out. 
(Afternoon: Popeye's chicken, coleslaw,  water)

Made mac and cheese,  chicken nuggets and cheese sticks. Bathed the boys and now putting Gabriel to bed. About to head out to play with Javi. We played charades and watched a bit of Shrek. Javi went to bed, I played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: mac and cheese,  chicken nuggets,  cheese sticks, water)

Friday, March 20, 2020

lockdown day 4

Got up, went to put clothes to dry. Made the  boys breakfast and now watching some tv before figuring out what's next. Last night the Governor mandated the stay at home to the whole state of California. Still trying to figure out when I go back in to work.
I was able to get some type of update to put into my timesheet. Hopefully they stay true to their words and pay us without using out PTO. About to go for a walk.
(Morning: eggs, Vienna sausage, coffee)

My wife made carne molida with potatoes and white rice, we had lunch and chilled for some time until my wife was done with work. I went out to get dinner and do a quick rub to Luckys. 
(Afternoon: carne molida, potatoes and white rice, water, monster)

Got home and ate dinner, watched some of Onward. Put Gabriel to bed and now going to shower. Did that had a few brewskis and watched tv. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi burrito, sushi, beer, water)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

lockdown day 3

Got up around 9. Had pancakes and coffee. Chilled and went for a walk. Came back to the house and now waiting to see what happens next.
(Morning: pancakes, coffee, water)

Watched sonic the Hedgehog with the boys. We went for a walk and came back home, eventually I got Gabriel to nap. We had Chevys for dinner and played some games.
(Afternoon: burrito, rice and beans, water)

Played Uno with Javi. He is having a hard time dealing with losing games. After I took a shower and watch some tv before bed.
(Nighttime: Ritz crackers, water)

lockdown day 2

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was quick, not too many cars out. Parking is empty, so I parked closer. It started to rain, now about to nap until I start walking.
I have to talk to my supervisor about a modified schedule to help out at home. This COVID-19 situation is not going away anytime soon, it's probably going to get worse.
I got in and there was an email about the virus and maybe going home with pay until they figure out the telecommuting situation. I talked to my supervisor and decided to submit and go home.
Before going home I stopped by Costco and was able to get paper towels and toilet paper, which is a relief. Now at home reading with Javi.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

We went out to get the boys Happy meals and I got me a sandwich from Little Lucca's. We came home and I ate half the sandwich and now chilling. About to see if Gabriel wants to nap. He did not. We went out for a walk and came back home, hung out and watched some videos, played hide and seek and chilled. 
(Afternoon: water, half little Luca combo)

Played catch with Javi, had dinner, half of the half sandwich,  gallo pinto and water. May or may not have a brewski. Lego masters is tonight. I think Gabriel fell asleep. Going to see what we do before the show. Need to shower still. Did that and wat he'd lego Masters. Watched more tv and off to bed
(Nighttime: half of a half sandwich, gallo pinto, water)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

lockdown day 1

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry,  made coffee and headed out. Not too many cars out today. It's the first day of the stay at home ordnance. Let's see how this goes. We have a training and I don't know what else. Hopefully they make the right call and let us work from home. Anyway, going to nap until go time. Got to work to find out that everyone was able to work from home except for me. I don't have a lap top yet, I sent an email to voice my concerns about that. 
I did one of the trainings from my desk at 1440 and after went to Costco with Amilcar. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch, got back to my desk. Waiting on an assignment to do something. Went out for coffee and now sitting here. Uncertain about what will go on tomorrow. About to head out of here soon. Left work and headed quickly to Target, got some things and some coffee for my wife and cookies for the boys. Got home and played outside for a bit before coming in to eat some sopa de frijoles and read to Gabriel a bit. I told my mom to stay in and not worry about picking up the boys while we are on lock down.
(Afternoon: bisteak, white rice, coffee, water,  sopa de frijoles)

Played with the boys, read Gabriel a few books. Right now we are watching YouTube videos of Disneyland rides. I vacuumed the livingroom and the room, changed Gabriel and showered. Put him to bed after and now watching tv before bed. 
(Nighttime: cookies)

Monday, March 16, 2020

training day 1

Got up, got ready,  made Gabriel a bottle, made coffee and headed out. It's raining out, there was light traffic but more cars than normal. Parking was easy, it's been a bit of a ghost town around here. 
Today is the first day of the new way we will be doing our work for the next few weeks. This COVID-19 situation is changing the way that we live. The boys have no school for 3 weeks, our buildings are closed to the public as well. It's going to be interesting, I hope that things get better soon. 
Got in and confirmed that we are still doing trainings. The schedule did change. There was an email regarding potential telecommuting and I sent it out to see if they give it to us.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

The first training was good, finished a little over the time, but we got through everything. Had lunch and chilled. The mayor of SF declared a stay at home recommendation for everyone, other counties including San Mateo are in on it as well. Now doing the 2and training. I was able to see my friend Mimi and she broke the news she was expecting,  I am so happy for her.
Did the training and walked to the car. Drove home and got my wife to go pick up the boys.
(Afternoon: sandwich,  monster, corn chips)

After spending some time at my sister's,  we came home and ordered a pizza since Gabriel was asking for one. I started laundry and we played until the food got here. Not feeling too good about what is going on in the world, but we have to stay strong. I put Gabriel to bed and showered. Came out to log into HBOGO and Gabriel woke up. My wife is putting him to bed and I am waiting for her to get out so we can watch Curb your Enthusiasm. 
Watched 2 episodes and finished up RAW. About to go to bed
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

easy like Sunday morning

Got up, chilled for a bit. Cleaned the bed and had breakfast and coffee. After hung out playing and playing a Spanish video for the boys. After the video was done I played no stress chess with Javi and my wife took them outside. 
(Morning: French toast, coffee)

Well, being that we are in a non official quarantine,  i have elected myself to be the runner for the household. I'd rather keep everyone in home safe and just go get things quickly. So i went to Target tonget some items. Also got some in and out burgers for lunch. Back home, put things away and now ready to eat some lunch.
(Afternoon: 2 double, doubles)

Fell asleep a bit and woke up to bathe the boys. Had dinner and watched the walking dead. Now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Came out,  showered and watched tv. Going to bed after. 
(Nighttime: chicken tacos, beer, half a burrito)


Got up, it's raining, sonthat means FREE CAR WASH! anyway, getting ready to head out to my mom's to fix that computer issue. Got ready and headed out to my mom's. Spent about 2 hours on the phone with McAfee getting those items fixed for my mom. After we came home. 
(Morning: coffee, boost)

Got home, my mom stayed with the boys. We went to watch Bloodshot,  it was an interesting movie. After we hit up Target for some snacks and now we are home. After a bit I went to drop off my mom and returned. Now watching tv and waiting to see what's for dinner.
(Afternoon: popcorn, ICEE,  cookies)

Burritos is what's for dinner. The order came in wrong, had some hot sauce on the kids food. But we ate. About to watch tv. Changed the boys, put Gabriel to bed,  showered and watched a movie. 
(Nighttime: Burrito, beer)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

a bit late

Got up 15 minutes late. Got ready, put clothes to dry,  made Gabriel a bottle, made coffee and drove to work. Traffic was light, found good parking, about to head to work.
Got to work, started making copies for the trainings. Looks like they will be changed up a bit. Checked emails and been resting.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Going to eat left over Popeye's chicken and agua. Very anxious right now as there is no real information about out training and other things going on here.
Left work, went home, chilled a bit before going to grab dinner
(Afternoon : chicken, water)

We went to Chili's for dinner and came back home. Put Gabriel to bed, showered, watched tv and fell asleep. 
(Nighttime: onion petals, pasta and shrimp)

Friday, March 13, 2020

back at it, the world is in a panic

Got up, got ready and drove go work. 7 more days of work. Yesterday was a much needed day of rest. Things are getting crazy out here with the coronavirus scare. Going to see what I need to wrap up today. I was able to get a shadow done in the morning and chilled.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had left over meatloaf and some corn nuts. Did another shadow, submitted my reports and attended my unit meeting. They officially closed Disneyland for the rest of the month starting on Saturday, meaning that our trip is canceled. I was able to get Javi into the program for the week at school and I reserved some new dates in May. I canceled the hotel stay and dining reservations we had for this trip and now heading home.
(Afternoon : meatloaf,  white rice, corn nuts, water, red bull)

Got to my sister's and chilled for a bit. After dropped mybwife and kids off at home and went to pick up some Popeye's chicken for dinner. Came back home and ate, now trying to put Gabriel to bed. After I am going to shower and watch some tv until bed time 
(Nighttime: chicken, Cole slaw, biscuits, water)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

out sick

Got up,  not feeling it today. Called out sick.  Going back to bed. I went to go drop Gabriel off, talked to the Samsung representative and headed back to bed.
(Morning: boost, stroop waffle, water)

Showered, went to Costco, ran into my old supervisor Aida and chatted for a bit. A lot of people are panicking over this coronavirus and buying things like crazy. We had lunch and came home. I napped some more. My mom dropped the boys off.
(Afternoon: hot dog, pepperoni pizza, water)

We went out to look at some TVs. The Samsung is done for. We had dinner and went back to Costco to get a Sony TV. I installed it while my wife bathed the boys. I put them to sleep and showered, now watching tv.
(Nighttime: sushi burrito,  beer, California roll)

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

9 more work days

Got up, got ready,  put clothes to dry,  made Gabriel a bottle, packed my lunch, made coffee and headed out. It's a bit cold this morning but bearable. The drive was quick and smooth, found parking and now going to nap until walking over to work. More shadowing today and going to try and catch those I haven't been able to shadow due to no shows. I got to work and checked out some emails and waited for a shadow. During that time I was tasks with getting tickets for my wife, sister and mom to go watch Enrique Iglesiad and Ricky Martin in San Jose. I got the tickets and I was able at least contact the person I was going to shadow, but no luck yet.
Still waiting to see if there is an interview to shadow. I may go out to Walgreen's in a bit. They ended up canceling our forum meetings for the month of March due to the Coronavirus issue that is going around. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

After the shadow I went out to Walgreen's to get some chips. Came back to my desk, the lunch area was full so I came back to my desk and ate my sandwich and chips. Watching Gemini right now, waiting for my next shadow appointment. No luck, 3 tries, 1 no answer, 2 decline interviews at this time. I decided to finally create a Venmo account so I can avoid issues with sending my wife some payments via the cash app. Now running out the clock.
Left work and walked to the car, drove home and finished off the dinner process. We are having meatloaf with rice.
(Afternoon: Doritos, Sandwich, Water, Monster)

Went outside for a bit, Javi rode his bike and then we had dinner. I bathed the boys and soon will shower myself. Did all that, came out and we were noticing that there is a black line on the tv and it is starting to overheat in the corner. Sent an email and a request for support, if it can't be fixed, have to get a new tv. Anyway, going to bed.
(Nighttime: meatloaf, rice, water)

Monday, March 9, 2020

2 more weeks

Got up a few times. Gabriel had a bad night, he kept flopping around like a fish. He hit me 2 times and wouldn't stay put, I thought he was going to fall off the bed. I got up and went to get dressed, made Gabriel a bottle, made my coffee and headed out. The drive was quick, found good parking and now waiting for time to start walking. Two more weeks of work until I get a week off. Tired of working at the moment, need a break. Got to work and checked in, reviewed some emails and waited for my morning shadow. It took 3 tries but she got someone. Very good interview in Spanish. Now going to have lunch.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had a cup o noodles soup and water, watched some WWE network and chilled. Getting ready for my second shadow. Trying out a Bang energy drink. Not a fan so far. Anyway I hope this goes well so I can try to get 2 shadows the afternoon. So far no luck, 2 calls so far and no answer. Going to see if there is another ticket or if we just wait until another day.
Not able to shadow, will do it another day.  Left work and went home. 
(Afternoon: Cup o noodles, Bang, Water)

Got home, had some cheeze-its and cheese sticks. Put clothes to wash, right now out getting my wife her dinner at Chili's. We got back home and I put Gabriel to bed, showered, read with Javi and watched some tv.
(Nighttime: cheeze-its, water, cheese sticks)

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Got up and showered, got ready to go to Stacks in Burlingame for breakfast for Olga's birthday. Met everyone there and had a good breakfast, came home after and cleaned out my CPAP machine. 
(Morning: breakfast sandwich,  coffee)

Changed Gabriel and now having a cup of coffee. After a bit we went to Target tonget a few things. Came back and now watching the Elmination Chamber.
(Afternoon: coffee, caramel frappuccino)

Had an early dinner, sopa de res and took Javi out to ride his bike and play catch. Came back in, played Loteria and Uno. About to help Javi shower and play some more. Finished up the wrestling show,  read a few books to Gabriel, tried to get them to sleep, this time change is a sonofabish, anyway after we watched the walking dead and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: sopa de res, water)

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Got up, changed Gabriel and eventually came out to the living room and made pancakes for the boys. Heated up my nacatamale to have with coffee. After that hung out for a bit until I went to shower.
(Morning: nacatamale, coffee)

We headed over to serramonte to have lunch at Dave and Buster's,  walked around the mall and I got me some Jordan's to match the boys shoes, got some clothes for the boys and drove home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and woke up after I put him in bed, brought him out to the living room with me and sent both napped for some time. 
(Afternoon: water, burger, appetizer nachos,  fries)

We went to Tanforan to go to Old Navy tonget some clothes for the boys. I got me some jeans that were on sale as well. After we went to BJ's for dessert. We ate and came home, put Gabriel to bed and are trying to finish Jexi. After going to sleep, hour springs forward tomorrow.
(Nighttime: water, dessert)

Friday, March 6, 2020

Finally Friday

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed,  put clothes to dry, got my coffee and headed out. Traffic was light, got some good parking and now waiting to walk to work. Today is another shadow day, going to try to give some people the answers they need, offer an early shadow and chill. 
No luck on the shadow, went about my business until lunch time.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I ordered shrimp chow fun and went to pick it up. Had lunch, attempted a shadow with no luck and waited until it was time to go home. I walked to the car and went to pick up some nacatamales at my mom's place before coming home. I got us tickets to watch Onward.
(Afternoon: shrimp chow fun, water)

Watched the movie, it was really good. Now we are at home. Got here, showered and had a few beers and some snacks. Now watching wrasslin before bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn,  icee, beer, ritz crackers,  cheeze its)

Thursday, March 5, 2020

shadow day... the beginning

Got up quite a few times. Gabriel is not a good sleeper, he moves around way too much. When I got up officially he was almost under my legs. I went to get dressed, made Gabriel a bottle,  put my lunch away, made coffee and headed out. The drive was good, smooth and quick. Parked and now going to nap until I start to walk over to work. I got to work and started to review emails and checked in with one of the shadows to see if she wanted to do it today instead of tomorrow. We were able to get it done today. It was a pretty good interview, very straight forward. After she had some questions about the process, but I was not able to fully answer them as they are a management issue.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I was able to reschedule Gabriel's dentist appointment for 3/24. Went to eat my lunch, it was the left overs from yesterday. Had some water and came back to the desk to watch the League and some WWE wrestling, the 2002 Elimination Chamber match from Survivor Series to be exact. Now waiting on my second shadow. It took two tickets to get the interview for us. So far the interview is going well. Done with that and now waiting for our unit meeting. After that heading outta here!
Took off from work and headed home to put the trash bins away and picked up my wife to go get the boys.
(Afternoon: Left overs from Chevy's, water)

Hung out, had pizza from Costco and came home. Started laundry, showered and played with the kids a bit. Put Gabriel to bed and came out and helped Javi finish his homework. We watched the Lego Masters show. Now hanging out and watching tv.
(Nighttime: pizza, cookies, water)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

hump day... teacher conference

Gabriel woke me up at 5 so I can give him his milk. Did that, changed his diaper and went to get ready. Not taking anything to work today since I am leaving early to go to Javi's parent/teacher conference. The drive was smooth and now parked. Going to nap until it's time to start walking. 
Got up went to 1440 to start the day, hung out for a bit before leaving to the joint forum. After here going back to 1440 until I go home.
(Morning: boost, oatmeal cookies)

Took off of work and walked to the car. Drove to serramonte and went to Target to get some items we needed at house. After I drove home to hang out until Javi's parent/teacher conference. 
Went to the conference and it sent as expected, Javi is doing great, just needs to slow down. After we went home and I rested for a bit. Soon going to get the boys. 
We got to my sister's and hung out a bit, the boys played a little longer and we went to go eat.
(Afternoon: water, monster, lemon chicken and fried rice leftovers, iced coffee)

We ate at Chevy's and came home. Bathed the boys, showered and put Gabriel to bed. Took Javi to bed when I got out and now watching tv. I was falling asleep on the couch,  so I went to bed. 
(Nighttime: half a burrito, chips and salsa, water)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

training day 2

Got up, got dressed,  made Gabriel a bottle, put clothes to dry,  made coffee, spent several minutes convincing myself to go to work and headed out. Traffic was smooth, got parking, now going to nap until I start my walk. Day 2 of training, this time in my building.
Got in and made copies, started the training and it went ok. Again one team member was on one and irritating me. Anyway, after here going to get lunch and wait for the 1:30 show.
We finished a bit early and went back to my desk.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Checked some items, chatted with Sandra for a bit. Went out the Market to get some food. I ended up getting a burrito and an iced caramel machiatto from Peet's. Now getting back to work and watching the League for a bit before going to set up the training.  Really don't want to do training today, over it. But, here...we..go!
The second training was good, some good questions, check in with my supervisor before I left to walk to the car and drove home. Got home and Javi practiced on his bike, while Gabriel and I played with the basketball. Javi also practiced catching a football. We came in and I made Javi some shrimp.
(Afternoon: Burrito, Iced Caramel Machiatto, Water)

Went out to grab some Fung Wah Chinese food for dinner. For old time sake they got the order wrong. We ate and I took a shower, now putting Gabriel to bed. He finally went to bed, I came out while Javi was doing his reading homework, he went to bed. Helped my wife with some practice questions for her interview tomorrow. Now watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: orange chicken,  fried rice, beer, water)

Monday, March 2, 2020

training day

Woke up, made Gabriel a bottle, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth. Found parking and took a nap before going in. Starting at 1440 for training today.
The first training went ok, someone had an attitude but it is what it is.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Went to Costco to grab a slice and a smoothie. Ate lunch and hung out with Kathleen for a bit. Now back in training. Hope we finish by 4.
We were done and I headed over to get the boys at my sister's. Helped my mom with some things before coming home.
(Afternoon: sandwich,  pizza, smoothie, water)

Got home, took out the trash and recycling. Played with the kids and watched some tv. Put Gabriel to bed,  did some accounting and fell asleep on the couch.
(Nighttime: jalapeno peppers, cheese sticks,  beer, water)

storage day

Got up, had a boost and headed out to the storage room to meet my mom. Took out a few boxes and emptied out and threw out others. First step in a long clean up project. 
(Morning: boost)

Showered and went out to eat lunch. Gabriel fell asleep in the car, I stayed with him while my wife and Javi ate lunch. After came home. Played catch with Javi and he was learning to ride his bike. Resting up right now.
(Afternoon: blue cheese burger, water, fries)

We went to Target to get a few things and came back home. I washed dishes and made lunch for tomorrow. Put Gabriel to bed, showered and watched the walking dead. Updated some things on my PS4 before bed.
(Nighttime: mozzarella sticks, water)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

party day

Got up, made the boys pancakes, ate breakfast and talked with Javi for a bit. Started watching  Once upon a time in Hollywood. About to bathe the boys.
(Morning: carnitas, eggs, tortilla, coffee, water)

Got ready and headed out to the party. I had to drop my wife and kids off and look for parking. I arrived and offered to help with the set up, we ate had a good time and it was time to get back home. I napped a bit before playing Street Fighter. 
(Afternoon: water, chicken, pork, chiw mein, nachos, fried rice, cupcake)

Made the boys dinner and hung out and chilled. Having some 2 buck chuck and watching tv. Showered and now putting Gabriel to sleep. After we watched some tv before going to bed.
(Nighttime: merlot, cookies)