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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

So sleepy

Gabriel in bed does not equal to good rest. Got up at night 5:30, parkenme and ready to nap until going in to work. Got to my work site. Checked email and reviewed some documents. Olga stopped by and gave her feedback sheets to us. Later I will run them over to the group.

Went to meet Amilcar for lunch, I was inviting him for his birthday. The Gaslamp was full, so we had Thai food. It was delicious as always. Good conversation,  good food and headed to 1440.
Talked to Karla for a bit before going to our meeting, some interesting items came up. After the meeting went to Costco with Amilcar and after coming back to email my boss I started to drive  home.

Got home, folded clothes. We went to Trader Joe's and came back to have dinner. After dinner bathed the boys, right now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep, I helped brush Javi's teeth and put him to bed.  Watched some tv and now going to bed

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