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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Almost done

Got up, dressed and headed out to work. Drive was good, found good parking and waited. Walked to work and started doing some edits. Waited for the meeting we had for the 2913's.
That meeting went well and after I headed out to get lunch.

Ate a sandwich at Big Belly Deli, and I think it may be a long time until I go back there. It was ok, but too expensive for what it was. Met up with Amilcar at 1440 and ate. After met with my team to go over the meeting and to practice the SSI Cashout training. That went well, after I went to go talk to Mimi and Cynthia, also briefly with Rudy before coming home to start washing clothes.

My wife passed by picking me up and we went to my sister's to get the kids. Had dinner, went to Macy's and Target. Got a few things for the trip. Got home, packed our bags and finished washing. Now watching tv and about to go to bed. Last day of work tomorrow before the adventure  begins.

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