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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 2

Got up, didn't hear my alarm, but not worried, as I get ready pretty quick. I put clothes to dry and made a bottle for Gabriel before leaving. Thebdfice was good, slight traffic but not bad. Today I have a split day. Hope everything goes well.
Man, this SSI cash out is boring! Trying not to fall asleep. 

Walked over to 1440 and had lunch with Amilcar. Talked to Karla for a bit. Watched the AEW rally and it fell short of expectations. They did sign Chris Jericho, so that was cool. Went to my meeting and now waiting to go home.
Left work at 4:15 and drove home.

Got home, chilled, made some Orange Chicken and we had dinner. Played with the kids, folded laundry and put Gabriel to bed. Took a shower and drew some pictures for Javi. He wanted some of the characters from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. Had some ice cream after I put Javi to bed and now just watching TV for a bit and going to bed after

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