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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dad arrives tonight

Felt like I slept ok. But still tired. I fell asleep on the couch, around 11:50 I went to the room and went back to sleep. Gabriel got up once. I got up to get ready for work. Made coffee and started to drive. I have the forum today and I may try to get the money order.
Forum was good, checked in with my supervisor and had lunch.

Walked to the post office to get the money order and then to Walgreens to get Javi some pencils and a new sharpener. Now back at work, chilling and waiting until I have to start walking to the car.
Got to my car, met my sister and niece at the storage. Went to my sister's to get the kids and wait for my wife to pick us up.

Got home, both boys bathed. Had some dinner, watched some tv and my brother passed by picking my up to go get my Dad. Got him, took him to my sister's and changed him. Now home. About to shower and go to bed.

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