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Thursday, January 31, 2019


Decided to stay in today. Get some me time. Resting up ad much as I can. About to have a stretch where there will be no days off.

I went to look for waters for the kids. Got milk and came home to eat lunch, a shepherd's pie. Now relaxing and maybe will take a nap before we go to my sister's to take my dad to get blood drawn.

My wife got home, we took off. I went with my sister to take my Dad to get his blood drawn. It was quick, got back to the house and helped my Dad shower. After we went to grab dinner and came home. Put Gabriel to bed, finished washing, showered and now chilling before bed.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Middle of the week

Oh lord, slept ok, but need more sleep. I was really close to calling out sick, but if I did I won't be able to sleep. Anyway, got up, got ready and drove to work. There was a bit of traffic so I got out an exit before. Now waiting to start walking. Have the forum today and training practice.
Forum went well, I helped Ricardo with his presentation. After I made a quick guide on how to find soft pause in our systems.

Had lunch, chilled, walked over to 1440. Went to Costco with Amilcar and hung out before going to practice the presentation. Only Karla and Monika joined. Tomorrow there is another round of practice.  After I got a new assignment and went home. We are meeting at Chevy's for dinner.

Dinner was good, I had a burger, my wife a fajita salad,  the kids had steak and chicken fingers. After we came back home.  Now putting Gabriel  to bed. Took a bit, but he went to sleep. After hung out a bit and brushed Javi's teeth and put him to bed. Finished watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and going to bed soon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

So sleepy

Gabriel in bed does not equal to good rest. Got up at night 5:30, parkenme and ready to nap until going in to work. Got to my work site. Checked email and reviewed some documents. Olga stopped by and gave her feedback sheets to us. Later I will run them over to the group.

Went to meet Amilcar for lunch, I was inviting him for his birthday. The Gaslamp was full, so we had Thai food. It was delicious as always. Good conversation,  good food and headed to 1440.
Talked to Karla for a bit before going to our meeting, some interesting items came up. After the meeting went to Costco with Amilcar and after coming back to email my boss I started to drive  home.

Got home, folded clothes. We went to Trader Joe's and came back to have dinner. After dinner bathed the boys, right now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep, I helped brush Javi's teeth and put him to bed.  Watched some tv and now going to bed

Monday, January 28, 2019

Training preparation week

Got up, got dressed, packed my lunch, made my coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth. Parked and waiting for time. Going to try and practice the materials today as much as I can.
So far the morning is going well. Did a run through of the power point,  will do 2 more a little later.

Had some Baho that Amilcar's Mom sent to me, it was delicious. After finished up watching Sicario Dia de Soledad. Going to do another run through of the power point as it was updated. Waiting for time to go home.
Got some more information on the cash out, I was able to watch Christopher Robin. It was good. I liked it.
Time was up, headed to my car to go home.

Got home. Went to get the kids. Helped my dad shower and hung out for a bit. Came back home, picked up dinner, saw Arnel's sister and family, came home, ate, now trying to put Gabriel to bed. He went to bed, put Javi to sleep. Watched some Kimmy Schmidt, fell asleep watching RAW and now going to bed.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Royal Rumble Sunday

Got up, took a shower and made the kids breakfast. Left to go to my sister's to help take my Dad to get his blood work. Got there, went to Costco to get milk and now we are headed to Kaiser.
Got to Kaiser and my dad got his blood drawn, now headed back to my sisters to drop him off and go home.

Got home, chilled, had lunch and Gabriel took a nap, went to the park and came back home to start watching the Royal Rumble kick off show.

Amilcar stopped by and we were watching the show, had sushi delivered and right now putting Gabriel to sleep,  soon it will be Javi's turn.
The Royal Rumble was fun, way too long for Wrestling. In total is was bit short of 7 hours. Anyway, Becky and Rollins won their respective Rumble matches. After we hung out, watched tv and off to bed. Working tomorrow

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Takeover Saturday

Went to take the car to get serviced. After I got a ride back and home, we went to get Gabriel a hair cut and go some donuts. I went to pick up the car and went home. Got everyone ready to go.

Picked up some food at El Zocalo and went to go visit my Dad. Helped him shower, in a bit we are going to Serramonte to check out the card show and visit Arnel and Brian.
Stopped by the card show, met quickly with Arnel, Priscilla and Brian. Walked around a bit and got some diapers at Target.  After put gas in the truck and headed home.

Watched the last 2 matches of NxT Takeover and made the boys dinner, now trying to put Gabriel to bed.
Gabriel went to sleep pretty quick, came out and told Javi to go to bed. Watching some tv now and when my wife goes to bed I might watch the Chronicle show on Paige. After that it's  bed time, have to go take my Dad to get some blood work.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Got up, still tired. Gabriel is still acting crazy. Got dressed and made coffee, started driving and now parked and waiting to start walking. May take a nap.
Got to work and checked emails and had a quick chat with my supervisor, listening to podcasts and now just waiting to start walking over to 1440 to meet up with Rudy for lunch.

Had lunch with Rudy. It was very good. Had a bento box. Came back into work and went to the practice meeting. Been hanging out here, just waiting to go home.
Got home and picked up my wife. Went over to my sister's to see my dad.

We went to serramonte and had dinner at the food court. After I went to get Aria's and Amilcar's birthday gifts and then to Target. After we went back to my sister's to get the car and change my dad. On the way home crazy mouse over here was crying like a lunatic.
Trying to put him to bed, but he is being difficult.
He fell asleep and I finished watching Sicario.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

What alarm?

Woke up at 6:05, missed both alarms. Went to go get ready quick and make coffee. Ofcourse there would be an issue, ants on the dinning room table. Had to clear that off. Started my drive and traffic was light, got to my usual parking area and found one of the last few spots. Busy day today.
Morning was good, did some research and headed over to 1440.

Had a sandwich and salad combo. Went to 1440 and ate, we had our meeting and practiced. After talked to Rudy, Mimi and Cynthia and headed home. Picked up my wife and headed out to get the kids.

Got to my sister's and helped my Dad take a shower and get ready for bed. Had a light dinner and came back home. Putting Gabriel to sleep, soon it will be Javi's turn.
I fell asleep on the couch while waiting for the clothes to finish washing. When I woke up, I went to the room.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dad arrives tonight

Felt like I slept ok. But still tired. I fell asleep on the couch, around 11:50 I went to the room and went back to sleep. Gabriel got up once. I got up to get ready for work. Made coffee and started to drive. I have the forum today and I may try to get the money order.
Forum was good, checked in with my supervisor and had lunch.

Walked to the post office to get the money order and then to Walgreens to get Javi some pencils and a new sharpener. Now back at work, chilling and waiting until I have to start walking to the car.
Got to my car, met my sister and niece at the storage. Went to my sister's to get the kids and wait for my wife to pick us up.

Got home, both boys bathed. Had some dinner, watched some tv and my brother passed by picking my up to go get my Dad. Got him, took him to my sister's and changed him. Now home. About to shower and go to bed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Working again

Got up, still tired. Put clothes to dry, got my things ready and headed out to work. Traffic was ok, got good parking. Now waiting to start my walk. Today I may go to the post office to get the money order for Javi's school and send it out.
Completely forgot I had a webinar this morning, so the money order will have to wait until tomorrow or Thursday. It was interesting, learned a lot. About to go to lunch and head out to 1440.

Walked over with Kathleen after her interview. Went to Costco and to 1440. T.f walked to Tim for a bit. Went upstairs and gave Karla the bubble wands. I was reading up on potential forum items. I went to the meeting, not too much info. After I came home to pick up my wife and then to get the kids.

Ate some Popeye's chicken, washed a lot of dishes and my wife put the kids to bed. Going to watch Smackdown Live and get some sleep, the next 2 weeks will be tiring for me.

Monday, January 21, 2019

MLK day

Moved from the couch to the bed around 5. Got up around 8:45. Had coffee and cookies. Started to clean the bathroom and living room. Hung out for a bit and took a shower and got ready. Going out have lunch.

Waiting here at Red Robin's for a table. About to have lunch. Horrible experience there. We saw Arnel and Priscilla and said hi. After we went to Tanforan for a bit, more horrible customer service at finish line and Starbucks. Met my wife over at Target and ran into Arnel and Priscilla again. After we came home.

Got home, rested a bit. Arnel and Priscilla stopped by to hang out a bit and get the last things we were giving them for the baby. After they left my wife made spaghetti and I started washing clothes. Started late because I forgot it was Monday. Got my things ready for tomorrow as I return to work. Watching Raw and the Edge and Christian show before going to bed.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Going back home

Got up at 3 and started getting ready. Drove for bit, we found out that the I-5 was closed so we had to detour. We made it to the Iron Skillet to eat breakfast.  Then more driving.
We got back to my sister's at 11:45.

Switched out the car seat and booster seat, left the kids with my sister as they were going to take them to My Busy Town for a bit to meet with my brother and his kids. I went home, put things away and showed. My stomach is still having issues. I watched some football and went to pick up my wife at SFO and meet everyone at My Busy Town.
After we came home to hang out.

Came to find out that the Saints were jobbed out by the referees. So the Rams won. We watched most of the Patriots game and they won. So it will be Patriots vs Rams in the superbowl.  Going with Tom Brady and the Patriots. A little upset that it wasn't a Brady vs Brees matchup, but oh well.
I fell asleep on the couch, I was tired

Saturday, January 19, 2019


We got to the hotel at 4:30 and were able to check in. We rested and headed out tot the park. Got in, we were able to get on 'it's a small world' the Mad Hatter tea cups (twice) the carousel, met Mickey, Minnie and Pluto. Got on Roger Rabbit, the train. The haunted mansion and went to have lunch.

Alexia took the boys to Tarzan, we went to the Enchanted Tiki Room and the Indiana Jones ride. Got Aria her birthday present and the 2 bubble wands Karla wanted. Now hanging out in the shade while Gabriel naps and Javi plays with a Mayor doll from the Nightmare before Christmas.
We went to eat and get on more rides, my stomach is not doing me any favors right now.

We basically did everything at Disneyland, so we decided that we would call it a day and get some sleep so we could leave earlier than planned. We got back to the hotel room, gave both boys showers and I showered as well. About to go to sleep. Driving the leg in the morning.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Finally Friday

Got up, put clothes to dry, packed my and coffee and headed to work. There was some traffic, so I had to get off an exit early. Now hanging out until I walk to work. Not too busy of a day, but we have a meeting with management later.
Well, the morning was a bust. They canceled our meeting. I wish I would have known that yesterday so maybe I would have taken the day off. But oh well. Off to Walgreens to get something to snack on for the trip.

Didn't go to Walgreens,  just ate lunch and headed over to 1440 to meet with Amilcar and Karla. Did some reading on SSI cashout and when it was time to go home, I did. When I got home my wife was ready to go to the airport. I dropped her off and headed to my sister's to get the boys.

Switched the car seat into alexia's car, had dinner and came home. Got the rest of the things ready, showered and about to head out to my sisters to get this road trip started.
We are on the road to Disneyland. Going to put my eye covers on and listen to a podcast and drift away until I fall asleep.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Almost done

Got up, dressed and headed out to work. Drive was good, found good parking and waited. Walked to work and started doing some edits. Waited for the meeting we had for the 2913's.
That meeting went well and after I headed out to get lunch.

Ate a sandwich at Big Belly Deli, and I think it may be a long time until I go back there. It was ok, but too expensive for what it was. Met up with Amilcar at 1440 and ate. After met with my team to go over the meeting and to practice the SSI Cashout training. That went well, after I went to go talk to Mimi and Cynthia, also briefly with Rudy before coming home to start washing clothes.

My wife passed by picking me up and we went to my sister's to get the kids. Had dinner, went to Macy's and Target. Got a few things for the trip. Got home, packed our bags and finished washing. Now watching tv and about to go to bed. Last day of work tomorrow before the adventure  begins.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hump day

Gabriel slept a lot. I got up and got ready, it's double star day so I went to Starbucks to get coffee and a pastry. Got to my parking spot and chilled until I had to go in. I went to the forum meeting, did my part and now i am waiting for the maintenance person to install the arms on my desk for my computer. After I'm going to meet with Tim and Kathleen for lunch.

Afternoon :
Had a fun lunch. After I hung out, went to Costco with Amilcar. Drove home in the rain, went to get the kids.

Came home, my wife bathed Gabriel and I fed both boys. Drew some pictures for Javi and  ow resting. The storm hit pretty bad. The lights went out 3 times I think. Watched some tv and about to go to bed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Feels like a long week

Morning :
It's just Tuesday and it feels like this week is taking forever! Gabriel slept all night, which was great. I got up to use the bathroom and went back to sleep. When time had come to wake up, I did not want to. But I did, got ready, put clothes to dry, made a bottle and coffee and headed out to work. The drive was wet. It's raining and that makes people drive worse. I had to get off an exit earlier due to traffic, but found good parking and now waiting.
Lunch today with my unit for my supervisors birthday, a webinar and a meeting and the day is done.
Morning went well, reviewed some items and had conversations with folks. Headed out for lunch.

We ate at Cadillac Bar and Grill, we invited our supervisor to lunch for his birthday. I had a Cubano sandwich and after we headed to 1440 for the webinar and pre forum meeting. Those went well. After I went home to get my wife and go get the kids.

We went to Target and got some groceries  ran into Arnel and Priscilla. It's always great to see them. After came home to make dinner and fold clothes. Javi showered,  Gabriel has been asleep since we got home. After I showered and now going to bed.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Case of the Monday's

Sleep on top of the covers since Gabriel was on the bed. It was a bit cold. But I slept ok, my back hurts a bit. I'm not sure when I took my CPAP mask off, but I remember putting it back on around 4:11. Got up, got ready, left a bottle for Gabriel and drove to work. Light traffic, found parking. Now waiting.

Had lunch, chilled. Helped a few people out with cases. The government shut down has effected the food stamps program so we are still getting information about it. After went to my sister's to get the kids.

Got home, played with the kids. Had dinner. Started laundry and now put Gabriel down to sleep. He went to bed and I took a shower and finished up washing the clothes. Getting things ready for tomorrow.  Brushed Javi's teeth and he went to bed. Printed out another picture for him. Watched Raw and about to go to bed.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Easy like Sunday morning

Gabriel slept better. But still was acting like a butt. Brought him out and eventually my wife took him back. When they came out, I made breakfast and confirmed that I will be going to Disneyland next Saturday.  Cleaned up and about to shower. Watching some football.

Went to Stonestown and had lunch at Olive Garden. After we went to the park and played for a while. Came home, I went out to buy some ice cream. I owe Rudy lunch  because the Chargers decided to take a dump on the field. Changed the sheets and chilled.

Trying to put Gabriel to sleep so I can get my things ready for work. Looks like he may be sick again. So we have to see how tonight goes. He finally fell asleep, I took a shower and we played a game with Javi. After watched tv, made my lunch for tomorrow and about to go to bed

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Bad night for Gabriel again. Brought him and Javi out to the living room. Made breakfast and my wife went to her dentist appointment and I stayed home and got the kids ready. When my wife came home I went to the storage room to drop off the Christmas decorations and came back home.

We were going to see if we ate at Kome. But the line was super long so we went to Sizzlers instead. After hit up Target and went over to my sister's house. After a bit came home.

Got home, chilled. Watched some football. The kids bathed. Had dinner and pretty much just going to bed. Gabriel is still sick and whiny so we are all going to bed early

Friday, January 11, 2019

Made it to day 5

Gabriel was not feeling well. There were many start and stops to our sleep. But he finally went to sleep. Tired, but got up, got ready and now waiting for time to go to work. Later going to end at 1440.
Morning was fine, read a bit, took off to 1440 to go meet up with Rudy. Gave Rudy the shirt I had for him and we made a bet on the Patriots/Chargers game. I got Chargers winning this one. Lunch is on the line.

Had lunch with Amilcar at the Thai place,  after went back to work, printed some things out and met with my group. We came up with a game plan for training and hopefully our supervisor will go along with it. After I came home, it was raining a bit, so I rushed to the car. Made it home safe.

Gabriel is teething and is being moody. So we've been trying to make home comfortable. He finally fell asleep, but that just means he'll be up earlier.
Oh lord, I took a shower and he was up crying. My wife brought him out and around 9 I was able to get him to sleep. Turning in early since he is acting up with this sickness.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Day 4

It's early. Gabriel woke up when I did. Nade him a bottle, got ready in the dark so he wouldn't be tempted by the light. Drove to work and now parked. Today is a light day, unit meeting at 4.
The morning has gone ok, finished reading some things and now taking a break. Went back to my desk and the maintenance folks came over to change a light bulb. "It will only take a few minutes" they said,  An hour later they were done.

Had lunch, watched some Parks and Rec and chilled. Came back to my desk, read a few more things. Now waiting for my unit meeting and to go home. Can't wait for today to be over. The meeting was good, felt productive and hopefully things will change.

Got home, put the trash can away. Washed dishes, started laundry and we went to Trader Joe's and after to wingstop to pick up dinner. Came home, ate, more laundry, changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered and put Javi to sleep and now just watching tv and about to go to sleep.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Day 3

Had a night filled with a mini super kick party. Gabriel was kicking away and hit me a few times. Woke up, still tired and wanting to call out sick. But I got out if bed, got ready and now I am here, parked and waiting to go in to work. I have the CF forum meeting and more research today.
They changed to topic on me again, presented the two they gave me and went back to my desk.

Had lunch, took a little nap to get rid of my headache. Did a few things and got ready to go to the car
At my sister's right now, my wife is at the gym. Going home after dinner, trash night.

Nighttime :
Got home, took the trash out. Found out the the Giants are renaming AT&T Park, Oracle Park. Really not sure how I feel about that. Anyway, my wife put Gabriel to bed, while I washed dishes, showered and drew pictures for Javi. Now hanging out watching tv until bed time

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 2

Got up, didn't hear my alarm, but not worried, as I get ready pretty quick. I put clothes to dry and made a bottle for Gabriel before leaving. Thebdfice was good, slight traffic but not bad. Today I have a split day. Hope everything goes well.
Man, this SSI cash out is boring! Trying not to fall asleep. 

Walked over to 1440 and had lunch with Amilcar. Talked to Karla for a bit. Watched the AEW rally and it fell short of expectations. They did sign Chris Jericho, so that was cool. Went to my meeting and now waiting to go home.
Left work at 4:15 and drove home.

Got home, chilled, made some Orange Chicken and we had dinner. Played with the kids, folded laundry and put Gabriel to bed. Took a shower and drew some pictures for Javi. He wanted some of the characters from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. Had some ice cream after I put Javi to bed and now just watching TV for a bit and going to bed after

Monday, January 7, 2019

First day of work in 2019

Got up about 10 minutes before my alarm. Started getting ready, washed a bottle,  made coffee and drove to work. Traffic was smooth and now I am parked and waiting for time to go in. Have to check and catch up with emails and see what I need to get done. Should be fun. Hopefully my wife and kids have a good morning and it goes smoothly for them as they get back to normal schedule.
The morning went well, I had about 26 emails, most were about changing passwords. Got my new calander and rising desk. Now to focus on SSI cashout.

Had lunch, about to chill out and watch Parks and Rec and then back to work. Might have some green tea later. At 4:10 I started the walk to my car. Drove home, washed dishes, put clothes to wash. Waited for my wife to get home and we went to get the kids.

Got to my sister's and hung out a bit, went to Target,  came home, made dinner for the kids. Put Gabriel to sleep and showered. My wife put Javi to bed and we watched a bit of tv. About to go to bed

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Slept in a bit,  but still tired. About to go shave and shower. Watching the early playoff game between the Chargers and Ravens. Almost half time.

Shaved and showered. The Chargers won. My wife went with Javi to Trader Joe's and I stayed home with Gabriel while he napped. The second game came down to a FG attempt. The Bears Kicker missed and thr Eagles advanced. Might go grab some food, or just stay in. It's raining.

I went to grab burritos for dinner, came back and had dinner. Soon after we bathed the boys and got them ready for bed. Gabriel eventually fell asleep and so did Javi. Watched some tv and now going to bed. First day of work this year for me tomorrow.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Gabriel did not have a good night. He is back to his psychotic ways. I got up around 8:40, went to the living room. Javi was already up, made eggs for them for breakfast. Now just hanging out. It's supposed to storm this weekend.

Got the kids ready. My sister came by to take them to hop n play. We met up with them later and came home.

Finally saw Halloween, it was ok. Both kids went to bed during the movie and now about to go to sleep

Friday, January 4, 2019

The weekend is here

Got up, Javi was already in the living room.  Made him some eggs,  Gabriel had a bottle and some of my blueberries muffin. I took a shower and got them ready to take them to Kaiser.
Gabriel had to get a shot, Javi needed to pick up his glasses prescription. We headed to Darby Dan's for a sandwich and went home.

My wife came over for lunch. I finished the load of laundry I had started. My mom came over and we headed to my sister's house. Watched Night School, eh,  it was what it was. My wife came over and we went home.

Ate pizza for dinner. Cleaned up a bit, the boys went to sleep late. Watched the titan games and it was not good. Anyway, watched a bit of tv and now in bed.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Got up, my stomach was hurting, I came back to bed and slept a little longer. St as red to wash clothes, clean and feed the kids. Showered and my mom came over and took the kids to my sister's. I am about to head over there in a bit.

Went over to Target and Starbucks to get coffee. Got to my sister's house and finished laundry. Around 2:40 I came home to meet Arnel to give him the baby things. We had a good conversation and some good laughs. After we headed to my sister's to get the kids.

Had dinner, came home and washed dishes,  fed Javi and about to change Gabriel for bed. He didn't go down until close to 9:40. Right now I am watching Parks and Rec and about to change and go to bed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Let me tell you something Mean Gene

Got up around 7ish, my wife was getting ready and took Gabriel out to the living room. I went there around 7:35 and heard that Mean Gene Okerlund passed away. The voice of wrestling, gone. May he rest in peace.
Got the kids ready and played a quick game of Madden and we were off to pick up my mom. Took her to my sisters to pick up her car.

Went to Safeway to send money to my Dad via Western union. Got some things for lunch, came home. My mom took the kids to my sister's and I stayed home getting the things ready for Arnel to pick up. I waited for my wife to come home

Got to my sister's house and had dinner. came home and helped Javi take a shower. Now relaxing. Looks like Super Dave Osborne passed away as well. 2019 already taking names. About to watch some parks and rec and go to bed.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Offical weigh in for my yearly goal is 269.2lbs. Going to try an lose around 50lbs, main goal is to get to 225lbs by the end of the year. The other challenge will be no fast food (again) for the year. It's time to have some fun with this.
So I was able to take down all of the Christmas decorations and lights. Put them in a box and they are ready to go back to the storage. 

We went to Benihana to have a New Year's Day lunch. Food was good, after we went to Target and did some shopping in the clearance isle. Drove back home, stopped for gas. When we got here Gabriel had fallen asleep in the car.

Was hanging out, Gabriel woke up. Changed him, watched Smackdown Live and now watching a bit of Back to the Future before Gabriel goes to bed. Eventually both boys went to sleep, I played a game of Madden and now I am going to bed