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Thursday, April 29, 2021

lockdown day 409


Woke up and wanted to take the day off. But I changed and got Gabriel's lunch and bag ready. Got him dressed and took him to preschool. Came back home made coffee and logged in to work. I saw that I got invited to a meeting tomorrow about a project I have to do. I have been answering questions this morning and right now I just set up the hitting net with the pitching attachments. It's a nice day out so far.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


We went out to pick up Gabriel and to get food. We stopped by picking up our lunch at To-Go's. Came home and had lunch, now working and waiting for questions. Off at 4:30 today. Gabriel has a tee ball game today. On a break I took the boys outside to practice a bit. Javi did pitching and hitting. He is getting better at catching the ball. Gabriel did some catching, throwing and hitting. It's a process and they are doing much better. Finished up work and got Gabriel ready, we headed out to his game. It was a fun game, he had a blast. He got 2 hits and made a great play.

(Afternoon: Coke, Sandwich, water, iced coffee)


We passed by getting Burritos and came home. Had dinner, I showered and cut my hair. After I changed Gabriel and had Javi change as well. Relaxing now and playing Madden. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water, chips)

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