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Thursday, April 15, 2021

lockdown day 395


Woke up and went to get dressed. After I got Gabriel's lunch bag and back pack ready to go. Got him dressed and went over to drop him off. The bruise he had from the hit he had last night was better, but still looks pretty bad. Came back home and made coffee and checked in. Got some very sad news this morning, one of my good friends Mother passed away from complications of COVID. There are still many people that don't believe that this is a real thing and that people can pass away from complications, but it is real and it has caused so many to lose so many loved ones. Right now I am just waiting for questions. So this morning a year after they had some big cuts due to COVID, WWE decided to cut some more people. It is really frustrating as those they let go are actually really good, they keep people who are not good. If anyone should be let go, it should be the 'creative' team, they couldn't find anything for these talents. I know that they will go on to do big things. WWE is making a big mistake.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, cookies)


I went to pick up Gabriel at preschool and we took a different way home. There is construction going on so I took the freeway instead of the streets, saved me some time. Had left over Panda Express and now going to check back in, off early as it is a practice day for Javi. Trying to keep Gabriel busy while my wife makes some phone calls. Finished up work and headed down to the park to take Javi to practice. 

The practice was good, they did some hitting and fielding on a park near by. I noticed some kids playing in the distance and went to ask what team they were and it turns out they ate Gabriel's team, they had practice and did not call us. So I am going over for a team meeting in a few. Letting Javi play at the park for a bit. Before going the there.

(Afternoon: Panda express, crush, water, monster)


Talked to the team mom and the coach. They were apologetic and that's cool in all, but they were still blaming others for their mistake. I honestly feel like an outsider with them. We'll see how communication goes with them and if we receive anything. If they don't send me the things they said they would, I think we may just pull Gabriel from the tee ball team and start new next year. We don't want to be anywhere we are not welcomed. After I picked up Popeye's chicken and talked to a neighbor and now going to shower. Watched some Law and Order SVU and I got a call from Arnel. It was great talking to him and being able to be there to support him during this time. Now going tk bed.

(Nighttime: chicken, cole slaw, beer, water)

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