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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

lockdown day 408


Woke up and went to get dressed. Made Javi his lunch and got his bags ready. After breakfast I got him dressed and we took him to preschool. Came back home and made coffee and attended the weekly forum. Listened and did my presentation and now I am ere waiting for more questions to answer. I went quickly with Javi to Target and got some items and some Starbucks. 

(Morning; Coffee, water, Caramel Frappuccino)


I went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Gave the boys some lunch and now I am back in to work listening to a town hall on the future of our work. Attended the town hall and it looks good that we will still be able to telecommute to some extent. So, now I have 1 more hour to go before heading out to take Javi to the batting cages. Logged off of work and headed out to Union City for the cages. Javi was ready today,  he did awesome. After we drove home to pick everyone up for Gabriel's practice. 

(Afternoon: bisteak encebollado, gallo pinto, water)


We got to the park and Gabriel did his thing. They played in the kids area after and we just got home. Going to shower and decompress. Had dinner and watched some of the Giants game and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, gallo pinto, egg, meat, tortilla and cheese)

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