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Thursday, April 22, 2021

lockdown day 401


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's backpack and lunch bag ready. When he woke up I gave him breakfast and got him ready to go. We took him to preschool and dropped him off. Came home and made coffee and checked in to work. I didn't want to work today, but I have some meetings I need to be a part of so I have to be there. Attended the forum meeting and after took a break to get the snack bag ready to go since we are going to my sister's place today.

(Morning: Coffee, fig newtons, peanuts, Water)


Before we went to pick up Gabriel we went over to the neighbors house so Javi could thank him for the Giants items he brought over. After we got Gabriel and drove to my sister's. I got here in time to set up for the webinar and I have another meeting at 2.

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Coffee, Red Bull, peanuts, chicken finger)


After work we chilled for a bit. I got a break from driving as I had to attend a zoom meeting for score keeping. We got home and ordered pizza and picked it up. Had dinner, took out the trash and now going to shower. After we chilled and caught up on out shows. Now bed time. 

(Nighttime: gallo pinto,  egg, cheese, raspados de Leche, pizza, bread sticks, chicken wings)

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